Zhi Ji turned her head and looked at Lin Yuanfei.

The two looked at each other, and Zhi Ji's eyes were extremely serious, "...so I can do it myself."

Lin Yuanfei looked at her and shrugged.

"Then don't worry about it, miss. I've recovered from my injury now, and I'm going to meet my friends... miss, you won't limit my freedom in life, right?"

Zhi Ji looked at him silently, and after a few seconds of silence, the girl turned around and walked out the door.

"up to you."

Zhi Ji said, "Just don't die."

After speaking, the Onmyoji girl disappeared into the ward.

Lin Yuanfei watched the girl leave, curled his lips, and did not speak.

He got off the hospital bed, stood in this single intensive care unit, thought for a while, and clenched his fist.

Lin Yuanfei frowned.

After Zhi Ji left, he could finally think about the dream he had before.

Although nothing seemed to have changed or happened in that dream, Lin Yuanfei remembered what Sadako Yamamura said before he died.

to help him or something...

That guy's help is to let himself have a dream to recall the original owner of the body?

Lin Yuanfei clenched his fist, and then thought for two seconds.

He was stunned.

not right...

After Lin Yuanfei thought about it carefully, he suddenly discovered something very strange.

The sword technique of Feitian Yujianliu...

Originally, Lin Yuanfei didn't know the sword technique of Feitian Yujian school, and he didn't know anything about this school of sword technique.

Although due to a coincidence before, Lin Yuanfei was able to use the two-style flying swordsmanship like a gourd painting.

But Lin Yuanfei didn't understand the real way of swordsmanship.

Don't know how to hold the sword correctly, how to use force, how to dodge... Sword skills are not just simple chopping.

A school of kendo also contains many profound things.

Therefore, although Lin Yuanfei could barely use the profound art of Feitian Yujianliu, but the power was not comparable to the original owner of the body.

But at this moment, everything seems to have changed.

When Lin Yuanfei recalled Feitian Yujianliu's swordsmanship, relevant knowledge suddenly flooded into his brain.

He subconsciously picked up the chrysanthemum one character next to him, and the moment he held the samurai sword in his hand, Hayashi Yuan Feifu knew how to hold the sword, how to exert strength, and how to draw the sword like a soul.

Not only the two styles of sword skills he knows, but even those things that he has never studied before, he seems to understand.

It's as if...he already knew swordsmanship.

Standing in the ward with this samurai sword in his hand, Lin Yuanfei looked dazed.

Fuck... Fuck?Could this be the help of Sadako Yamamura?

Before he died, helped him retrieve the martial arts memory of the original owner of his body?

Loaded him with the experience pack of Feitian Yujianliu?

Now he has finally learned how to fly the sword?

Lin Yuanfei hesitated for a few seconds, and then, the long knife in his hand came out of its sheath.

In the next second, a fierce sword wind roared in the ward.

Double Dragon Flash, Dragon Hammer Flash, Long Xiang Flash, Tornado Flash, Dragon Nest Flash... Lin Yuanfei practiced all the sword skills he could use, and finally put his sword back into its sheath a little out of breath.

Everyone stood there excitedly.

Panting is not because of fatigue, but because of excitement!

Feitian Yujianliu's full set of swordsmanship has been learned, and the experience pack has been loaded. After being unlucky in this world for so long, now it's finally turning around!

This plug-in, which was more than ten days late, is finally online!

Chapter 561 Lin Yuanfei's Ambition

Plug-ins are the basic skills necessary for legendary traversers.

However, Lin Yuanfei's cheat was launched a little late.

But it's finally over...

Standing in a messy ward, Lin Yuanfei let out a long sigh.

This road is unbearable to look back on, and now the clouds are finally open and the moon is bright.

This feeling is simply refreshing!

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