Seeing Lin Yuan flying down, both mother and daughter got up at the same time.

Katsura Manami said respectfully, "Master Hayashihara, please sit down for a while, and I'll go and prepare lunch for you."

Lin Yuanfei shook his head, "No need, I have an appointment with a friend, so I will take Yan Ye away first. Come back later."

With that said, Lin Yuanfei raised his phone.

Katsura Manami sighed regretfully, and said, "Then I won't keep you either, and Master Lin Yuan will be troubled by Yan Ye's safety."

Gui Manami didn't say to let her daughter stay, she understood that Lin Yuanfei wanted to take Yan Ye away to protect Yan Ye.

After all, Yan Ye is still at the center of the whirlpool of public opinion, and the person who protects her may attack her at any time.

Only by following Lin Yuanfei's side can it be considered truly safe.

After Lin Yuanfei and Gui Yanye walked out of the villa, Yan Ye immediately put on the hat and sunglasses provided by Tuyumen's family.

To be honest, this kind of cross-dressing is very low-level, but it does work.

After the little girl put on a peaked cap and big sunglasses, she couldn't see her original appearance at all.

Anyone who passed by her would not be able to recognize this little girl as the little girl Gui Yanye, a survivor of Raccoon City who has been making a lot of noise recently.

After Lin Yuanfei took Yan Ye to the side of the road, he directly recruited and stopped a taxi.

Throughout the whole process, Yan Ye didn't speak, let alone express any doubts.

——Although she had no idea where Lin Yuanfei was going.

Although hailing a taxi in Japan is the behavior of local tyrants, Lin Yuanfei, as a protagonist at any rate, although he doesn't have the domineering arrogance of "little two, two catties of cooked beef and a jar of daughter red", but it is still no problem to take a taxi.

Most importantly, he always felt unsafe on the subway with Yan Ye.

It would be bad if Yan Ye was recognized in public, it doesn't matter if it caused a riot, but it would be troublesome if Yan Ye's whereabouts were exposed.

When the time comes, the reporters will flock here, as annoying as possible.

So I decided to spend money on cleaning.

Yan Ye didn't speak the whole time.

Until they got out of the car and came outside a church, Yan Ye followed Lin Yuanfei obediently.

He didn't question what this place was, and he didn't even ask where Lin Yuanfei was taking her. Lin Yuanfei shook his head so obediently and docilely.

If this kind of silly girl is sold, she will probably have to give her some money...

He stood outside the church, took a look, and said, "This is my friend's church. He works as a priest inside. Let's go in."

With that said, Lin Yuanfei walked in with Yan Ye.

Although Lin Yuanfei said that he would come to Kotomine Shiro tomorrow, the day lily would be cold by tomorrow.

The phone call he made before was just a cover-up.

Kotomine Shirou thought he would come tomorrow, so he probably wouldn't be prepared today, so Lin Yuanfei rushed over to catch him off guard, so that the bastard who was slipperier than a loach would run away.

The layout and style of the church is very common, the same style as the Raccoon City Church, and the same style as the Fuyuki City Church.

Speaking of which, are these churches also chained?Even the decoration style is exactly the same, isn't it funny?

Lin Yuanfei and Yan Ye walked in the aisle left between the seats in the church, and came straight to the bottom of the cross.

It was lunch time at this time, probably none of the believers with snake spirits would run to the church during lunch time, so the huge church was empty.

Lin Yuanfei thought for a while, and gave Yan Ye a look.

Yan Ye froze for a moment, understood what Lin Yuanfei meant, and shouted loudly.

"Is anyone there? Is anyone there?"

Yan Ye stood in the church and asked loudly.

Soon, Kotomine Shirou's voice came from behind the church.

"can I help you?"

The narrow-eyed priest came out from behind the church with a smile and said, "This beautiful lady..."

The moment he saw Lin Yuanfei, the narrow-eyed priest was startled.

Visible to the naked eye, his smile faltered slightly, but luckily it returned to normal in the next second.

It looked like nothing happened.

The narrow-eyed priest came out with a smile and said, "What's the matter with you two?"

Lin Yuanfei looked at him with a smile on his face, " Shiro, I'm so glad to see you. How is it? Have you eaten yet?"

"Uh... Shirou?" The narrow-eyed priest widened his eyes slightly, as if a little surprised, "Are you two friends of Shirou?"

Lin Yuanfei leaned over with a smile on his face, put his arms around the other person's neck, and said with an enthusiastic smile, "What are you pretending to be? Shirou, who is the relationship between us? Playing this kind of game with me again... ...Naughty! You are such a little naughty."

Lin Yuanfei smiled happily.

And the priest who was hugged by him shoulder to shoulder was very helpless.

"Sir, you are really mistaken," the priest said helplessly, "I am Shirou's elder brother, not Shirou. Although we really look alike, if you want to find Shirou, please wait a moment, I will call Call him back."

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