He made a gesture of drawing his sword.

His finger holding the knife was trembling silently, which seemed to symbolize the chaotic and entangled heart of the master.

Seeing all this, the blond-haired sister Yu just snorted disdainfully and pulled out the bellflower fairy Dongyue.

"It looks good..."

The master smiled disdainfully, and said, "You have learned all the mysteries of Feitian Yujianliu. Now, it's time to prove whether you are qualified to wield the bellflower fairy Dongyue."

After saying this, the smile on Master's face faded.

The knife in her hand silently pointed at Lin Yuanfei in front of her.

said coldly.

"The winner lives, the loser dies."

"If you can break the Nine-headed Dragon Shan as my teacher, I will let you go down the mountain."

"If you die in battle, as a teacher, it will be treated as if you have never accepted you as a disciple!"

"I don't have a foolish apprentice like you!"

Lin Yuanfei's body trembled violently.

The whole person jumped up from the hospital bed.


He yelled in horror.

Tears had already wet his face more than once.

Staring blankly at the ward in front of him, Lin Yuanfei froze.

"What is this place?"

In the next second, the bandage on his chest fell apart.

Then, the scarlet blood flew out, flew two meters away, and hit the opposite wall.

The little nurse in the ward was stunned by Lin Yuanfei's sudden jumping up, but now seeing his sudden bleeding, she panicked and screamed loudly.

"Awake! The patient is awake! Doctor! Ms. Tsuchimikado! The patient is awake!"

Then, the little nurse quickly grabbed Lin Yuanfei's feet and said anxiously.

"Mr. Lin Yuan, please sit down! Please sit down!"

After the little nurse finished speaking, she watched Lin Yuanfei sit down obediently and obediently, and then quickly began to treat the wound on Lin Yuanfei's chest.

Lin Yuanfei sat on the hospital bed in a daze, letting the little nurse help him deal with the wound, with a dazed expression on his face.

"What's the situation?"

Lin Yuan quickly couldn't tell what was reality and what was a dream.

Didn't I just prepare for a real-life PK with Master?Why did you suddenly play tricks in the ward?

And I wasn't hurt at all!Even in the PK with Yamamura Sadako at Kujing, only the shoulder was frostbitten. Why did the chest have a wound and suddenly bleed?

Under the call of the little nurse, the door of the ward was quickly pushed open.

An onmyoji girl named Zhi Ji rushed in with two doctors. Seeing Lin Yuanfei bleeding from the chest on the hospital bed, the two doctors hurried over to help.

And Zhi Ji looked at the blood on the wall, then at Lin Yuanfei who was bewildered on the hospital bed, and nodded.

"It seems that you are quite energetic, so I can rest assured."

Lin Yuanfei was speechless, "Zhiji? What is this place? Why am I here? Also, what happened to my chest injury? I don't remember that I was injured?"

Am I crossing again?

Lin Yuanfei was very confused.

And Zhi Ji said very calmly, "This is a hospital. Because of your efforts, the crisis in Chiba City has been resolved, and the things in the well have disappeared."

"As for the wound on your chest... well, it's actually like this."

Orihime said, "There is a sharp knife in the skeleton of the skeleton that was crushed by you, which should have been inserted into her body by the murderer who killed Sadako Yamamura. After it died, although the body became a skeleton, the sharp knife was still there. "

"When you fell, you crushed its skeleton, and your body just fell on top of that sharp knife."

"That's it, you have an extra wound on your chest."

Orihime said so calmly.

Chapter 558

Chapter 558

Zhi Ji's explanation left Lin Yuanfei in a daze.

ha?So that's where the wound on my chest came from?

What the hell!

Too much!

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