Everything maintains the most simple and quiet natural appearance.

Lin Yuanfei looked at all this and was at a loss.

"where is this place?"

He looked at the small courtyard in front of him in a daze, and shouted loudly.

"Yuki! Orihime! Senpai! Where are you?"

Lin Yuanfei called out the names of people who might appear.

However, after hearing his voice, a similar female voice sounded from the other end of the courtyard.

"What are you shouting?" A tall blonde woman stepped on clogs and walked out slowly.

The warm sunlight coated her with a faint layer of golden light, she looked like a dreamy character in a painting, she looked so beautiful.

Around her waist was a knife that Lin Yuanfei was very familiar with.

A knife that followed him through life and death, slaying demons...

Lin Yuanfei stared blankly at all this, at a loss.


Chapter 557 Could it be time-traveling again?

Chapter 557 Could it be time-traveling again?

In the mountains at sunset, everything was dyed with a faint golden light.

Lin Yuanfei stood in a Japanese-style courtyard corridor, facing the only exit of the small courtyard.

From there, through the wooden fence and gate, you can see the Great Lake in the distance and Mount Fuji on the other side of the Great Lake.

Under the sun, the surface of the Great Lake was sparkling, and there were white birds flying in the sky.

In the field of vision, you can't see any modern items, and you can't feel any noise of the world.

Everything is quiet and peaceful, as quiet and dreamy as a paradise outside the world.

But before Lin Yuanfei had time to fully appreciate the beauty of this fairyland and Taoyuan, his eyes were all attracted by the woman in front of him.

Her long golden hair was tied into a cool ponytail behind her head.

The bangs on the forehead could not cover those eyes that were as beautiful as sapphires.

Her face is a standard European and American face, with three-dimensional facial features, which can even be said to be stunning.

However, her skin was very delicate, unlike the roughness common to Europeans and Americans.

Under the sun, the delicate skin showed a very soft texture, like a virgin at the age of sixteen or seventeen.

And around her waist was a knife that Lin Yuanfei was very familiar with.

A knife that follows him from birth to death, to slay demons and demons.

——The Bellflower Fairy Dongyue.

The moment Lin Yuanfei saw the knife, he was stunned.

Almost doubting the reality of the world.


He looked in disbelief at the tall, blond and big breasted sister Yu, his eyes almost popped out, "Why are you here?"

The blond-haired sister Yu looked at him, a little confused, "What are you talking about? Is your head broken?"

Then, the master threw a knife over and said, "But it would be fine if it was really broken... Aren't you going down the mountain? Draw the knife, don't say that the master won't give you a chance."

The expression on the face of the blond-haired sister Yu looked unhappy, and even her attitude was a little cold.

She looked at Lin Yuanfei after receiving the knife, and said, "I've thought about it for a long time. Instead of letting you go down the mountain to die and let the inheritance of Feitian Yujianliu be broken in your hands, it is better to hack you to death now. Then start again Take an apprentice."

"Although I am a bit old as a teacher, there is no problem in taking another apprentice."

"Forcibly lock you up on the mountain, even if you can lock your person, you can't lock your heart. What's more, you bastard is definitely not obedient."

"Since you are going to die, then go, of course, the premise is to step over my dead body."

The master said indifferently, "If you die, as a teacher, it will be regarded as not having you as an apprentice."

Seeing Master's indifferent appearance, Lin Yuanfei held the knife in his hand in a daze, a little dazed.

"Master... Master..."

There seemed to be many images flashing through his mind, but nothing seemed to come to his mind.

He just clenched the handle of the knife in his hand, his fingers trembling, and slowly lowered his head.

After a while, Lin Yuanfei clenched his teeth, and slowly squeezed out a few trembling words from between his teeth.

"Unfilial... let you down..."

Lin Yuanfei's foot slowly pressed down.

The body gradually stretched out.

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