"You want to go down the mountain?"

"...Mmm," Lin Yuanfei nodded again.


There was another crisp sound, and scarlet blood spilled from the corner of Lin Yuanfei's mouth.

Under the warm sunshine, Master still smiled, but it was extremely cold.

She stroked Lin Yuanfei's swollen face with her hand, and said, "It seems that my apprentice has been raised for nothing... Tell me, what did you see on Mount Fuji? What are you planning to do down the mountain?"

"Tell me well, Master. If you say it well, Master will leave you a whole body."

The Master smiled and uttered terrible words.

After Lin Yuanfei was silent for a few seconds, he took a deep breath and said.

"The night before yesterday, I went to Mount Fuji and saw a terrible disaster. There, I met a man."

"that person……"

"Mr. Lin Yuan, here we are," a strange voice suddenly sounded in Lin Yuanfei's ear.

Woke him up straight away.

He opened his eyes and found himself in the back seat of the car.

And outside the car window is Katsura Manami's villa.

On the side was Gui Yanye who was also sitting in the back seat.

The one who woke him up was the driver with a serious expression and looking in the rearview mirror, "Your destination has arrived."

Lin Yuanfei was silent for a few seconds, rubbing the center of his brows.

Trying hard to suppress the urge to hit someone.

MMP!This is going to be the key point soon!You wake me up?

God damn wake up!

A broken dog kills a thousand swords!

This has just reached the exciting part, the critical moment, and you are cut off... MMP!Where did the Tsuchiyamon family find funny words!

Lin Yuanfei was furious.

But in fact, he also understands that the driver cannot be blamed for this incident.

After all, how could the driver know that his dreams are so important.

He pushed open the door tiredly and got out of the car.

Standing under the noon sun, looking at the big villa in front of me, it seems like a lifetime away.

Ahhh...life...what an MMP.

Without even saying hello, Lin Yuanfei walked towards the villa with his own knife in his hands very impolitely, as if he was getting angry in bed.

On the other hand, Yan Ye thanked the driver obediently, then put on his hat, and followed Lin Yuanfei to the villa in front of him.

But Yan Ye obviously didn't dare to touch Lin Yuanfei's brow.

At this time, Lin Yuanfei walked out of the villa angrily, and rang the doorbell of the villa regardless of the car driving away behind him.

Soon, Katsura Manami came to open the door.

After seeing Lin Yuanfei and Yan Ye at the door, Gui Manami was so happy that she almost passed out.

"Yan Ye! Master Lin Yuan!" She looked at the two people in front of her in disbelief, and said happily, "Are you all alright?"

Lin Yuanfei nodded, subdued the resentment in his stomach, and returned to his normal smile.

"It's all right, all the troubles have been solved, and now I have brought Yan Ye back. Don't worry about it for now."

As he said that, Lin Yuanfei looked around the room and asked, "How are Fu Jiang and Budao-senpai living with you?"

Katsura Manami nodded, "It's all good, that Miss Tomie is sleeping upstairs. As for that Miss Busushima, she left this morning. Her parents came to Japan to find her, and she went to pick her up at the airport, and she hasn't come back yet."

With that said, Katsura Manami was very confused, "Master Hayashihara, aren't you coming in? Why are you standing at the door all the time?"

Lin Yuanfei sighed and said.

"Everything is fine, please worry about it."

With that said, Lin Yuanfei took Gui Yanye into the villa.

"Yan Ye, you can talk to your mother first, I'll go up and see Fu Jiang."

Lin Yuanfei did not sit down, but said directly to his apprentice, "In a short period of time, this may be the only time you meet each other. Have a good chat with your mother."

With that said, Lin Yuanfei went straight upstairs.

On the other hand, Katsura Manami looked bewildered, surprised by Lin Yuanfei's words.

"This...Yan Ye, what does Master Lin Yuan mean? Why can't we meet in a short time?"

Yan Ye hugged his mother and said sadly, "Master will take me away for a while to avoid the attention of people from the Umbrella Company and the outside world. Moreover, Master will officially teach me the sword technique of Feitian Yujianliu. It may take It has been a long time to practice kendo, and I may not see you and Dad for a long time."

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