Lin Yuanfei turned on the phone, flipped through the interface... eh... Forget it, let's not call Sister Budao and the others for now.

The main reason is that there is Fu Jiang over there, and it will be troublesome if he goes crazy at that time.

Let's deal with other things first and then consider Fu Jiang.

Lin Yuanfei thought for a while and stood up.

His Tangyue Xian Dongyue is here even with the scabbard, but unfortunately the blade in the scabbard is broken.

But Lin Yuanfei didn't care.

Now that he has cleared the obstacles, he can be disarmed and return to the field.

The knife keeps breaking or's not a big problem.

He put the broken knife on his waist again, and then walked out the door.

As for the so-called Chrysanthemum Yizi Zongzong, Lin Yuanfei left it aside.

He left the ward straight away and came to the corridor.

Yuki was lying in the ward next to him, and Lin Yuanfei was standing outside the door, through the glass on the ward door, he could see that the girl was standing on the balcony looking at the outside world, with her back to the door.

Standing outside the gate, Lin Yuanfei could only see the girl's back.

He wanted to reach out and push the door of the ward to go in, but after stretching out his hand, he retracted it inexplicably.

Forget it, let's go to Yan Ye first...

Lin Yuanfei whispered to himself, turned around and walked towards Yan Ye's ward.

He had been to Yan Ye's ward before, so he remembered it.

Even the first meeting with Orihime was here.

At that time, Lin Yuanfei wanted to take the elevator downstairs, but the Onmyoji girl just happened to take the elevator up and blocked him.

At that time, Lin Yuanfei couldn't imagine what would happen between him and this disliked Onmyoji girl.

...Although now Lin Yuanfei doesn't particularly like Zhiji either.

Hey... the flowers of Gaoling are beautiful, but they are unattainable and unattainable.

Lin Yuanfei stood on the side of the road and thought for a while, then slowly closed his eyes.

His consciousness sank into the spiritual world.

In the dark and empty world, Lin Yuanfei stood alone in the darkness, and what he saw in front of him were two stools... two stools?

Lin Yuanfei was stunned for a moment, almost thinking that he had misread it.

On the chair on the left, sat the little girl holding a doll, still with that eerie and weird smile, which made my scalp tingle inexplicably.

On the chair on the right, an evil spirit named Freddy was sleeping soundly with his head tilted.

As for the remnant soul that existed before, it has completely disappeared now.

It seems that the remnant soul of the original owner of the body has never appeared in this consciousness space.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yuanfei was silent for a few seconds, and slowly opened his eyes.

Consciousness returns to the real world.

Originally, he just looked at it on a whim, but he didn't expect that the remnant soul really disappeared just as he thought.

It seems that Sadako Yamamura's so-called help is probably to use some method to fuse the remnant soul in Lin Yuanfei's body with him.

In this way, Lin Yuanfei got the martial arts memory left by the remnant soul, and learned the sword technique of Feitian Yujianliu.

However, that wisp of remnant soul has been consumed long ago, even if it doesn't disappear now, Lin Yuanfei will probably disappear after using it once or twice.

Now being able to use waste and help him learn all the sword techniques of Feitian Yujianliu is a great thing.

Thinking about it this way, it seems that I owe Yamamura Sadako a big favor.

That guy really did what he said.

Said to send Brother Zhi Jicheng and the others out, and they really sent people out.

He said that he wanted to do Lin Yuanfei a big favor, and he really did a big favor. He was very honest, and there was no conspiracy at all.

These days, even ghosts are more reliable than humans...

Lin Yuanfei sighed a long time, pushed open the door of Yan Ye's ward, and said.

"Yan Ye, do you still recognize me as a master?"

Lin Yuanfei's expression became extremely cold.

His whole body was filled with murderous aura.

It looks like he came to Xingshi to inquire about the crime.

The girl in the ward was stunned for a second, and when she saw Lin Yuanfei's appearance, she immediately knelt down.

Crying with regret.

"Apprentice knows it's wrong! Please punish Master!"

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