"Tsuchimikado Toshizo? Why are you here?"

Tuyumen Suizan looked at him with a somewhat astonished expression, and didn't even bother to care about Lin Yuanfei's rude name.

He looked at Lin Yuanfei who suddenly appeared in front of him, feeling a little confused.

"Lin Yuan... why did you come out?"

Xuetongzi looked around and was surprised.

"The false world in the well disappeared? The force field created by the wraith also disappeared, and the magic circle stopped functioning... Is... that wraith has been killed?"

And as the dry well returned to normal, the mouth of the well appeared above everyone's head.

Seeing this scene, Tsuchimikado Toizo understood something.

"Has it been resolved?"

He looked at Lin Yuanfei in confusion, and asked, "But what about Zhiji? Where did she go?"

Just as Lin Yuanfei was about to speak, he suddenly felt dizzy.

His body that barely stood up fell down again, hitting the bones behind him heavily.

And the skeleton of that corpse seemed to have become extremely fragile, as if it was completely made of dust, unable to withstand any collision.

The moment Lin Yuanfei fell down, the skeleton was crushed directly, turning into dust floating in the sky, splashing in the well.

Submerged Lin Yuanfei's body.

And Lin Yuanfei lay quietly in the dust of the bones, his body did not move.

Dimly, he vaguely heard Orihime's panicked cry, and seemed to hear Kotomine Shirou's voice, but everything was inaudible.

His consciousness completely sank into the darkness.

Everything, all in silence.

All sounds seemed to be far away from Lin Yuanfei's world.

Everything became extremely quiet.

Consciousness also completely fell silent.

Become unconscious……



Dimly, Lin Yuanfei seemed to feel the sunlight piercing his eyelids.

He opened his eyes, but was stung by the sun for an instant.

He could only cover his eyelids with his hands, squint his eyes and slowly sit up.

Head hurts.

"Where is this place..."

Lin Yuanfei asked in great confusion.

With a blank expression on his face, he looked around.

Then, he was stunned.

Very strange room.

He was lying in a very strange room, with nothing familiar in sight.

He struggled to stand up, but his body seemed heavy, as if he had been seriously injured.

"...Aren't you seriously injured?" Lin Yuanfei smiled wryly and stood up straight.

In front of you is a Japanese-style tatami room.

The room where Lin Yuanfei was in was surrounded by Japanese-style partitions.

He walked straight to one of the doors and pulled open the Japanese-style door forcefully.

Then, the scenery outside the gate made him stunned.

Mount Fuji...

What appeared in front of his eyes was a mountain scenery that he had never seen before.

Quiet green grass flowers bloom in the garden.

The great lake with rolling waves flows in a farther place.

And at the end of the view, the huge Mount Fuji stands on the other side of the lake.

Although the distance is obviously still a bit far away, it really looks like it is on the other side of the lake.

In his field of vision, Lin Yuanfei couldn't see any houses, and couldn't see any traces of human activities.

Here, it seems that it is really a wild countryside, a peaceful and quiet paradise.

As far as the eye can see, there is not even a single wire or pole, and even everything in this room cannot see the existence of electrical appliances.

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