This scene made it a little hard to accept.

After Lin Yuanfei saw that Yuki and the others were all intact, he was relieved.

Zhi Ji's yin and yang technique can indeed save lives at critical moments.

Ignore Kotomine Shirou's yelling, and even pretended not to see the young priest's injury.

Lin Yuanfei stared at "Brother Cheng" in front of him, and the dark demonic aura on his body began to dissipate.

His body gradually returned to its human form.

Lin Yuanfei's eyes slowly closed.

—Open it!

In an instant, the ice-cold killing intent overflowed this snowy world.

Lin Yuanfei's figure disappeared from the spot in an instant.

Almost at the limit speed, he directly slashed at "Brother Cheng" in the void!

Flying sword flow!Nine-headed dragon flashes!

The nine sword glows split out almost at the same time, completely blocking all escape directions of the target.

The moment this incomparably powerful Xeon sword move shone in the wind and snow, Brother Cheng in the void seemed to have never expected that Lin Yuanfei would suddenly explode into trouble.

And the speed is so fast!

It retreated subconsciously, but Lin Yuanfei's speed was too fast.

Don't give it time to dodge at all.

In an instant, nine icy sword glows strangled in the void, and the "Brother Cheng" who was suspended in the void with a shocked expression... was split apart.

That's right, it was split.

Like a mist that has no force, it will disperse when it is cut by the blade.

The phantom of "Brother Cheng" disappeared without a trace like a flower in the mirror of the moon in the water.

Near the beam of light in the distance, its loud laughter sounded.

"You hit the wrong target, idiot! That's just a trick!"

Amidst the loud laughter of "Brother Cheng", the beam of light behind it finally shattered completely.

Countless dense cracks covered the entire beam of light, and then the entire beam of light shattered.

Fragments of light scattered in the sky, but more fragments of light were attracted by some invisible force and gathered behind "Brother Cheng", and reorganized into other shapes.

When Lin Yuanfei and the others looked back, the body of "Brother Cheng" floating in the void had turned into a pair of huge wings.

The feathers of each wing are sharp and huge light thorns.

The open golden wings are hundreds of meters long.

Each light thorn feather is two or three meters long.

Suspended in the void, "Brother Cheng" smiled triumphantly.

" all have to die!"



The icy wind and snow fell on the night of Chiba City.

It was clearly a midsummer world, but there was snow like goose feathers falling, and the whole city became covered in white.

This abnormal off-season snowfall has surprised countless people's eyes.

But now, after two o'clock in the morning, most people are already asleep.

In the cold night, even the lit lights seemed sparse.

The Tohsaka house building in the center of the city is lit up even in the middle of the night.

But this silent building is no longer visible.

After all the employees got off work, the quiet Tohsaka House Building could not feel the slightest breath of life.

And there is a huge hole underground, [-] meters above the ground.

This underground cavity seems to be a naturally formed karst cave, and it also looks like a huge cave developed by manpower.

On the stone walls of the cave, the unevenness is full of huge inverted stalactites.

In a space larger than a football field, there was an adobe platform that looked like an altar in the center of the large hollow.

In the large dark void, one after another slowly rotating magic circles are suspended in the void.

Those magnificent and huge magic circles are slowly rotating in the darkness, interlinked with each other, like gears that are stuck and affect each other one after another.

In this empty world, a figure stood quietly in front of the altar.

The faint halos projected by the magic circles in the void coated his body with a dark film of light.

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