He stared at the blood-stained girl, as if he knew each other again.

His eyes were filled with too many complicated emotions.

Disappointment, anger, hatred, bewilderment... those too many complicated emotions made his emotions very chaotic.

He didn't expect Yuno to make a sudden move here.

Although I have already understood that Yuno's character is a distorted neuropathy, I understand that neuropathy cannot be speculated by the thinking circuit of a normal person.

But along the way, Yuno helped more or less along the way. Although she yelled loudly, she hardly took any actual actions.

This series of performances made Lin Yuanfei mistakenly think that because of the addition of an older sister, my wife Yuno in this world is no longer as crazy as in the original book.

Yet it turns out that a neurosis is always a neurosis.

Before a girl kills someone, you never know whether she is a radical or a moderate girl.

Lin Yuanfei looked at my wife Yuno in front of him, took a deep breath, and said.

"You're insulting my IQ..."

Lin Yuanfei said coldly, "Do you think I will believe your nonsense? Why do you let Zhi Ji go after I cut myself off? Do you think I'm the kind of idiot who just sits and waits to die?"

"As for Daniel Portman..." Lin Yuanfei frowned, "You said he was killed by the umbrella man? Yan Ye witnessed it with his own eyes? But I don't seem to have seen this news in the news... ..."

"And Yan Ye told me that she was sniped by the gunman from a long distance. She didn't see the killer's face at all."

"Are you insulting my memory by telling such silly lies?"

Lin Yuanfei's question made Yuno smile even brighter.

"Oh? Was sniped by the gunman? Didn't see the murder? Did that good apprentice of yours tell you so? It seems that she was given a gag order so that she didn't even dare to tell you the truth."

"If you think about it this way, there is no reliable woman around you. They are all lying to you."

Yuno sneered again and again, "To tell you the truth, Umbrella Company has been operating in Raccoon City for twenty years, but there are only two experimental subjects that can receive the Zhushen virus."

"One is me, and the other is your seemingly well-behaved apprentice Gui Yanye."

"However, because of the biochemical crisis in Raccoon City, the Umbrella Corporation headquarters decided to suspend the research experiment on the Pillar Virus and hold Daniel Portman, the head of the Raccoon City Division, accountable."

"But this unlucky guy who was hunted down refused to sit still. He even found me and injected me with this virus in order to prove that his [-] years of research was successful."

"And then, he went to look for your stupid apprentice. But unfortunately, when he found your stupid apprentice, he was caught up by the umbrella."

"You also know the specific situation. Gui Yanye was injured and hospitalized, but no one from the umbrella company was found."

"As for what happened after that...you probably can only ask your stupid apprentice. But will she confess to you?"

The corner of Yuno's mouth curled into a mocking sneer, "...That's not necessarily the case."

Beside Yuno, Yuki, who was holding her arm firmly with both hands, had become dull and even trembling constantly.

It seemed that he was hypnotized by some kind of force.

Although Yuki's body was shaking constantly, as if trying to break free from the control of this hypnosis.

But obviously, the effect is not great.

Yuno still stood there, laughing at Lin Yuanfei's stupidity.

Lin Yuanfei stared at her firmly, frowning.

"Daniel Portman found you before Yan Ye was attacked? But shouldn't you..."

Lin Yuanfei's eyes became sharper.

"After leaving Silent Hill, you are the one who weaved a false dream to imprison us?!"

Lin Yuanfei couldn't believe it, "Are you the black hand who weaved the dream?"

If Yuno was injected with the Zhushin virus, it was obviously injected after leaving Silent Hill.

And she mentioned that she was injected before Yan Ye.

But according to the calculation of time, before Yan Ye was attacked, Yuno and Lin Yuanfei at that time should have been sleeping in a dream together.

But Yuno was injected at that time?Obviously, he was injected with the virus while awake...

"After leaving Silent Hill, you have been sober all the time?" Lin Yuanfei finally understood the truth, "You are the mastermind behind all of us? You wanted to attack us at that time?"

Yuno looked at him and sneered.

"So what if it is? So what if it's not?" Yuno said with a smile, "Things have already happened. If you want to blame the perverted senior, blame yourself for being too credulous!"

Hearing the girl's mocking sneer, Lin Yuanfei took a deep breath.

Calm down your chaotic mood.

He always thought that the one who weaved the dream and imprisoned them was the former owner of the body, but he didn't expect that it was Yuno who was always by their side...

Lin Yuanfei clenched the knife in his hand, clenched his back molars, and the expression on his face also looked a bit ferocious.

"You are really hiding something..."

Lin Yuanfei stared at Yuno, and said in a cold voice, "Besides, you actually explained the truth to me with such good intentions. Are you... are you delaying time?"

Yuno smiled happily.

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