With that said, Lin Yuanfei let go of the girl in his arms and stood up.

Lin Yuanfei said as he looked up at the woman's face made up of the constantly rotating seven-color light curtain in the sky.

"Tell me how to get to the ceremony center and how to use the backlight saber. We have to get out of here as soon as possible."

Lin Yuanfei was very worried about Yuki.

But the most urgent thing now is Zhi Ji's life safety.

Yuki's life would not be in danger by Yuno's side, but Orihime is about to die now.

Moreover, Lin Yuanfei suspects that Yuno and Yuki may be fighting somewhere in the city, and maybe the two sides have not yet decided the winner.

After all, the space in this false world is broken, maybe Yuki and Yuno have already entered another space, that's why Lin Yuanfei didn't see them.

But as long as the culprit, Sadako Yamamura, is resolved, this false world is broken, and everyone returns to the real space, then everything will be settled.

Hayashi Yuanfei will naturally be able to see Yuki when he arrives.

Therefore, the most urgent task is to solve Sadako Yamamura and break this false world.

From Yanfeng Shirou, Lin Yuanfei learned how to use the back light sword.

To be honest, he was surprised that Kotomine Shirou was able to pull out such a big killer as the backlight sword.

Backlight sword, man-made treasure, one-time items, but the power is quite amazing.

When the opponent activates the [Ace], activate the backlight sword, which can reverse the cause and effect, reverse the cause and effect to before the opponent activates the treasure, the backlight sword penetrates the opponent's heart, and resolves the battle.

It is a powerful weapon that can kill with one hit when the conditions are met.

To do a scenario simulation, if an enemy activates the Noble Phantasm at Lin Yuanfei, then Lin Yuanfei only needs to activate the Backlight Sword when the opponent releases the Noble Phantasm.

Once the judgment of the [Ace] is passed, the power of the treasure that the enemy has already released will be retracted, and it will return to the moment before the release of the treasure, as if turning back time.

And at that moment, the backlight sword will strike first and penetrate the enemy's body, inflict powerful fatal injuries, and win the victory.

Such a BUG-level treasure, in the world of fate, is the family heirloom of a certain beauty in men's clothing, Bazzett.

Only she can make it.

And only a maximum of ten can be made a year.

A rarity of the SSR class.

But now Kotomine Shirou took it out with a smile on his face...

Lin Yuanfei glanced at the other party and let out a long sigh.

As expected of Emiya Bodhisattva, who is the face of a woman in distress, even if she changes her adoptive father, surname, family background and identity experience, this is the only thing that cannot be changed.

The man who can see the harem in Lily Fan is really terrifying.

Putting away this rare life-saving treasure, the Reverse Light Sword, Lin Yuanfei and the others returned to the central area of ​​the city.

At this time, the city center has been completely turned into ruins.

The damage caused by the battle between Yuki and Yuno was so great that it almost leveled the city.

——Of course, Lin Yuanfei and the others contributed a lot.

In short, in the most central area of ​​the city, near the urban area that originally had a huge beam of light piercing into the sky, now there are only ruins left.

In the empty ruins, not a living person could be seen.

The two raging monsters were killed and the other injured, and all the wraiths in the city were swallowed up.

Now that Lin Yuan flew them over, he could only see the weak black monster squirming in the ruins, but it couldn't even crawl far.

"Weihime... Weaverhime..."

The name was murmured in the monster's mouth.

At the last moment of this delirious state, it seemed that the only name it could recall was.

Behind the monster, there was a long trail of black slime.

The black mucus that exudes a disgusting stench seems to be the blood of monsters.

"Brother Cheng" did a lot of damage to it.

However, these two monsters are the most powerful monsters in this false world except Sadako Yamamura. One has gained part of the power to control this false world, and the other has devoured all the ghosts in the city.

If they work together to deal with Lin Yuanfei and the others, it will be really troublesome.

Fortunately, these two guys actually fought in the nest first, which gave Lin Yuanfei an opportunity to take advantage of it.

Seeing this incomparably miserable black monster now, Zhi Ji was startled.


The girl whispered softly, "You can't turn back anymore."

Chapter 539 Farewell

Standing in the ruins, looking at the black monster wriggling with difficulty, growling in pain, and lingering on its last breath not far away.

Lin Yuanfei didn't speak.

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