In her hand, she was holding the head of a little girl who was staring at her because she was dying.

Dark red blood continuously dripped from the cut of the human head.


What Yuno twisted in her hands was the head of a little girl, Sadako.

As for the little girl's headless corpse, it fell to the side. The corpse was still twitching silently, and the scarlet blood pooled into a puddle on the ground.

The culprit who caused all this, the girl named my wife Yuno, smiled, smiling softly.

"What's wrong? Pervert senior, I helped you solve your most troublesome trouble, shouldn't you thank me? Why are you looking at me like this?"

Lin Yuanfei clenched the broken knife in his hand with a stiff expression, and all the muscles in his body tensed.

Maintain the most vigilant alert posture.

His eyes stared at the smiling my wife Yuno, his eyes were extremely indifferent.

Behind him, a girl named Orihime Tsuchimikado was sitting in the rubble with her back against the collapsed wall, clutching her thighs.

Scarlet blood flowed out from the girl's wound.

Her face was pale due to excessive blood loss.

The eyes, also lose vitality at any time and gradually become lax.

The line of sight gradually lost focus.

Only those squirming lips murmured a word in a hoarse voice.


However, Lin Yuanfei in front of her was still standing there with an indifferent expression, as if he didn't hear her words.

Lin Yuanfei's eyes fixed on my wife Yuno who was smiling indifferently.

His face was extremely ugly.

"You really gave me a... big surprise..."

Time, back to three minutes ago.

The moment the pair of huge golden wings spread behind "Brother Cheng", the cold wind whizzed across the sky and the earth.

Lin Yuanfei clenched the blade in his hand, and slowly closed his eyes.

The talisman papers in Zhi Ji's hand flew up one by one, circling silently behind her.

Everything seems to have entered a situation of gaining momentum.

However, at the moment when "Brother Cheng" was laughing wildly, countless densely packed huge light thorns shot out from the huge wings on the back, flying towards Lin Yuanfei and they were submerged.

The earth shook.

A monster covered in pitch black suddenly broke free from the ground.

It roared frantically at "Brother Cheng" in the void, and swallowed "Makoto Ito" in the void with its last gulp.

This sudden attack caught everyone off guard.

But the "Brother Cheng" who was swallowed by the monster did not die.

He struggled crazily, and the huge wings suspended in the void shot out countless huge light spikes.

Each light thorn is three meters long.

The sharp and huge light thorns all shot into the black monster's body, instantly piercing it into a glowing black hedgehog.

Shimada Nobukatsu, who has turned into a monster, howled in pain, but still crazily chewed the "Ito Makoto" that was swallowed by it, as if it was an extremely delicious delicacy.

Seeing this scene, the little girl Sadako pouted.

"This Shimada Nobukatsu is crazy... It wants to swallow the power of another monster, just like it swallowed the city full of vengeful spirits."

The little girl looked at Lin Yuanfei, "But this is also an opportunity, with Shimada Nobukatsu holding back, you have a momentary chance to deal with that guy."

As the little girl said, she directly extended her hand to the blade of Lin Yuanfei's Broken Knife.

After gently holding the blade, pull hard...

The young girl's blood instantly stained Lin Yuanfei's blade red.

The little girl grinned in pain, and said, "Shimada Nobukatsu will definitely not be able to swallow that monster. When the monster rushes out, you rush up and stab it through its body with this knife stained with my blood. Don't worry, don't stare at the vital parts." Come."

"You only need to stab the blade with my blood into its body to forcibly strip all its power, and then we will find a way to drag it out of this body and return you a complete Makoto Ito."

The little girl's plan is simple, but it works.

Lin Yuanfei followed suit.

When "Makoto Ito" tore open the huge mouth of the black monster with both hands, Lin Yuanfei rushed out instantly.

Feitian Yujianliu's swordsmanship reappeared, and the blood-stained broken knife instantly pierced "Brother Cheng"'s shoulder and sent it flying.

And the black monster that had been shot into a hedgehog and now had its mouth ripped open was howling in pain, as if it had lost the strength to support it, and fell heavily into the city, stirring up dust all over the sky.

Lin Yuanfei withdrew his knife and landed on the old street. Looking at the "Brother Cheng" not far away who was clutching his bleeding shoulder and twitching in pain, but really had no ability to resist, he breathed a sigh of relief.

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