He turned to look at the girls behind him.

The little girl Sadako was smiling proudly at him.

"Look, listen to me, right?" Xiao Zhenzi said with a smile, "I'm..."


Scarlet blood spurted out from the little girl's neck.

The little girl with a smile on her face was picked up before she could figure out what happened.

The sharp weapon cut off her neck.

In the next second, crimson blood spurted into the sky.

The murderer who stood behind her and lifted her head dyed half of his body red.

But the look on my wife Yuno's face didn't show any evasion.

She bathed in this scarlet blood rain, and let the blood rain stain herself red.

Then he pointed his finger at Tsuchimikado Orihime in the distance.

At that moment, Lin Yuanfei finally saw her method of killing clearly.

A scarlet line of blood appeared out of nowhere the moment Yuno pointed his finger at Orihime, and cut towards the girl directly.

Caught off guard, the Onmyoji girl only had time to dodge backwards, but was still pierced by the scarlet bloodline through her thigh.

In an instant, blood gushed out.

It was obviously a shallow line of blood, but the moment it was penetrated, a penetrating wound with a diameter of one centimeter appeared.

Scarlet blood spurted out.

The corner of my wife Yuno's mouth twitched slightly.

Aim at the girl's finger and shake it slightly...


In the air, there was the sound of sharp weapons colliding.

Lin Yuanfei's figure instantly crossed a distance of tens of meters, carrying a strong wind and stopping in front of Zhiji.

Split the flying bloody thin thread.

His face was extremely ugly.

There was a gentle smile on Yuno's face.

"What's wrong? Pervert senior, I helped you solve your most troublesome trouble, shouldn't you thank me? Why are you looking at me like this?"

Chapter 531 The Plan Twenty Years Ago

Yuno's laughter slowly spread in the dilapidated urban area.

It seemed inexplicably gloomy.

Not far away, Kotomine Shiro, who had not participated in the battle because of his leg injury, saw this scene, and crawled out faster.

He didn't make a sound at all, as if he wanted to get away from everyone's sight faster.

However, among the few people present, it seemed that no one had time to pay attention to him for the time being.

Lin Yuanfei stood in front of Zhiji with a broken knife in his hand, staring fixedly at the blood-stained girl in front of him.

Looking at the head of Sadako in Yuno's hand.

On Xiao Sadako's face, there was still a smug smile at the moment of death.

It's just that the frozen expression now looks a little weird.

But Yuno, who was carrying the little girl's head, didn't mind.

She even happily held the head, as if showing off her spoils, and pointed the face of the head at Lin Yuanfei.

Have a good laugh.

"Did you see it? Perverted senior, this is the evil spirit that has been chasing you and haunting you since Raccoon City."

"I killed her for you. You should be grateful to me now. Why do you look at me like this? Did I do something wrong?"

Beside Yuno, Yuki looked at her sister in disbelief, grabbed her arm in panic.

"Yuno? Yuno?!" Yuki yelled in panic, "What's wrong with you? Why did you do this? Are you... are you still Yuno?"

Yuki screamed in panic, causing Yuno to turn her head and look at her sister.

Showed a gentle smile.

"It's me, sister, it's always been me."

Yuno smiled gently and said, "I'm just doing what I should do, don't be afraid, with Yuno here, no danger will happen."

But Yuno's gentle smile seemed unable to comfort Yuki's emotions.

Her expression was still panicked.

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