"You guys are very powerful and united! There are grenades, rocket launchers, sword qi, and Yin Yang techniques. I just don't know if your tricks are used against you, whether you can resist them!"

With that said, Brother Cheng flew to the side of the densely packed grenades that surrounded it.

These grenades have all been pulled open by the telekinetic force, and the time to explode has long passed.

But squeezed by the frozen space, these grenades couldn't explode at all, and were forcibly frozen at the moment of explosion.

Because the explosion needs space.

In an absolutely airtight, impossible-to-breakthrough space, explosions cannot occur.

Brother Cheng looked at these densely packed grenades, and threw them towards the direction of the street with a smile, and threw them towards the figures of the girls.

One grenade after another flew out from brother Cheng's throw, hit the girls' bodies and feet, and then froze there.

At a glance, there were at least twenty or thirty grenades around the girls.

Only then did Brother Cheng close his hands with a smile, and looked at Lin Yuanfei not far away.

"How is it? Mr. Lin Yuan, once I release the time-space lock and restore the flow of the world, all these grenades will explode. Those cute harem groups of yours are going to explode into the sky soon."

"How? Are you in a hurry? Are you angry? Are you crazy? Are you trying to stop this?"

"Brother Cheng" looked at Lin Yuanfei's half-human, half-demon figure with a smile, and said with a wild smile, "It's a pity! You can't stop anything at all!"

The half-human, half-demon Lin Yuanfei stared fixedly at him, his eyeballs were blood red, and there was a frenzied hatred in his eyes.

Obviously, if Lin Yuanfei could move now, he would have rushed out and hacked the evil spirit in front of him to death.

Yet he cannot move.

Brother Cheng lowered his head and sighed, and said, "It's a pity... the time is coming soon. I can't stop this time and space without limit, otherwise, I want to stop for a while."

It glanced at the group of girls on the street and sighed.

"It's a pity that such a beautiful girl will be blown up like this."

"If it weren't for my inability to touch them, I would have loved and loved them instead of you. I've been with you for so long, surely you haven't touched them? Hahahaha..."

"The poor girls are about to die without even having the boy they love. How pitiful they are!"

Amidst the maniacal laughter of "Brother Cheng", it kept backing away, opening a safe distance.

Then, the corner of its mouth curled into a ferocious sneer.

"The world... resume the flow!"

Amid Brother Cheng's wild laughter, the icy wind and snow began to howl.

The cold wind continued to rage.

In this world, where the flow of space has been restored, an earth-shattering explosion happened in an instant.

Lin Yuanfei roared in pain in mid-air, roaring extremely angrily.

"Do not!!!"

However, the explosion has already happened.

The street where the girls were located has been completely flooded by the flames of the explosion.

In this world, only the maniacal laughter of "Brother Cheng" keeps ringing, which is extremely harsh.


However, its wild laughter quickly disappeared.

After the flames of the explosion dissipated, Zhi Ji stood there coldly with a messy body and a dusty face.

An invisible barrier enveloped her, sister Yuki, and the little girl Sadako.

The flames of those explosions did not hurt them at all.

On the contrary, Kotomine Shirou, who kept keeping a distance from them, was swept away by the aftermath of the explosion because he stood too far away and was not wrapped by the barrier.

He was directly sent flying out.

Now he is lying on the street in the distance in pain, clutching his thigh that was scratched by the fragments and twitching all over his body.

"I...why am I so unlucky!"

Kotomine Shirou cried out in great sorrow, "Why am I the only one injured!"

Author's message:

PS: The addition of 1400 blades...

Chapter 528 New Heroic Spirit

Kotomine Shirou's mournful cry spread far and wide in the wind and snow.

The smile on the face of the evil ghost who was suspended in the void and was waiting for a good show froze.

It stared blankly at this scene and everything in front of it, almost suspecting that it was wrong.

In the case of those grenade explosions at close range, the girls should have been lifeless.

However, after the smoke cleared, the girls were all intact.

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