The main reason is that he is not familiar with Shimada Nobukatsu, and he has no friendship with him, so naturally he has nothing to say.

Kotomine Shiro followed Lin Yuanfei, carrying the comatose Cheng brother on his back.

Although the possessed wraith has been pulled out, Brother Cheng is still in a coma.

To put it in a sentence more like a zombie movie - after being possessed by an evil spirit, the yang energy is weak and needs to recover slowly.

Yanfeng Shirou also followed Lin Yuanfei to watch the play, without saying a word.

On the other hand, Zhi Ji sighed softly when she saw the wriggling and screaming monster not far away.

Then, Zhi Ji slowly took out two talisman papers, and walked towards the black monster.

Lin Yuanfei quickly stopped her.

"What are you going to do?" Lin Yuanfei asked in astonishment.

Zhi Ji glanced at him, and said: "Help him escape. If the Onmyoji himself becomes a monster, then he must also hope that he can be transcended. I am giving it a pure death."

Kotomine Shiro coughed dryly, and said, "The young master of the Shimada family was involved in this kind of incident because of some turmoil, and he is about to die. When the young master Shimada dies and the Shimada family investigates, then Mr. Hayashi Yuan... um, Ms. Tsuchimikado really loves you."

Zhi Ji looked at him coldly, "If you don't speak, no one will treat you as dumb."

Kotomine Shiro smiled innocently, and said, "It is said in the Bible that we must never sell lies to others because of selfishness. People who lie casually will definitely go to Hell after death. There is no way for me, Orihime Miss, do you want me to violate my faith?"

For this false priest who spoke the Bible but kept silent about God, Lin Yuanfei was really helpless.

He said, "Mr. Lu Xun once said that Hell does not exist, and God is Hamapi... In short, let this guy let it run its course."

Lin Yuanfei said, "Looking at its appearance, it won't last long. Just leave it here and leave it alone. After we leave this false world, it will naturally return to the outside world. Didn't you say that your uncle is outside? Maybe he has some way to save this guy, not necessarily."

Lin Yuanfei said, "Even if it died in front of your uncle, but with your uncle's presence, even if the Shimada family traces it, it will not be easy to tear it apart."

Lin Yuanfei proposed a feasible solution.

Zhi Ji glanced at him, then nodded numbly.

On the other hand, Kotomine Shirou shrugged helplessly and did not speak.

So a group of people bypassed the black monster and walked towards the central area of ​​the city.

There, although the huge beam of light has disappeared, there is still a round strange rune left in the ruins.

According to Zhi Ji's request, Lin Yuanfei stood on this weird rune.

"Here is the gate to the center of the ceremony," Zhi Ji whispered, "Although the beam of light has been destroyed, the priest and I can still send you up."

"Don't be impatient, there seems to be something wrong with this wraith."

Zhi Ji said, took out the human skin diary that Lin Yuanfei gave her before, and said, "The curse in this diary has been refined into a shikigami by me, I hope she can help you by your side. "

"If nothing else happens, when you reach the real center of this false world, you should be able to hear the movements and voices of your uncle outside. Listen carefully, no matter what happens, if your uncle responds, your safety will be guaranteed. It's guaranteed."

"Don't be impatient..."

Zhi Ji's exhortation gave Lin Yuanfei a strange sense of sight inexplicably.

——How does this little girl feel that she is leaving a will?

He looked at the girl in front of him suspiciously, and said, "Zhiji, tell me honestly, how is your situation? Is that so-called Zhushen virus really temporarily suppressed by you? Are you shaking when you walk?"

Zhi Ji looked at him, still as indifferent as ever.

On that cold face, there was no slight emotion fluctuation.

Facing Lin Yuanfei's questioning, Zhiji responded calmly.

"What did I lie to you for?" Zhiji combed the hair on her temples with her fingers, and said blankly, "Is it good for me to lie to you?"

"Uh... this..." Holding the human skin diary that Zhi Ji handed over, Lin Yuanfei still felt that something was wrong when he looked at the pale girl in front of him with indifferent eyes.

But what is wrong?

He can't tell...

In the end, he could only look at Kotomine Shirou, and said with a serious expression.

"Then Zhi Ji will be handed over to you," Lin Yuanfei bared his teeth, "If anything goes wrong with Zhi Ji, I'll only ask you!"

Kotomine Shirou looked at Lin Yuanfei helplessly, and said, "Mr. Hayashi Yuan, if you quickly deal with the grievance of Sadako Yamamura, then nothing will go wrong. If it takes too long, I can't guarantee it. "

Regarding this, Lin Yuanfei snorted, "Understood, I will get it done as soon as possible."

Then he looked at Zhi Ji, still a little worried and said, "You must wait for me, don't..."

"Understood," Zhi Ji interrupted Lin Yuanfei with a cold face, and then threw out more than ten talisman papers.

These talisman papers revolved around Lin Yuanfei, as if they were connected with some kind of power in the air.

Visible to the naked eye, the huge symbol under Lin Yuanfei's feet lit up.

The strange blood-red light quickly illuminated Lin Yuanfei's body.

Then, a circle of red light slowly rose from around the symbol.

Standing in the middle of the halo, Lin Yuanfei watched helplessly as the red halo rose slowly, and his body disappeared wherever he went.

When the halo reached the height of Lin Yuanfei's neck, Lin Yuanfei had only one head left floating in the void.

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