The priest looked like he wanted to go back.

Lin Yuanfei smiled and locked him, not letting go.

"Brother Shirou is joking again," Lin Yuanfei said with a smile, "You are not Shirou, how can anyone be Shirou? We have been good buddies for so many years, why didn't I know you have another brother?"

Chapter 571 Fellow Township, You Still Have a Sister

In the church, the narrow-eyed priest was locked by Lin Yuanfei, unable to break free.

Under the cross, Lin Yuanfei put his arms around Kotomine Shirou's shoulders, smiling brightly.

It seems that the two are really good buddies with a very strong relationship.

The young priest caught by him was very helpless.

"Sir, you are really mistaken," the priest tried to continue to defend, "I am really not Shirou..."

Not long after the priest finished speaking, a beautiful silver-haired girl appeared at the small door leading to the back of the church where he had come before.

It's just that this silver-haired girl looks expressionless, giving off a very cold feeling.

Standing at the door, the silver-haired girl looked at the young priest who was shoulder to shoulder with Lin Yuanfei, rubbed her belly, and said.

"Shirou, I'm hungry."

The silver-haired girl said blankly, "Make lunch quickly."

Hearing the silver-haired girl's call, the narrow-eyed priest was slightly taken aback.

Then, he looked at Lin Yuanfei.

At this moment, Lin Yuanfei, with a bright smile on his face, seemed to be saying - pretend, Xiao Mian, keep pretending.

Facing Lin Yuanfei, who was tall and muscular, like a muscular man and a devil terminator, Kotomine Shiro let out a long sigh.


"The meal is ready, Kallen, go and have a look in the kitchen," Kotomine Shirou said.

But the silver-haired girl whom he called Kallen looked indifferent.

"You haven't served the meal yet," Karen said.

Kotomine Shirou was very helpless, "Can't you handle it yourself?"

Kallen looked indifferent, "No."

"...Okay, I'll go now," Kotomine Shirou said helplessly to the silver-haired girl, "You go in first, I'll come later."

Karen nodded, and then looked at Kotomine Shirou who was hugging Lin Yuanfei again.

After thinking about it, she said, "Homosexuals are going to be burned, Shirou, do you like men?"

The smile on Kotomine Shirou's face collapsed.

"I'm not gay!" Kotomine Shirou yelled, trying to prove that his sexual orientation was okay.

Unfortunately, the silver-haired girl has already left.

Lin Yuanfei looked at all this with a smile, and said with a smile, "This is the younger sister of Brother Shirou, Karen, right? She is a pretty little beauty."

Yanfeng Shirou immediately glared at Lin Yuanfei, "Don't even try to do something to my sister, you scum who is always flirting with girls, if you dare to do something to Karen, I will eunuch you."

Lin Yuanfei smiled, "Don't worry, don't worry, I'm not interested in Sanwu girls, Brother Shirou, don't be so excited."

He patted Kotomine Shirou on the shoulder with a smile, and said, "But brother Shirou seems to dote on his sister... I feel that when you mention your sister, you become a different person, not at all like the one before A fox with squinting eyes. The younger sister is indeed a kind of magical creature, don’t you think so? Brother Shirou?”

Kotomine Shiro opened Lin Yuanfei's hand angrily, and said, "Tell me, what do you want from me? We still have to eat, so hurry up and leave when you're almost done talking, don't waste my time."

Kotomine Shirou had completely given up his disguise, and impatiently drove Lin Yuanfei away.

Lin Yuanfei walked towards the back of the church with a smile on his face, and said, "Brother Shilang is really born, which one of us is with whom? I have already brought my apprentice to the door, don't you invite us to sit down and have a cup of tea, and then have a good chat ? Don't worry, we're definitely not here to grab a meal."

As he said that, Lin Yuanfei turned his head and glanced at Yan Ye, "Right? Yan Ye, although we are very hungry, we are definitely not here to eat, right?"

Lin Yuanfei smiled shamelessly, while Yan Ye smiled awkwardly. It seemed that the little girl was not as shameless as her master.

Kotomine Shirou watched this scene speechlessly and shook his head.

"The descendant of the dignified Flying Swordsman is so brazen... It's pathetic!"

Having said that, Kotomine Shirou gave up the idea of ​​chasing Lin Yuan away, and went up to lead the way.

"Come with me."

Saying this, the young priest led Lin Yuanfei and the two into the back of the church.

Then came to the dining room.

Here, the silver-haired Sanwu girl Kallen has already sat down, seemingly waiting for Kotomine Shirou to bring the food.

After Yan Ye sat down, Kotomine Shiro said, "Sit down first, I'll prepare the meals."

Saying so, Kotomine Shirou walked into the kitchen.

Lin Yuanfei followed quickly with a smile on his face, "Come here, I'll help you. I'm not boasting, my cooking skills are pretty good."

As Lin Yuanfei said, he followed Kotomine Shirou into the kitchen.

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