The man named Tohsaka Tokiomi was doing something.

The cane in his hand tapped slowly in the void, and every time the end of the cane touched the empty void, the air would tremble slightly and emit a faint light.

It seemed that his cane was hitting an invisible touch screen.

At a certain moment, as if aware of something, Tohsaka Tokiomi stopped his movements.

He put down his cane, turned and looked behind him.

On the edge of the altar behind him, a little girl who didn't know when she appeared was staring at him curiously.

Silver-white hair, eyes as beautiful as emeralds.

The little girl was born with a very endearing and lovely appearance.

No negative emotions can be seen in those big innocent eyes, and they are as innocent as all little girls of this age.

She was wearing a black tattered robe, barely covering her body under the black robe.

But the black robe was too tattered, and the corners were full of tattered and ragged gaps.

Seeing Tohsaka Tokiomi looking at her, the little girl blinked and showed a cute smile.

"Uncle Tohsaka, my mother asked me to come and find you."

Tokiomi looked at this playful and cute little girl, without showing any signs of contempt for her.

He nodded, "What's the matter?"

The little girl bit her finger and said, "Brother Feicun and Brother Robin Hood seem to be dead, I don't know who killed them. Mom asked me to come here to remind you, be careful to protect the spiritual veins here. Those guys who have been against us all the time It may have appeared in Chiba City."

Hearing this news, Tohsaka Tokiomi's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Is that so... It seems that our Tohsaka family has finally been targeted by those guys because of the unexpected incident of that resentful spirit."

Amid Tohsaka Tokiomi's emotional voice, his expression appeared very serious.

"Besides that, does the lord have any instructions?" Tokiomi Tohsaka asked with a solemn expression, "If Saber and Archer are no match for those guys, relying on the strength of the next person alone, if they If they really come here, the Tosaka family will probably follow in the footsteps of the Matong family and the Cang Qi family."

Tohsaka Tokiomi's question made the little girl grin.

"So mom asked me to protect you."

"And Uncle Lancer and the others will come over later. If those guys really come to make trouble, Mom will definitely catch them all this time."

"Uncle Tohsaka, don't be afraid, with Jack around, no one can hurt you."

The little girl smiled happily.

Chapter 529 Pillar God Virus

The biting cold wind of the city whizzed past the building of the city hospital.

In a ward on the top floor of the hospital building protected by layers of martial law, a girl named Gui Yanye slowly opened her eyes.

She looked at the snow falling outside the window with a little surprise in her eyes.

The girl who fell into a deep sleep after receiving treatment in the afternoon did not know about the sudden June snowfall in Chiba City after nightfall.

Now looking at the slowly falling white snowflakes outside the window, Gui Yanye's eyes widened, with a slightly surprised expression on his face.

" it snowing? Am I dreaming?"

She rubbed her eyes, suspecting that she was wrong.

In the warm wards, the central air conditioner maintains a constant temperature, making it impossible for people to notice changes in climate temperature.

The girl slowly got out of bed, walked to the edge of the balcony with some staggering steps, and opened the glass French windows.

Then, a biting cold wind rushed towards his face, and the slightest bit of chill spread to his limbs and bones like maggots on the tarsus.

Gui Yanye's eyes widened, and he quickly retreated into the warm ward, closing the glass door of the balcony.

Although it is not the coldest when it snows, but in this scorching summer when the snow falls all over the sky, the low temperature brought by the snowfall still makes the thinly dressed girl feel the chill.

She rubbed her arms, her eyes widened in surprise.

"Is it really snowing?"

Through a transparent glass door, the girl looked at the wind and snow outside, feeling a little unbelievable.

"Did I sleep until winter? Is the injury so serious?"

The girl recalled the scene of being attacked at that time.

Killers in black rushed from all directions, and the girl who had nowhere to retreat retreated to the corner in horror.

And before these murders in black appeared, there was a European and American man in a white coat.

He pressed the girl's shoulder tiredly and nervously, pressed the girl in the corner, and murmured in a low voice.

"Found... finally found... the perfect virus immunity sample..."

This man, who seemed to have been treated very badly, with a stubbled face, ragged clothes, and a shabby look, growled wildly and excitedly, "I want everyone to know that my research is not a defective product! "

Without giving Gui Yanye time to react at all, the European and American man in a white coat who looked like a researcher pierced a needle into her neck and injected some kind of dark green liquid into the girl's body.

Then, before the girl could figure out what happened, killers in black came from all directions.

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