Without the support of Xuetongzi's power, he would not be able to come down to the well in the real world, and would be sucked into that false dimensional space the moment he entered the wellhead.

In fact, even if he was held by Yukidouji and slowly descended, under the protection of Yukidouji's strength, Tsuchimikado Toizo could feel the faint pulling force in the void around his body.

If Snow Boy let go of him now, he would be sucked into the dimensional space immediately.

In that case, things will be very troublesome.

Tsuchimikado Toshizo looked at the dark underground space in front of him, and said, "It seems that this grieving ghost has opened up a large area underground. It is impossible to have such a spacious space under a real dry well."

Hearing Suisan's words, Xuetongzi, who was holding him up, chuckled lightly.

Then, Xuetongzi said, "What this ghost has done is even more surprising than the fact that it opened up such a large space underground."

"Under this dark well, I could faintly feel a strange Buddha-nature. It's really awe-inspiring... The dimensional space under the well feels a bit like the legendary Buddha's Pure Land, hehe... This ghost , Do you want to open up a Buddhist kingdom in the world?"

Hearing Yukidouji's laughter, Tsuchimikado Touzan frowned.

"Opening up a Buddhist kingdom in the world has long been proven to be an unfeasible path. This guy actually wants to do such a thing... No wonder he has to adjust the entire landline of Chiba City."

Tsuchimikado Suizan murmured in a low voice, and the two talisman papers in his hands turned into scattered golden sand and flew towards the darkness in front of him.

Then, wherever the fine sand went, many mottled lines and lights appeared in the dark void.

Looking at the huge pattern formed by these light lines, even if what you see in front of you is just the tip of the iceberg of this huge magic circle.

But for an onmyoji like Tsuchimikado Toshizo, it is enough to guess the true purpose of this magic circle.

"He actually wants to absorb such a huge vitality... Is this guy trying to drain the vitality of the entire population of Chiba City?"

Under the support of Yukidouji, Tsuchimikado Toizo's body was still slowly descending.

In his hand, fine golden sand flew out continuously, revealing more lines of the magic circle.

And the more Tsuchimikado Toshisan watched, the more he understood the effectiveness of this magic circle.

Xue Tongzi suddenly said, "From the perspective of the scale of life force that the magic circle can absorb, it is probably enough to absorb the life expectancy of five to six years per capita in Chiba City. However, considering that some old people may not live for five or six years, this average After all, it may take a little more—if the magic circle can be completed."

Hearing Yukidouji's analysis, Tsuchimikado Toshizo's expression was very indifferent.

Even after seeing such an appalling magic circle, he remained calm and calm.

Looking down at the darkness under his feet, Tsuchimikado Toshizo said.

"I'm even more curious about the current state of this wraith."

"I always thought it was just an ordinary murderous ghost, but now it seems that it is even more evil than we imagined. This kind of weird Buddha energy that is getting stronger and stronger... Has it really been enlightened? But since it has been enlightened , how could you do such a thing?"

Tsuchimikado Toshizo was thinking about this question.

But Xuetongzi's feet lightly landed on the ground at the bottom of the well, and finally touched the bottom of the well.

But it still held up Tsuchimikado Toshizo, lest Tsuchimikado Toshizo be sucked away by the attraction in the void.

Standing at the bottom of the dark well, looking at the world in front of him, Xuetongzi sighed sadly, and said, "In this world, there are Buddhas who lead people to be good, and demons who harm people's lives. If so, it is the legendary Demon Buddha.”

As he said that, Xue Tongzi pulled out the famous knife Xue Zou on his chest.

The famous sword pierced its chest, but now it is one with it and becomes its strength.

In the darkness, Xuetong waved the snow in his hand lightly, and a faint blue cold light radiated from the blade.

With the help of this dim blue light, Tsuchimikado Suizan could see everything in front of him clearly.

a buddha...

An evil Buddha...

An evil Buddha sits with his legs crossed and his hands clasped together, like an eminent monk sitting quietly at the bottom of a well.

The body of an evil Buddha is a skeleton full of dust.

The face of the evil Buddha is a layer of dry human skin attached to the skull.

Obviously it should be a mummy or skeleton with a miserable death condition, but what appeared in front of Toshizo Tsuchimikado and the others at this moment was a strange corpse with legs crossed and hands clasped together.

There was a faint evil spirit in the air, and there was no doubt that it was an evil Buddha.

Moreover, it is an evil Buddha who has achieved a small amount of cultivation.

Seeing this scene, Tsuchimikado Toishan put his hands together slightly and sighed softly.

"The eminent monk who enlightened this resentful ghost probably never imagined that the resentful ghost he enlightened would turn into an evil Buddha that even Fudo Mingwang Shizun could not suppress?"

Yukitoko looked at Tsuchiyado Toshizo and said.

"Mr. Tsuchimikado, do you have a way to deal with the evil Buddha?"

Tuyumen Suizan was silent for a few seconds, shaking his head, "This evil Buddha has merged with the energy of the entire leylines and the magic circle that is about to be completed, and is protected by the power of the magic circle and the entire leylines. In terms of power, unless it can go deep into the center of the magic circle to destroy the ritual. Otherwise, it will be difficult to shake it from the outside."

As soon as Tuyumen Suizan finished his words, the body of the evil Buddha in front of him suddenly shook.

Then, visible to the naked eye, several flashes of light appeared on the ground under the evil Buddha, which was a sign that the magic circle had been shaken.

Seeing this scene, Tsuchimikado Toizo was a little confused.

"Is this... who is destroying the magic circle inside?"

Xue Tongzi raised the knife in his hand, pointed it at the forehead of the evil Buddha, and said softly, "It seems that Miss Zhiji is more powerful than we imagined. Tonight, we will eliminate demons again."

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