"Emmm... your painting style has really changed completely," Lin Yuanfei said, "Is it possible that you have been imprisoned in the mountain behind the Monk Temple for twenty years, and you have really been enlightened by Buddhism?"

The woman on the lotus platform looked at him, smiled, and shook her head.

"Who has no thought? Who has no birth? Don't take the mirror image as real. If you take extinction as the ultimate, why do you see people heresy...Lin Yuan, I know your story, but what I see in you is A Shura road of no return leading to hell."

"Judging from your state, you have less than five years left in your lifespan. I'm curious, do you never have any regrets in your heart?"

The woman on the lotus platform asked a very heartbreaking question.

However, Lin Yuanfei grinned, "It turns out that he is a boss who can hurt people with his mouth... Unfortunately, my life, Lin Yuanfei, was picked up in the first place. How long I can live is my own destiny, so you don't need to care about it. If you really don't want to do anything with me, why don't you open the exit and let us out, then I promise not to disturb you."

Hearing these words, the woman on the lotus platform showed a bewildered smile.

"Is that so... It's a pity that in your eyes, I only see the idea of ​​being ready to tear up the agreement at any time. If a person has a dishonest heart, it is easy to be seen through."

"Cut...do you still want to fight?" Lin Yuanfei curled his lips and said, "Then before the fight, let me ask you a few questions. First, what are you doing? Second, what exactly do you want to do?" What. Third, who instigated you? Fourth, is Xiao Zhenzi really dead?"

Lin Yuanfei asked four questions in a row, all of which he wanted to know the most.

And the woman on the lotus platform closed her eyes slightly and sighed softly.

"Idiot... It's time like this, and you are still obsessed with such trivial matters."

"You have to know that this world is a game of chess, and we are all just pawns in the game, we cannot help ourselves."

"The only thing you can do is detach yourself, so that you can get out of the cage. If you are obsessed with things you shouldn't be attached to, you will only ruin yourself in vain... Do you understand?"

Lin Yuanfei sneered and said, "I'm sorry, I don't understand, and I don't want to understand. Since you said that the world is a chess game, who is the chess player? The man behind all of this? The one under the spiritual vein of Chiba City The one who deployed a huge magic circle?"

"Wrong," the woman on the lotus platform shook her head and said, "There are no chess players in this world. Although the world is a chess game, everyone is a chess piece in the game. Only those who escape can escape. It’s trying to enlighten you, you’ve over-associated.”

Hearing this sentence, Lin Yuanfei couldn't help laughing out loud.

"So it's the nonsense of the monks... It seems that you have stayed in the back mountain of the monk's temple for [-] years, and you have learned a little bit of the monks' nonsense and bragging."

"Since you don't want to explain, then do it directly."

Lin Yuanfei said, "Come here, and let me see what kind of tricks you, a mystifying fellow, have!"

After Lin Yuanfei finished speaking, evil and violent dark evil spirit slowly overflowed from his whole body.

In this weird world, he couldn't find the remnant soul of the original owner of his body, couldn't switch, and could only fight with his own strength.

...Although the power of these demons is not actually his own power.

In the quiet world, the dark demonic aura surged, and the evil and violent aura disturbed the peace of this world.

As if a world-destroying demon king is about to descend, that kind of evil and violent feeling makes one's heart tremble.

In the surging devilish energy, Lin Yuanfei's figure gradually changed shape.

His skin turned into a hideous color like that of a demon.

The hair turned into long purple hair that was evil and terrifying.

On his forehead, two huge devil horns grew silently.

The two feet also mutated into the devil's goat's hooves.

The devil's hoof feet, surging with dark devilish energy, stepped on the water, and even dyed the water around the hoof feet black, turning it into a disgusting color.

And Lin Yuanfei, who had completely turned into a demon, roared. Except for the fact that Lin Yuanfei's original facial features were still maintained on his face, his entire body had almost completely turned into a demon.

Holding the wooden knife in his left hand, and holding the broken Platycodon sylvia Xiandongyue tightly in his right hand, Lin Yuanfei roared angrily.

"You are seeking your own death!"



A dark and cold atmosphere came out from the well.

After opening the Buddhist hall enshrining the Fudo Myoko World Honored One, what appeared in front of Tsuchimokon Suizan was such a dark dry well.

He looked down into the well, and he couldn't see anything clearly in the dark well.

But vaguely, there was an incomparably terrifying and evil aura overflowing.

The young assistant beside Tsuchimikado Suizan widened his eyes in horror, and said, "My lord, this... this evil thing is terrifying!"

The young man who followed Tsuchiyamen Suizan was considered an excellent onmyoji.

But even he was shocked by the evil breath coming from the dry well at this moment.

But Tsuchimikado Suizan did not blame him.

Because Tsuchimikado Toshizo understood exactly why this young assistant was terrified.

After pushing away the magic-suppressing stone on the dry well, the breath in the dry well finally overflowed unstoppably, and they could finally feel the evil spirit in the dry well more clearly.

The monsters in this well are different from common monsters, but they are extremely powerful, and there is even a faint feeling in the breath...

"I'm going to go down and have a look," said Tsuchimikado Toshizo, "You meet me outside and be ready at any time. This evil thing should not be so easy to submit, and there will definitely be follow-up means."

Hearing Tsuchimikado Toshizo's words, the young assistant quickly shook his head.

"No! My lord, you cannot go in! You must not go in!"

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