If he had loaded the DLC of Feitian Yujianliu from the very beginning, then Fu Jiang Jiaya, who was afraid of a fart, would just push it over.

Even the dark side of Aretha in Silent Hill can fight, maybe you don't need to rely on devouring the opponent at all.

But for now, it's not bad.

Although the plug-in was late, as long as it was online, it was better than him continuing to hold a broken knife and krypton his life there.

Lin Yuanfei didn't believe that he would encounter monsters that Fei Tian Yu Jianliu couldn't handle next.

No matter how unlucky a person is, he must have a head, right?

Brush dungeons every day and every night... Have you asked for your opinion on the dungeons?Other dungeons also want to rest!

Anyway, now that Sadako Yamamura has been beaten, Hayashi Yuanfei can be said to have nothing to miss in Japan.

Although Yuki and Yuno sisters seem to have a lot of trouble, it's drizzle.

As Zhi Ji said, as long as Lin Yuanfei stays away from them, the two sisters will probably reconcile soon, right?

As for Lin Yuanfei, he plans to leave Japan.

Anyway, he is still a Chinese.

After half a month in Japan, a hellish place in dire straits, everything was not going my way.

It seems that returning home is his destination.

Lin Yuanfei planned to take a short rest, get over the matter here, and went to China to see it.

In this parallel world, Lin Yuanfei really wants to know what his hometown has become.

In this parallel world of China, I don't know if there is another Lin Yuanfei and his parents.

And he also wanted to see the customs of China in a different world.

This ghostly place in Japan is too scary, there are pits and problems everywhere, Lin Yuanfei really doesn't want to stay any longer.

Now he can be regarded as a master swordsman no matter what, and he has the memory of later generations, and he has an impression of the general development of the world in the next ten years.

At that time, it will definitely be no problem to make a few small sums of money along the tide of the times.

When you earn a few hundred million yuan, you will become a stable rich man, travel around the world, see the customs and customs of different places, and accomplish in this life what you failed to achieve in your previous life.

Walking alone in the world with one sword and one person, no bullshit wraiths, no entangled monsters, just thinking about it makes me happy.

Lin Yuanfei put Ju Yiwen Zezong down, sat back on the hospital bed, and began to think about his future and what to do next.

And at this moment, the door of the ward opened, and the little nurse who had been sprayed in the face by Lin Yuanfei before came in, and saw the mess in the room.

The little nurse was stunned for a second, a little helpless.

"Mr. Lin Yuan," she looked at Lin Yuanfei, and said seriously, "Please don't make trouble, please? Your wound has already opened twice. If it continues to open...do you still want to recover?"

Lin Yuanfei looked at the mess in the room and smiled awkwardly.

"Sorry, sister nurse, I won't do it next time."

He had rehearsed all the sword techniques of Feitian Yujianliu before. Although he restrained his strength and did not damage the buildings, the surging sword energy still messed up everything.

It looks like a typhoon passing through the border.

Although the little nurse was a little angry about this, she obviously dared not speak out.

After all, the old man who lives in the intensive care unit is someone who the Prime Minister has taken care of, so a mere nurse can't afford to offend him.

So even if she is dissatisfied, the little nurse can only obediently come in to clean.

At the same time, he handed Lin Yuanfei a piece of clean clothes.

"Miss Tsuchimikado prepared this for you," said the little nurse.

After Lin Yuanfei took the clothes, he lowered his head and looked at his chest. Because of the previous two blood surges, his chest is now full of blood, and it looks very sloppy when wet.

After Lin Yuanfei took the clothes, he wanted to throw them away, but then he yelled arrogantly, "A man of lofty ideals will not drink the water from a stolen spring, and a humble man will not be fed by a cheap one. Give her back this clothes and let her go! Tell her, I, Lin Yuanfei I will never want anything from her in my life!"

But after thinking about it, Lin Yuanfei gave up this idea again.

It's okay for a cute girl to be arrogant, but a rough old man is still arrogant... Is it disgusting?

It's just a piece of clothing, so it doesn't matter if you accept it.Men who care about every detail are the most disgusting.

Thinking of this, Lin Yuanfei calmly took off the bloody clothes on his body and put on the new clothes that Zhi Ji bought for him.

Well, the fabric is very comfortable and looks high-end.

After Lin Yuanfei changed his clothes, he stood up and said, "What about my things? They were all taken away? Why didn't you see anything?"

Hearing this inquiry, the little nurse who was tidying up the room stood up and said, "Wait a minute, I'll get it for you right away."

After speaking, the little nurse left the ward.

But he came back soon, with a backpack on his back.

"Your things are all in here, Ms. Tsuchimikado has always kept them safe," said the little nurse.

After Lin Yuanfei took the backpack, he opened it directly.

Then start counting the contents.

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