The remaining dead energy surrounded Lin Yuanfei, and then slowly dissipated.

The demon shook the fleshy wings on its back, and looked coldly at the huge mountain-like evil spirit in front of him.

Then, the blade was lifted up, and his eyes were piercing.

"Is it great to be bigger? Getting bigger will only make you die faster!"

Lin Yuanfei roared angrily, and directly shook the demon wings behind him. In the howling wind, it turned into a stream of dark light and rushed towards the huge head of the evil spirit.

The blood-stained wooden knife was rubbed with a layer of dark red light by the friction of the air during the high-speed flight, and it seemed that it was about to be ignited by the friction of the air.

But Lin Yuanfei's speed was still rising, without any decline at all.

He stared at the huge mountain-like evil spirit in front of him, and roared angrily.

"The only one who will die today is you!"

Amidst Lin Yuanfei's roar, his speed had reached the limit.

During the high-speed flight, the wooden knife in his hand was directly ignited by the huge air friction.

A fiery flame ignited on the blade of the wooden knife.

Then, these flames spread along Lin Yuanfei's arms to his whole body, as if they used the power of the demon surrounding him as fuel.

In an instant, Lin Yuanfei in the sky turned into a huge fireball.

The scorching heat burned his body.

His expression was contorted with pain.

The voice is still crazy and violent.

"Eat me man-made treasures! Great grievances arise!"

... Time, go back to not long ago.

When the Onmyoji girl told Lin Yuanfei how to use the Ripi Diary, she was silent for a few seconds.


"The ghost flame wooden sword in your hand is stained with Ibaraki-douji's ghost blood, and contains a little power of Ibaraki-douji. And this power has been nourished by generations of sword-wielders for thousands of years, sucked and cut by the wooden sword. The power of the killing spirit has become very powerful now."

"When necessary, you can ignite it and use it as a one-time weapon for strategic decisive battle."

"Ibaraki-douji's fire is the legendary fire of karma."

"This kind of fire can burn everything. Once the resentful ghost spirit body is contaminated, it will not stop until it is completely burned to ashes."

"It's also very dangerous for the demon power on you."

" careful with..."


Zhihime's words seemed to ring in his ears again.

The fiery flames of the ghost species crazily burned Lin Yuanfei's body.

But his speed still didn't drop.

His entire figure has completely turned into a ball of fire.

Or, a bolide piercing the sky!

The huge tail flame dragged a long trail behind Lin Yuanfei.

He roared, berserk like a madman, and without the slightest hesitation, he rushed directly to the huge wraith in front of him.

The eyes are incomparably crazy!

"Burn it up! Yamamura Sadako! Today is your end!"

Author's message:

PS: The belated fifth update... Well, this chapter was not finished yesterday.

I stayed up too late when I finished, and I couldn't sleep until four o'clock, so I made up for it now.

Start today's update later

Chapter 555

The surging flame illuminates the dark world.

The huge bolide dragged its long tail flame across the sky.

Lin Yuanfei's figure had already turned into a ball of fire.

The demonic power in his body poured out crazily, letting the karmic fire outside burn like fuel.

Ibaraki Doji, the ghost king of Oeyama in the Heian period, the terrifying ghost king in Japanese myths and legends, the original fire that burns everything, reappeared after disappearing for a thousand years.

But it used Lin Yuanfei's devilish energy as fuel to light up the world.

The terrifying high temperature and heat wave boiled in the air, and it seemed that even the air was about to be ignited.

The gigantic Wraith Mountain Village Sadako, who was as huge as a mountain, saw the scorching fireball coming, and subconsciously wanted to back up and dodge.

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