But after Tsuchimikado Toizo gave him a cold look, he stared back at the young man's follow-up words.

And as the assistant quieted down, Tsuchimikado Toshizo also exhaled slowly.


"I need your help..."

He murmured in a low voice, "Xue Boy, please wake up."

Tsuchimikado Toizan whispered, while slowly opening an ancient book in his hand.

Then, a light blue light emanated from the pages of the ancient book.

Some kind of icy cold breath wandered in the dense forest.

Afterwards, the figure of a young man appeared in the void in front of Tsuchimikado Suizan silently.

White shoulder-length short hair, handsome face, sad face, and beautiful light blue eyes... The shikigami who appeared in front of Toshizo Tsuchimikado was a beautiful young man as exquisite as the crystallization of nature's creation.

But there was a long knife stuck in the boy's chest.

It looked like he was injured, but the young man didn't appear to be in any pain, and he yawned as if he didn't notice the knife piercing his body.

He looked at Toshizo Tsuchimikado.

"The moonlight is beautiful tonight..."

Xuetong looked up at the sky, his beautiful light blue eyes seemed to see the moon in the night sky through the woods above his head, and said in a low voice, "Unfortunately, I don't seem to have time to appreciate it."

Xue Tongzi looked at Tuyumen Suisan and asked, "What do you want me to do? Suisan?"

Tsuchimikado Toshizo looked at it, pointed to the dry well on the side, and said, "Please help me open the passage, I want to go down and have a look. See the real appearance of this well."

Yukidouji shook his head at Tsuchimikado Toshizo's request.

"It's a very difficult request... The space in this well is distorted and leads to a false space of another dimension. It's a little difficult for you to ask me to open a passage so that you can enter the real well."

Xuetongzi slowly floated to the edge of the dry well, and lowered his head to look inside.

Then he showed a surprised expression.

"Huh? This breath..."

Yukidou looked back at Toshizo Tsuchimikado, and said, "The evil thing down here... is interesting, has it been enlightened?"

Tuyumen Suizan shook his head, "If she had been enlightened successfully, the current situation would not have happened. If she really attained the Tao, she would only be a Demon Buddha, which would not be a good thing in the world."

Xuetongzi sighed a little sadly, "It's a pity... The righteous way is close at hand, but it has gone to another adjacent evil way. It's a pity for the Zen master who enlightened this evil thing."

Saying that, Xue Tongzi slowly pulled out the samurai sword from his chest.

Bitter wind and snow suddenly appeared around him and revolved around his body.

And this beautiful and delicate boy like an ice and snow elf floated in the air like this, slowly raised the knife in his hand, and said.

"Sui San, do you really want to go down? The scene below may be beyond your expectations."

In the cold wind, Tsuchimikado Toizo stood there, indifferent.

He looked at the wind and snow surrounding Shikigami, and said, "Don't worry, I know more about this than you do."

He said, "I won't do things that I'm not sure of. Zhi Ji is in danger down there, and there is no other way."

"What's more, if Zhi Ji is here, that kid from Lin Yuan's family must be here..."

Tsuchimikado Toishan closed his eyes and said, "For the sake of the old man, I can't ignore it."

Chapter 544 Interlaced Light and Darkness

The power of the evil and violent demon raged around Lin Yuanfei's body.

His figure has completely turned into a terrifying and frightening demon.

That tall and hideous appearance, like a monster in a nightmare, can scare people awake alive.

In front of Lin Yuanfei, the woman sitting on the black lotus looked at him and shook her head.

"Evil nature, misunderstood understanding, can't reach the Tathagata's true nature. Two vehicles of asceticism are not the ultimate, heretical practice will eventually destroy... Lin Yuan, you look more like a demon than me now."

"Look at your current appearance, do you still have even a little bit of human temperament?"

"Sow evil causes, and you will reap vicious fruits in the future. Your path is getting more and more deviated from the right path."

The woman on the lotus platform looks compassionate.

Seeing her like this, Lin Yuanfei sneered.

"Oh? Really?" Lin Yuanfei asked with a sneer, "But it's none of your business whether I'm on the right path! What do I do, it's your turn to point fingers?"

For Lin Yuanfei's disdain, the woman on the lotus platform sighed softly.

She slowly closed her eyes, and said, "Medicine can cure diseases, Buddhas are destined for people, if you don't listen to some words of appreciation, it's fine."

Around the seventh-rank black lotus, dense clouds and mists slowly rose.

The woman's figure gradually disappeared into the clouds and mist, only the indifferent and melodious voice sounded in this quiet world.

"Put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha immediately. Mr. Lin Yuan, I will make a bet with you. If you can overcome this hurdle, I will tell you all the causes and effects."

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