Chapter 563 Stupid Apprentice

In the solitary intensive care unit, a girl named Gui Yanye knelt on the ground and cried extremely sadly.

Seeing that extremely sad look, Lin Yuanfei was taken aback for a while.

To be honest, he originally just wanted to scare the little girl who lied to him.

I didn't expect this silly girl to be so frightened. He just started crying when he opened his mouth.

Lin Yuanfei stood at the door, looking at the girl kneeling and crying in front of him, and fell into a stalemate for a while.

This situation... it seems a bit tricky.

It wasn't that Lin Yuanfei was afraid of the girl crying.

It was the silly girl who cried, which directly disrupted his plan.

emmm... what should I do next?

Lin Yuanfei was thinking, should he continue to sullenly?

After thinking about it, he decided to keep his face sullen and pretend to be deep.

Looking indifferently at the girl kneeling in front of him, Lin Yuanfei said, "It seems that you are still very conscious."

Lin Yuanfei said indifferently, "Since you are self-aware and understand that you have done stupid things, then I will stop talking nonsense."

"Tell me, who told you to lie to me? Why didn't you tell me the truth when I came to see you last time?"

This time, Yan Ye confessed everything without hiding anything.

Just like what Lin Yuanfei guessed, it really was the fault of the Japanese government.

The Japanese government prohibited Yan Ye from telling others about the relevant situation, and even made a lot of messy reasons for this.

Isn't it easy to coax and scare a little girl?A little girl like Gui Yanye who has not yet come out of society is dubious when she is fooled by those old fritters.

So when Lin Yuanfei came last time, the little girl didn't dare to tell Lin Yuanfei the truth, for fear of hurting Lin Yuanfei as those guys said.

Tch... this stupid apprentice...

Lin Yuanfei sat on the chair and shook his head.

"With your IQ, you basically say goodbye to bicycles."

Lin Yuanfei looked at the girl kneeling at his feet, feeling a little helpless, "You have such an IQ, how can I safely hand over the Feitian Yujian to you? Even if you have learned all the sword skills and are tricked by others, it's still the same. It's a big fat sheep."

The little girl was very sad about this.

"Yan Ye knew he was wrong. It was Yan Ye who was useless and made Master sad. I beg Master to punish Yan Ye."

The little girl cried very sadly.

Lin Yuanfei looked at her helplessly.

Punish your sister... It's not a story, and Lin Yuanfei is not a pervert, he won't be excited because he bullied a beautiful girl.

Looking at the crying girl in front of him, Lin Yuanfei let out a long sigh.

Some helplessly shook his head.

"Forget it, it's your nature, there's nothing you can do about it. Who made me blindly look for you as a silly apprentice... In short, since you are infected by that pillar virus, your physical fitness and strength must have changed. Are you strong?"

Yan Ye nodded quickly, "Yan Ye, Yan Ye feels that his body has never been so strong."

"That's good, since your physical shortcomings have disappeared, then you can consider officially teaching the flying swordsmanship to you," Lin Yuanfei said, and the little girl was stunned.

Yan Ye suddenly raised his head, looked at Lin Yuanfei in horror and astonishment, the expression on his face looked very... weird.

Surprise, fear, panic, unbelievable... Lin Yuanfei could hardly believe that so many emotions could appear on the same face at the same time, he felt that the little girl Gui Yanye was going to collapse in a second.

But fortunately, the opponent did not collapse.

After the little girl was stunned for ten seconds, she finally came back to her senses, and desperately knelt down in front of Lin Yuanfei and kowtowed.

"Master, I was wrong! Yan Ye will never dare again! Yan Ye will never dare again!"

The little girl cried even more heartbreakingly, like a kitten about to be abandoned.

Lin Yuanfei stared in a daze.

"Huh? I want to teach you swordsmanship, why do you react like this? Is there a hole in your head?"

Hearing Lin Yuanfei's question, the little girl raised her head timidly, and asked with an uneasy expression, "Really...really? Master, don't you blame me?"

Lin Yuanfei sighed, feeling very helpless, "Do you blame you for using it again? Anyway, you are my only disciple. If I don't teach you the sword technique, who else can I teach it to?"

Lin Yuanfei at this moment is like a helpless father who sees that his children are not making progress, he is full of helplessness.

"You can't let the inheritance of the Feitian Yujian style be broken here, can you?" Lin Yuanfei said.

Gui Yanye was a little confused, "Master, what are you going to do? Why... are you saying it like a last word?"

Lin Yuanfei rolled his eyes and said, "Don't mention it. Although what your master is talking about now is not a will, it is no different from a will."

After swallowing the dark power of Silent Hill, his life expectancy was only about five years.

As a result, he used the power of the devil several times in succession, consuming and burning his vitality even more.

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