In the empty consciousness space, it seemed that only his thinking was still active.

In the real world, the woman sitting on the seventh-grade black lotus slowly opened her eyes and looked at Lin Yuanfei.

There is no resentment, no hatred, no killing intent, the eyes of this Yamamura Sadako's main body surprisingly do not feel any resentment and killing intent, and it is even surprisingly peaceful.

This made Lin Yuanfei extremely astonished, and even took a step back.

His eyes were full of fear.

"Oh my god... is this a cultivator who has become a demon?"

Lin Yuanfei remembered a movie he watched before, Pudu Cihang in A Chinese Ghost Story 2, a strange monster with a wicked aura that can be called the shadow of childhood.

That guy was a monster, but he pretended to be a Buddha, and even practiced the Buddha's words into an evil and gloomy sorcery.

The Yamamura Sadako in front of her looks peaceful and elegant, but the seventh-grade black lotus exuding a strange aura...

Lin Yuanfei unconsciously clenched the handle of the knife in his hand, staring at the other party.


"Miss Sadako, this is not the first time we have met, you are..."

Clenching the wooden knife again, Lin Yuanfei smiled a little stiffly, "...What are you playing with?"

Chapter 543 Evil Path

In the quiet world, after hearing Lin Yuanfei's words, the woman on the seventh-rank black lotus throne did not speak.

She just looked at Lin Yuanfei like that, her eyes were calm, the expression on her face was completely calm, and she couldn't feel the slightest emotional fluctuation.

Like a bodhisattva who transcends the world, he cannot see any human emotions.

She looked at Lin Yuanfei as if she looked at ordinary people.

That strange feeling of elegance and detachment inexplicably brought a lot of pressure to Lin Yuanfei.

"Hey, hey... what is the operation of not talking?"

Lin Yuanfei clenched the two knives in his hand, and smiled a little stiffly, "Miss Sadako Yamamura, this is not the first time we have met, why are you so cold-blooded? When you were chasing me in Silent Hill, I can still remember it."

On the woman in front of him, Lin Yuanfei couldn't feel the hatred and resentment that a female ghost should have, let alone the slightest gloomy aura.

In this quiet world, except for the black lotus that exudes a strange aura that makes people feel uncomfortable, this place is like a bodhisattva ashram or a fairyland, full of upright and dignified aura, without the slightest gloomy Evil evil spirit.

Standing in this world, Lin Yuanfei looked at the face of the woman in front of him, feeling a little confused.

"Hey! Talk!" Lin Yuanfei shouted loudly, "If you don't speak, you won't be able to trigger the follow-up plot. Don't you understand such a simple thing? Or do you need me to rush over and chop you before you speak your lines? Is it the same as the BOSS in the World of Warcraft copy?"

Lin Yuanfei's fingers holding the knife moved, as if he was about to make a move.

The situation in front of him was too weird, weirder than he expected.

According to his original speculation, after entering the center of the ceremony, the body of Sadako Yamamura will appear, and he will meet an extremely terrifying, evil, dark, and huge super wraith.

Then he fought with Yamamura Sadako just like he did with Kayako, Freddy, and Aretha, and the blood flowed like a river.

In the end, the two sides exhausted their means and tried their best, and in the end the winner was the king and the loser, and the winner was the king.

He imagined many situations of Sadako Yamamura, but he never thought that it would be the situation in front of him.

In Silent Hill, Yamamura Sadako's spirit hunted him down.

The feeling of resentment, evil, and coldness is even worse than that of Biga coconut.

But it is such an evil and terrifying big devil, a terrifying evil ghost who killed hundreds of people twenty years ago, and turned those hundreds of resentful spirits into ghosts and controlled them in the false world he created. Like a respected venerable, there is no trace of evil in his body.

Lin Yuanfei instinctively felt something was wrong.

Not only did he not relax in any way, but he became even more nervous.

In this world, the most terrifying thing is the unknown.

If it was normal, Lin Yuanfei might carefully test it out before making a move.

But things are different today.

He desperately wanted to break this false world and took Orihime out for help.

Even, he desperately wanted to see Yuki.

No matter what, Yuki's safety must be confirmed.When necessary, it doesn't matter even if you try to kill Yuno!

"Don't talk... If you don't talk, it seems that you can only talk with a knife."

Lin Yuanfei took a deep breath, and the atmosphere around him changed.

A cold killing intent flashed in his eyes.

But just as he was about to close his eyes, Sadako Yamamura, who had been watching him silently, finally spoke.

The woman sitting on the seventh-grade black lotus looked at Lin Yuanfei calmly and said.

"Everyone in the world suffers, Lin Yuan, what do you think are sentient beings?"

Lin Yuanfei frowned, "Want to fight with me? Sorry, I don't know anything about Buddhist language. Please speak in a human language that I can understand, thank you."

"..." The woman on the lotus platform sighed softly, and said, "walking is empty, sitting is empty, speech is empty and movement is empty. Even if you bring the white blade to the head, it is like a sharp sword cutting the spring wind. You hold a steel Sword, do you want to kill demons?"

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