But its body is too large.

Compared to this small and enclosed space, her body is too huge.

The moment she moved to dodge the huge fireball, Lin Yuanfei directly found her existence, turned a corner in mid-air, and rushed straight to the huge wraith not far away.

If she was still the normal human body, Lin Yuanfei would not have dared to work so hard, because it was too difficult to catch the target.

But now that the opponent has become so huge, no matter how she teleports, she cannot teleport very far.

The huge fireball that Lin Yuanfei turned into rushed towards her the moment Sadako Yamamura moved out.

This time, Sadako Yamamura didn't even have time to dodge, and was directly hit by a huge fireball flying over.

In an instant, the fiery karma fire ignited directly on Yamamura Sadako's huge body.

The karmic fire that burns everything seems to have a certain kind of huge lethality to the wraiths.

In other words, the spirit body of the wraith is the perfect fuel for the original fire of karma.

The moment Lin Yuanfei's body collided with Yamamura Sadako's body, it was like a flame colliding with a scarecrow full of gasoline.

In an instant, the fiery flames spread to Sadako Yamamura's limbs and bones at a terrifying speed.

Sadako Yamamura, who was as huge as a mountain, directly turned into a huge fireball.

That huge body is like the legendary Flame Mountain.

The blazing fire of the ghost seed violently burned into the spirit body of the evil ghost.

Sadako Yamamura began to scream and roll desperately.

Every time the huge body rolled, the ground trembled wildly.

The monster as huge as a mountain rolled and beat the flames on his body, and the powerful impact made the ground feel like an earthquake.

But this flame will never be extinguished, until it burns the spirit body of the evil ghost to ashes, it cannot be extinguished no matter what.

Gradually, the huge spiritual body of Sadako Yamamura stopped moving.

Stop struggling.

Like a stiff corpse, it is still so sluggish that the vicious fire of ghost seeds still burns its body.

In the end, it gradually turned into dissipated blue smoke, completely disappearing in this world.

The swirling vortex in the void also slowly stopped, and finally completely turned into nothingness.

The black lotus platform reappeared in the darkness.

The woman on the lotus platform looked at all this with sad eyes, folded her hands together, and let out a long sigh.

"Amitabha Buddha... Lin Yuan's benefactor really has great compassion and great wisdom. He is really a great hero and a true hero by doing things that ordinary people can't do and doing things that ordinary people dare not do."

The demon, which had been burned into a ball of coke and was almost inhuman, lay there, looking at the grieving ghost in the sky motionlessly, and smiled.

The smile on the corner of his mouth seemed a bit forced.

"Don't rush to give me a posthumous title and praise me, I'm not dead yet... Do you want to fight? Don't look at me like this, I still have the strength to fight again."

Lin Yuanfei struggled to sit up, and slowly dispersed the demon's body.

When he returned to his human form, those karmic fires that had been burning slowly on the demon body also slowly disappeared like a rootless tree.

Lin Yuanfei's body returned to normal.

The pale complexion, apart from being a little weak, didn't seem to have been seriously injured.

But in a short period of time, he could no longer use the demon power in his body.

—Of course, this may or may not be a good thing.

Lin Yuanfei even hoped that the karma fire would burn all the demon power in his body, so that he might live for a few more years.

But it's a pity that although the dark side of Aretha in his body is silent and even unconscious, the survival instinct of the demon power will not allow that kind of thing to happen.

These demon powers entrenched in his body still cling to him like tarsal maggots, even though he has consumed a lot in successive battles, and now even burned a lot by the karma fire as fuel, but these are consumed Compared with the huge amount in his body, his demon power is very small.

Feeling all this, Lin Yuanfei couldn't help but sigh.

It's really unimaginable that such a huge demon power is attached to his body, but he didn't die or turned into a demon directly...

What is Yuki's demon mother trying to do?

Lin Yuanfei was slightly confused.

But at this time, it is not the time to think about these things.

He raised his head, looked at the woman on the black lotus in the void, and smiled brightly.

"Come to play a game? I still have a trump card."

Lin Yuanfei looked a lot like a bluff.

Sadako Yamamura couldn't help shaking her head, "Mr. Hayashi Yuan, don't force yourself."

She sighed and said softly, "You won, I lost, you don't have to be brave, just lie down and rest. I and [it] are twins, with different shapes. In a sense, [it] is me, I am [it]. Now that [it] is burned to ashes by you, I cannot live."

"It won't be long before I will go with it and completely disappear in this world."

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