After transforming into demon form, his vision can be switched to heat sensing.

When he switched his vision to thermal energy sensing, he found that the ground in this area was already densely packed with some thread-like things.

And the source of these densely packed thin lines is the girl standing on the ground.

Obviously, during the time when Yuno was talking to him and procrastinating, Yuno had already manipulated a large number of thin threads to drill into the ground from the bottom of her feet.

Silently, a terrifying net was laid.

In this area, no matter where Lin Yuanfei landed, he would be instantly strangled by the thin bloody thread.

Unless, he can keep flying in the sky like this.

But even so, it may not be safe.

Even though Lin Yuanfei was flying in the sky, those bloody threads were still strangling him from all directions.

Moreover, Zhi Ji who was sitting against the wall had loose eyes and was motionless. The invisible barrier protecting her did not know how long it could last. Lin Yuanfei could already feel that the invisible energy barrier was beginning to crumble.

There is even a "Brother Cheng" who needs to be taken care of not far away...

Lin Yuanfei gritted his teeth, trying to find a suitable opportunity.

But those bloody thin threads kept entangled and strangled him, and he couldn't get close to Brother Cheng at all.

He didn't even dare to look at Brother Cheng, for fear that Yuno's attention would be diverted to Brother Cheng.

However, even though Lin Yuanfei deliberately kept calm, Yuno's attention was finally shifted to Brother Cheng.

In other words, she has never ignored this hostage that can be used.

Seeing Lin Yuanfei's figure floating in the sky and splitting all the blood lines, Yuno smiled.

"Your Onmyoji girl has the means to protect herself, but what about your good friend Ito-san? He doesn't seem to have the means to protect himself now, right?"

Scarlet blood lines suddenly drilled out from the ground.

Lin Yuanfei's pupils suddenly constricted.

But at the moment when those thin bloody lines submerged Brother Cheng, a black shadow suddenly rushed out from the ruins behind Brother Cheng.

At a speed that can be called agility, Kotomine Shiro, who sneaked there without knowing when, rushed to the side of Ito Makoto who was covered in blood in an instant, and stunned the villain with a sharp hand knife. A young man possessed by a spirit.

Then, picking up Makoto Ito was a rush.

Those bloody thin lines were fast, but Kotomine Shirou was even faster.

It can even be said that it has absolutely surpassed the limits of human beings.

In an instant, he ran more than ten meters away.

When Lin Yuanfei saw this guy's figure running wildly like a rabbit, the corners of his mouth twitched.

Is this guy's leg really hurt...

Compared with Lin Yuanfei's calmness, Yuno's expression turned cold when he saw this scene.

This troublemaker who suddenly stepped in disrupted her plan.

Because at the moment Kotomine Shirou ran out with Brother Cheng on his shoulders, Lin Yuanfei's figure also disappeared from midair in an instant.

The body of the demon transformed by the power of the demon squeezed out almost all of its power.

Lin Yuanfei roared furiously, split all the thin bloody threads blocking the way, and rushed in front of Zhiji.

At that moment, when Lin Yuanfei's feet landed on the ground, dense bloody thin threads emerged from his feet.

In an instant, a shocking wound was left on his sheep's hoof-like devil's hooves.

But Lin Yuanfei's movements didn't stop at all.

Enduring the pain of being pierced through the soles of his feet, Lin Yuanfei picked up the girl in the corner and flew out before those thin bloody threads caused further damage.

The strong wind howled around him.

Scarlet blood swayed behind him.

Countless blood-colored thin threads chased and killed his figure.

At that moment, Lin Yuanfei was like a bird bound in a cage, struggling to rush out of the cage made of countless bloody thin threads.

In an instant, it turned into a pitch-black comet, dragging a long tail flame of magic energy, piercing the sky!

Author's message:

PS: Today is five more, there will be more in the evening

Chapter 534 Are You Still Human?

The howling wind howled around the body.

The surging devilish energy surrounded Lin Yuanfei's body, and even dragged out a long trail of flames behind him.

From a distance, it looks like a black meteor piercing the sky.

When Lin Yuanfei picked up the Onmyoji girl in the corner, the invisible barrier that couldn't even break through the thin blood-colored thread seemed to be non-existent. Lin Yuanfei's hands directly passed through the invisible barrier and hugged the weak girl in the corner. girl.

Then, holding Zhi Ji in his arms, he rushed towards the edge of the city.

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