As soon as those black-clothed killers appeared, they pulled out their knives without saying a word, and rushed towards the girl and the white-robed researcher in the corner.

The white-robed researcher couldn't even resist, and was knocked to the ground by these swift-moving black-clothed killers.

After those black-clothed killers inspected the body of the white-robed researcher, the leading black-clothed killer whispered something to someone through the communication device.

"Daniel Whitman was confirmed dead, but the Pillar Virus recovery failed."

The black-clothed killer looked at the dazed girl in the corner and said, "The Zhushen virus has been injected. The injector is one of the few survivors in Raccoon City. The name is Gui Yanye...Understood, this will target Kill on the spot."

Then, all the killers in black aimed their knives at the trembling girl in the corner.

The girl's trembling was not because of fear, but because after the dark green liquid was injected into her body, her body was extremely hot as if it had been burned.

Her heart was beating very fast, so fast that it even gave her a feeling that it was about to jump out of her chest.

When those black-clothed killers rushed towards her expressionlessly, the girl finally couldn't bear the painful feeling of magma flowing in her body anymore, and screamed loudly in pain.


She couldn't remember anything.

When she woke up in a daze, she found that she was lying in that dark corner with injuries all over her body.His body was so exhausted that he didn't even have the strength to move a finger.

As for the group of black-clothed killers, they all disappeared without a trace, as if they didn't exist in this world at all.

Even the European and American researcher with white robe and blond hair disappeared without a trace.

In the entire dark corner, only the girl was left lying there blankly, her whole body was covered with wounds, as if she had been hacked by many knives.

She smacked her lips blankly, but felt a sticky, fishy-sweet weird feeling in her mouth.

It seems like blood...

The girl's consciousness broke free from the memories.

She stood in the warm ward, staring blankly at the snow falling outside the window, her eyes were a little dazed.

For some reason, every time she recalled the group of killers attacking her, she felt a little hungry inexplicably, and her teeth rubbed subconsciously, as if she wanted to chew something.

She didn't know what the dark green liquid was, let alone what happened after she was injected.

But the examination here in the hospital showed that she was in good health without any abnormalities.

The doctors obviously didn't take the dark green liquid injected into her body that the girl mentioned.

As for the girl being attacked by the killer of the Umbrella Company, it quickly became explosive news and spread throughout the world.

However, no matter how the Japanese government investigates, collects evidence, and pursues them, it cannot track down the whereabouts and whereabouts of the black-clothed killers who attacked the girl.

It seems that those black-clothed killers have all evaporated from the world.

For the incompetence of the Japanese government, the whole world set off a wave of contemptuous criticism.

But those don't seem to have anything to do with the damsel at the center of this storm.

She touched her flat belly, felt the hunger in her abdomen, thought for a while, walked to the hospital bed and pressed the button to call the nurse.

For some reason, since she woke up from that attack, she felt like she was eating more.

Moreover, I suddenly want to eat meat... I really want to eat a lot of tender and delicious meat...



The cold wind howled over the city.

In the false world created by the resentful spirits, it seemed strangely quiet for no reason.

The boy named Makoto Ito leaned against a huge wall with a pale face, clutching his bleeding left arm, and roared in disbelief.

"Impossible! I can't lose! I've got the power, I'm the master of this world...I can't lose!"

It raised its head angrily, looked at the woman's face composed of slowly rotating colorful light curtains in the sky, and roared loudly.

"Mom! You lied to me! You didn't give me power at all! It's all your fault! If it wasn't for your selfishness, I wouldn't lose! I definitely wouldn't lose!"

Author's message:

PS: Added 1600 blades

Chapter 530 Why Are You Looking At Me Like This?

The roar of "Brother Cheng" spread far and wide in the wind and snow.

However, the defeat of the enemy could not make Lin Yuanfei feel any joy.

His gaze didn't even fall on the "Brother Cheng" who howled like a bereaved dog.

He stared at Yuno not far away from him, the expression on his face looked very... confused.

Astonishment, horror, anger... so complicated emotions were intertwined that he almost lost the ability to speak.

And Yuki beside Yuno grabbed her sister's hand in panic and said loudly.

"Yuno?! What's wrong with you? What's wrong with you?"

Yuno stood there with a smile, letting her sister shake her body, but the smile on her face was like a fake mask, making one's scalp tingle.

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