"Amitabha, Mr. Hayashibara, have you changed your mind?"

Sadako Yamamura looked at Lin Yuanfei sincerely and said, "As you can see, no matter what you do, you can't stop me or hurt me, so why should you be so persistent? If you stop here, the agreement between us will be broken." It is still valid, I can still send you out of the dry well, and not get you involved in this incident, I really don't want to fight to the death with a good and honest man like you."

Yamamura Sadako's persuasion was extremely sincere, but Lin Yuanfei's expression was indifferent.

"Sorry, I will never go back on what I have decided."

"In the past, I was not capable enough, so I couldn't manage many things."

"I knew that a biochemical crisis might break out in Raccoon City, but I didn't have the time, ability, or opportunity to investigate or prevent the biochemical crisis from happening. In the end, millions of people turned into zombies."

"Among them, some are my acquaintances, and some are even my friends, but they are all dead."

"And I can't do anything."

"Although I have never said it and never mentioned it, I have never forgotten their deaths."

"Silence doesn't mean forgetting."

"Even if these things are not my responsibility, nor did I kill them, but people have a strong heart, and maybe some people will not react at all even if their acquaintances and friends around them are dead."

"But unfortunately, I can't do it."

"Every time I think of those familiar faces and people turned into zombies, and finally wiped out by nuclear bombs dropped from the sky in a corner I don't know, I feel very uncomfortable."

"Since then, I have understood a truth very deeply."

"Weakness is the original sin!"

"In this dangerous world, being weak is the most unforgivable original sin!"

Lin Yuanfei roared angrily, with an extremely ferocious expression on his face, "At the beginning I was extremely weak, barely able to protect myself, unable to help anyone, unable to change any situation, and could only watch everything happen."

"But this time it's different. Since I have the ability to take care of it, I won't sit back and watch similar things happen again."

Lin Yuanfei looked coldly at the woman on the lotus platform, and said, "I have acquaintances and friends in Chiba City, and my acquaintances and friends also have their acquaintances and friends, and their acquaintances and friends also have acquaintances and friends. I If you want to save people, then save them all. But there are so many people, how can I take them all away in one hour?"

"So I chose the most convenient and quickest way, the most simple and rude way."

"That is--"

The knife in Lin Yuanfei's hand was slowly lifted up.

The surging dark devilish energy shone on his blade.

Lin Yuanfei roared, and slashed directly at the ground below, "—I'll kill you!"

"Kill you, and it will all be over!"

"If you kill you, you don't have to do multiple-choice questions about life!"

"Kill you, no one will be harmed!"

The huge dark sword energy crazily slashed the ground under Lin Yuanfei's feet.

Visible to the naked eye, cracks appeared again on the ground composed of unknown crystals.

And Lin Yuanfei's crazy chopping speed became more and more crazy.

Like an out-of-control demon escaping from hell, it is frantically destroying this world.

"You are the source of everything! You are the source of all evil!"

"Kill you, everything will be solved."

"Today, as long as I, Lin Yuanfei, can take a breath while standing here, I will definitely not let your plot succeed!"

The boiling devilish energy distorted Lin Yuanfei's body.

The aura of rage raged around him.

The frenzied slashing sword energy turned this world into a violent hell.

But the man standing in this hell was as tall as a giant.

Roaring wildly, he slashed the ground in front of him frantically.

The deafening roar resounded through the world.

"You want me to run away with my tail between my legs? Dreaming!"

Chapter 553 Evil Buddha

In the dark world, it was so quiet that no one's voice seemed to be heard.

Yukidouji supported Tsuchimikado Toizo's feet with his palm, and slowly descended into this dark dry well.

"It's really a bit evil..."

In Yukidou's soft whisper, Tsuchimikado Suizo, who was held in his palm, looked down and looked around, frowning.

"The space under this well is bigger than expected," Tsuchimikado Toizo said in a low voice.

At this time, Tsuchimikado Suizan was stepping on Yukidouji's palm, letting Yudouzi support him to slowly descend.

In many cases, shikigami will also do work similar to mounts.

But letting Yukidou support himself down in this place is also a helpless move for Tsuchimikado Toizan.

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