However, after hearing Yan Ye's answer, Katsura Manami was relieved instead.

"It scared me to death. I thought it was something terrible. Since Master Lin Yuan is willing to teach you the sword technique, it is a great thing. You must follow Master to serve him and practice swordsmanship seriously."

"As for your studies, don't worry about it for the time being. When you come back after a while, my mother will find a way to let you enter Dongda University. I won't let you delay your studies."

Katsura Manami is very happy, and it can even be said that she is very relieved.

"Master Lin Yuan is a very upright swordsman. Mom is very relieved that you are practicing kendo by his side. In other words, you don't worry at last."

"Following Master Lin Yuan's side, your safety can be guaranteed, and your father and I don't have to worry about you being attacked day and night by people with umbrellas."

Katsura Manami seemed to have really let go of her breath, while Yan Ye hugged her mother and cried very sadly.

"Yan Ye knows," Yan Ye cried, "Yan Ye will definitely practice swordsmanship seriously with his master, and will never let his parents down. Yan Ye is just reluctant to part with his mother... woo woo woo..."

Katsura Manami sighed, gently stroked her daughter's head, and said.

"Silly daughter..."

Chapter 569

Lin Yuanfei was not interested in the emotional exchange between Yan Ye's mother and daughter.

He went straight upstairs and came to the door of Fu Jiang's room.

In other words, he deliberately left space for Gui Yanye's mother and daughter, so that the mother and daughter could catch up on the past before parting.

And Lin Yuanfei planned to run away later.

At the very least, he left Chiba City with Yan Ye and Yuki.

Yuno lingered like a psychopath, although Lin Yuanfei said on the surface that he wanted to imprison her in a secret room.

In fact, Lin Yuanfei didn't bother to deal with this crazy woman at all.

In view of Yuki's face, it is impossible for Lin Yuanfei to kill Yuno, even the matter of imprisoning Yuno, Yuki can't accept it.

But this is also normal, after all, she is a girl, and she is a sister.

Girls' thinking is mostly emotional.

Even if she knew that her sister was doing something wrong, she still couldn't bear to hurt her if she really wanted to hurt her.

Hey... This silly girl, don't even think about how she can bear it when her sister hurts her?

So, the benevolence of women, the benevolence of women.

Lin Yuanfei planned to leave Chiba City with Yuki and Yanye after he settled the matter here.

Change to another place to hide your name, and teach Yan Ye the Feitian Yujianliu first.

She, my wife Yuno, is crazy again, can she still track him down?

Even if my wife Yuno is really so powerful, she chased Lin Yuanfei to the city where they are located.

But Yuki didn't know that at that time, Lin Yuanfei directly killed the crazy woman first.Then the corpse sank into the sea, who knew that a lunatic died in the world?

Yuki would only feel that he had escaped his sister's pursuit, and never thought that his sister had been killed long ago.


Then, Lin Yuanfei went to travel around the world to find a way to renew his life.

At the very least, find a way to die quietly.

The power of the devil in his body does not know whether it will lose control after he dies.

If after he died, the demon power inside him corrupted the real world and recast Silent Hill, wouldn't all his sacrifices be in vain?

So even if you can't find a way to continue your life, you have to get rid of the demon power in your body.

Anyway, with Lin Yuanfei's current strength, even if he went to the clock tower, he could do it alone—provided that he didn't encounter very few wall hangings.

This kind of strength, not to mention that he can walk sideways in the world, at least most of the troubles are not troubles.

No matter how you think about it, staying in Chiba City is not a good choice.

Thinking of this, Lin Yuanfei knocked on Fu Jiang's door.

Fu Jiang's lazy voice came from the room.


Lin Yuanfei coughed dryly, "It's me."

Fu Jiang in the room was suddenly excited.

"Honey? Are you back? Come in quickly, the door is unlocked, and I'm wearing a mask."

Hearing these words, Lin Yuanfei boldly pushed open the bedroom door.

Sure enough, as Fu Jiang said, she was wearing a mask.

Fu Jiang, on the other hand, was wearing a loose and thin nightdress at this time, sitting on the big pink bed in a charming manner, revealing his smooth shoulders and collarbone.

"Honey~~ people have always listened to you, and are obediently waiting for you here."

Fu Jiang said pitifully, "Look, people wear masks when they sleep, aren't they very obedient?"

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