"Pervert senior really understands Yuno... If you don't have a sister, people will fall in love with you soon hahahahahahahahaha..."

Amidst Yuno's happy and maniacal laughter, her eyes flashed with cold murderous intent, "It's a pity you realized it too late!"

When the girl's voice fell, Lin Yuanfei's heart skipped a beat.

In an instant, he flew up from where he was.

And the moment he took off, dense red blood lines drilled out from the ground, strangling towards Lin Yuanfei in mid-air.

If Lin Yuanfei's movements were so slow for one second, he would have been twisted into pieces by these thin bloody threads at this moment...

In mid-air, the broken knife in Lin Yuanfei's hand had left an afterimage.

The bloodlines that drilled out of the ground were so fast that they were almost invisible.

Lin Yuanfei slashed the broken knife frantically, splitting all the thin bloody threads.

dang dang dang dang dang dang dang-

The ear-piercing crisp sound was like the clash of gold and iron, and the dense sounds almost formed a series.

Lin Yuanfei kept chopping these blood-colored threads as hard as steel, and his body was shaken by the shock force and flew into the sky continuously.

The blood-stained girl below looked up at this scene and smiled happily.

"The perverted senior jumps so high...do you want your lovely fiancee?"

Chapter 533 Black Comet

The moment he heard Yuno's laughter, a trace of panic flashed in Lin Yuanfei's heart.

He quickly looked at the Onmyoji girl sitting against the wall.

At this time, Zhi Ji was sitting weakly in the ruins, her face was pale and her eyes were loose.

It seems that it has entered a dying state.

The wound on her thigh had stopped bleeding, but the virus that had entered her body was clearly destroying her body crazily.

The girl sitting there with dull and dazed eyes looked like an abandoned doll, almost unable to feel any breath of life.

The moment Yuno's laughter fell, dense blood-colored thin threads drilled out from the ground in front of the girl, and strangled towards the girl with slack eyes at a speed so fast that ordinary people's retinas could no longer capture it.

Lin Yuanfei watched this scene helplessly, and roared angrily.

"Do not!!!"

An evil and violent demonic aura boiled all over his body.

In an instant, Lin Yuanfei in the sky turned into that ferocious and ugly demon form.

His eyeballs became blood red.

His hands holding the sword turned into dark and ugly devil's claws.

Roaring angrily, he rushed towards the Onmyoji girl below.

But it was too late.

The speed of those blood lines is too fast.

Interlacing for a moment, all the bloody thin lines drowned the Onmyoji girl in the corner.

bang bang bang-

In the air, there were dense air explosions.

The smile froze on Yuno's face in the distance.

The moment those thin bloody threads were about to touch Zhi Ji, they were blocked by an invisible barrier.

After all the thin bloody threads collided, they all sent out tiny air explosions.

But these thin bloody threads can crush the human body and penetrate the earth, but they can't penetrate this invisible barrier that doesn't seem to exist at all.

The surroundings of the Onmyoji girl were flooded by dense air explosions.

But she still sat there blankly with indifferent expression and loose eyes, indifferent.

It seemed that all the changes in the outside world had nothing to do with her.

Seeing this scene, Yuno sneered.

"As expected of the eldest lady of the Tsuchimikado family... Onmyojutsu is very powerful."

Lin Yuanfei was relieved when he saw that Zhiji was safe and sound.

Obviously, this invisible barrier existed from the very beginning, rather than just unfolding.

Probably, when Zhi Ji was injured and fell down, she had already launched this defensive barrier against herself.

Now, it has played a huge role.

Seeing that Zhi Ji was safe and sound, Lin Yuanfei took a deep breath and stopped being impatient.

Behind him, spread out a pair of black fleshy wings like bat wings.

No longer needing to rely on force, Lin Yuanfei fanned the black fleshy wings on his back, suspended in the void, and observed the environment under his feet.

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