So, the only ones sitting at the dinner table were the expressionless three-none girl Kalian, and Gui Yanye wearing sunglasses and a peaked cap.

The atmosphere seemed a little awkward.

Yan Ye lowered his head and said nothing, and Karen was obviously not the kind of character who would take the initiative to talk to guests.

She sat there, calmly flipping through the comic magazine in her hand, and seemed to be more interested in comic magazines.

Speaking Ye quietly raised his head to take a look, and found that comic magazine... er... 18X's pornographic comics?

Yan Ye was stunned for a moment, then quickly lowered his head again, his face blushing.

On the contrary, Karen noticed Yan Ye's uneasy reaction, and finally raised her head from the comic.

She looked at Yan Ye, who was facing her with her head down and blushing face, thought for a while, and asked, "Do you want to see it? I still have a lot here."

As she spoke, she reached out and opened a closet behind her, rummaged through the closet, and took out several 18X comic magazines.

Then Karen spread out these comics on the table and said, "Which type do you like? Strong X? Wife? Lori? Help her? Or non-human..."

Like a beeping catalog, Karen said to Yan Yeru, "Or do you like them all?"

Yan Ye raised his head and took a look, his eyes almost popped out.

Those manga covers on the table are all...

" no no no, I don't need to read manga," Yan Ye quickly lowered his head, blushing up to the ears.

The young girl sat there entangled, wringing her hands and blushing, she looked like a ripe red apple, very cute.

And Karen looked at the shameless appearance of the girl in front of her, and blinked her eyes.

"Ah..." The girl let out a cold exclamation, took back the comics in front of her, and said, "Suddenly want to read a lily-themed one."

As she spoke, she pushed the books aside, then took out another comic book from the cabinet, and just sat there and read it.

While flipping through, he also expressed his opinion calmly.

"Ah... Lily is so cute..." Karen said indifferently.

Chapter 572 Today's Meals at Emiya's Family

In the kitchen, Lin Yuanfei leaned against the door, watching Kotomine Shirou put on an apron with great interest, and was busy there.

Like a tourist who comes to visit.

Seeing him like this, Yan Mine Shiro was speechless.

"Aren't you here to help? Why are you standing there still?" Kotomine Shiro asked.

Lin Yuanfei smiled, "It's okay, you don't have to worry about me, I'm not tired. Stand here to help you cheer, I'm not tired at all."

"You..." Kotomine Shirou shook his hand holding the kitchen knife, and he seemed almost unable to hold back the urge to stab someone.

But in the end, he still cooks by himself, pretending not to see Lin Yuanfei at the side.

"People who come to eat free food are really disgusting," Kotomine Shirou said while handling the ingredients, "Fortunately, when I was cooking, I also took care of the ingredients for the evening, which saved me trouble."

Speaking, Kotomine Shirou glanced at Lin Yuanfei and said, "Mr. Lin Yuan's visit at noon is not really just for a meal, is it?"

Lin Yuanfei looked at Kotomine Shirou's cooking, and smiled, "Isn't it good to eat? I've wanted to eat the food from Wei Gong's family for a long time."

Kotomine Shirou was stunned, "Weimiya's food? What is Weigong's food?"

"Oh, it's just a boring stalk, you don't need to care about it," Lin Yuanfei said calmly, "Compared to this, let's talk about the backlight saber."

Lin Yuanfei had a serious expression on his face, "Listen to what you said, Shirou, the back light sword fell into the sea? That's really too bad! How can such an important prop be left in the sea? Where did you drop it?" Tell me quickly, and I'll ask someone to salvage it for you right away."

Kotomine Shiro added oil to the pot with a calm face, and said, "A whale happened to pass by at that time, and the stone ball was swallowed by it. Now the whale must have swum to the deep sea, and it can't be found, Mr. Hayashihara Don't worry about it."

Lin Yuanfei was very surprised, "Eh? Will there be whales near the coast? I just swallowed the backlight sword...Brother Shirou, if you tell about your experience, everyone will think you are bragging hahahahaha... "

Lin Yuanfei laughed straight, and Kotomine Shirou also squinted and smiled.

"Yes, if I didn't see the whale swallowing the backlight sword with my own eyes, I probably thought it was a joke. How could there be such a stupid whale in this world, would it come to the think so ?”

"Yeah, yeah, really stupid hahahahahaha..."

The two looked at each other and smiled, both smiling happily.

After laughing for a while, Lin Yuanfei restrained his smile, and then showed a serious expression.

"Okay, I'm not joking," Lin Yuanfei said seriously, "I came to see you this time, because I actually want to consult Shirou about something very important. I believe that Shirou is not a bad person, so I will definitely be willing to help .”

Kotomine Shiro, who was pouring the ingredients into the pot, turned pale with shock, "Wow! Mr. Hayashihara, we are not that close, please? Could you please call me Mr. Kotomine? Don't call me Shirou Shirou, it sounds very gay."

Lin Yuanfei sighed, and seemed to have made a great sacrifice, "Well, in exchange, you can also call me Lin Yuan. How about it? Is this fair?"

The corner of Kotomine Shirou's mouth twitched, " this more gay?"

Lin Yuanfei rolled his eyes, "Boring! We are comrades-in-arms who have gone through thick and thin together, what is GAY? Can't there be an open and aboveboard friendship between men? Only rotten girls and real gays will be full of gay thoughts .”

Kotomine Shirou sighed, "Okay, Mr. Hayashihara, you can call him whatever you want, anyway, I can't afford to mess with you."

As he said that, Shirou poured all the rice next to him into the pot and started to stir fry it.

An alluring fragrance began to overflow.

Lin Yuanfei blinked, "Egg fried rice? Do you eat egg fried rice at noon?"

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