"That's right, that's right, I happen to be full too, let's go quickly. If we go late, we won't be able to catch up."

As he said, Lin Yuanfei also pulled Yan Ye up regardless of the fact that Yan Ye next to him didn't eat much at all.

Then, the master and apprentice followed Kotomine Shirou and left quickly outside.

Before Shiro Mine left, Karen in the room yelled.

"When you come back, remember to bring back the latest issue of "Happy Days". I forgot to buy it yesterday."

Kotomine Shirou nodded again and again, "Definitely."

Then, he took Lin Yuanfei, master and apprentice, and left the house like fleeing from a disaster.

The three came outside the church.

Lin Yuanfei turned his head and glanced at the church behind him, still in shock.

"Your sister...you are really fresh and refined," Lin Yuanfei said.

Kotomine Shirou sighed, and said, "No way, it's hereditary. Dad is a little neurotic, and it has been passed down to Kallen's generation, and it feels like a pervert has completely awakened. Especially Kallen hasn't been strict. Doctrinal suppression, you completely let yourself go... But it’s actually okay.”

Kotomine Shirou tried to praise his sister, "Most of the time, she's easy to get along with."

Lin Yuanfei smiled, but did not speak.

Kotomine Shirou looked around and said, "Since we've come out, let's bid farewell."

He said, "Mr. Hayashi Yuan, go back and see Miss Yuki, and be careful that she is taken away by Miss Yuno."

Lin Yuanfei smiled, "No hurry, I haven't had time to have a good chat with Mr. Shiro. Yuki is staying in the hospital, and many people are protecting her. She is very safe. Yuno won't be here for a while. Dare to make a move."

"After all, no matter how strong she is, if she does it in public and exposes her supernatural power, neither the Church nor the Onmyoji family in Japan will be able to spare her."

"Yuno is such a smart crazy woman, she won't do that kind of thing that provokes public anger."

Kotomine Shirou also had a smile on his face, "Mr. Hayashi Yuan really knows how to draw inferences from one example, he is really smart."

Lin Yuan flew back with a smiling face, and the two looked at each other, smiling very brightly.

"Then let's just find a place to sit and have a good chat?" Kotomine Shirou said with a smile.

Lin Yuanfei nodded, agreeing, "It's just right, I haven't eaten enough just now, let's find a place to sit and continue this lunch."

Then, at the recommendation of Kotomine Shirou, they went to eat ramen.

To be honest, Lin Yuanfei is not particularly used to Japanese cuisine.After all, most Japanese food is tasteless. For Lin Yuanfei, who is used to spicy food, most Japanese food is tasteless.

In this case, ramen is already a very tasty food for Lin Yuanfei.

So he said yes to going to eat ramen.

In this way, a descendant of Feitian Yujian who had just saved Chiba City, his successor, and a representative of the Church of the Holy Church, the three of them walked into a ramen restaurant by the side of the road.

It can be seen that Kotomine Shirou is very familiar with the owner of the ramen restaurant.

After the three of them ordered ramen, they found a corner and sat down.

Yanfeng Shirou sat opposite Lin Yuanfei and Gui Yanye, looked at the quiet ramen restaurant in front of him, and sighed.


"Okay, let's get down to business," Kotomine Shirou said, "Mr. Hayashibara came to see me, what important matter do you need to discuss?"

Lin Yuanfei also sighed, and said, "Brother Shilang has noticed my old friend since he was in Raccoon City, and we will not tell lies in front of real people. I came to you this time, and I want to exchange with Brother Shilang. information and opinions."

"For the magic circle underground in Chiba City, do Brother Shirou really think it doesn't matter?"

Faced with Lin Yuanfei's question, Kotomine Shiro shook his head with a smile, "The same sentence, even if it is very important, but what does it have to do with you and me? The matter of Sadako Yamamura is over, and Chiba City is over. It's completely safe."

"What's going on with the magic circle under the Yuansaka family's spiritual veins? That's the Yuansaka family's own business. Neither you nor I should interfere."

Kotomine Shiro said, "From what I understand, Mr. Tosaka Tokiomi, the patriarch of the Tosaka family, can be regarded as an excellent and outstanding magician. Moreover, he still values ​​the people under his rule very much, unlike those who carelessly ignore human life and ignore ordinary magicians. The ultimate magician of human life."

"Mr. Tohsaka Tokiomi is willing to solve the abnormal events that occur in Chiba City that may threaten the lives of the people. There are not many magicians like this."

After Kotomine Shiro finished speaking, Lin Yuanfei sighed, "Your words made me feel even more wrong... What are extreme magicians and gentle magicians? You don't know that before a magician kills innocent people indiscriminately, you will never be able to Are you sure he is an extreme magician or a moderate magician?"

"This law is called Takia's law, also known as the magician's uncertainty principle."

"Tokiomi Tohsaka didn't kill innocent people indiscriminately before, but it doesn't mean he won't do bad things in the future."

"The reason why he maintains the safety of Chiba City is not to maintain the prestige of his family? It is not to protect the lives of ordinary people at all."

Chapter 576 We Are Brothers

In the quiet ramen restaurant, only Lin Yuanfei and the three sat in the corner talking.

Lin Yuanfei looked at Kotomine Shirou on the opposite side, and said helplessly, "Shirou, you should know Tosaka Tokiomi's character better than me, right? To put it nicely, it's called having the pride and reserve of a nobleman. To put it bluntly, it's A fellow who loves vanity and seeks fame."

"Why does he protect the residents of Chiba City? Isn't it because Chiba City is his territory? He thinks that the residents of Chiba City died of supernatural events on his territory, and it was someone else's magician or monster who came to his territory to act wildly , will insult their Tohsaka family’s reputation, that’s why he made the move.”

"That guy, from the bottom of his heart, is no different from mainstream magicians. He looks down on ordinary people at all."

"If the world is about to be destroyed, there is one group of the two groups of magicians and ordinary people that can survive."

"Then Tosaka Tokiomi will definitely choose to let the group of magicians survive without hesitation."

"As for ordinary people? No matter how many there are, they are nothing more than lowly creatures to him. Magicians are born to look down on ordinary people and feel that they are superior."

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