Lin Yuanfei said, "So, I think there is definitely a problem with the magic circle underground in Chiba City, and there is a big problem."

After Lin Yuanfei finished speaking, the corner was quiet for a while.

It just so happened that the shopkeeper brought up the ramen for the three of them one after another, so the three of them didn't speak.

It wasn't until the shopkeeper brought up all the ramen and left that Kotomine Shirou sighed and said.

"Mr. Lin Yuan's suspicion, everything is just suspicion, without any evidence."

"At the very least, after I sent the picture of the magic circle in the underground veins of the Yuansaka family to the headquarters of the Holy Church, according to the identification of the headquarters, this magic circle is not some heinous and evil magic circle, it is only used to accumulate magic power. "

"It seems that the Tohsaka family is just planning to use the accumulated magic power to do something. This kind of thing is very common."

"Many magicians will accumulate magic power in the spirit veins they manage. The only difference is that the magic power accumulation circle of the Tohsaka family is a bit larger, so it looks scary."

"Actually, there is no threat."

Kotomine Shiro said, "Instead of worrying about the magic circle of the Tohsaka family's spiritual veins, Mr. Hayashi Yuan might as well retrieve his lost memory. I think that if Mr. Hayashi Yuan regains his memory, he will understand everything. , is more reliable than guessing here."



As soon as this remark came out, both Lin Yuanfei and Kotomine Shirou fell silent.

The moment the two looked at each other, they both saw the... twinkle in each other's eyes?

After Lin Yuanfei was silent for a few seconds, he forced out a smile.

"Brother Shilang really knows me very well." Lin Yuanfei's hand holding the chopsticks trembled a little, as if he was about to be unable to resist the urge to draw the knife.

And Shirou looked at Lin Yuanfei with a smile, but his body was also tense, and he could respond in time if the person opposite him made any moves.

The two people who were on guard against each other just looked at each other and smiled.

Then, Lin Yuanfei took a deep breath and said, "How much does Brother Shilang know about me?"

His hand holding the chopsticks calmed down.

Lin Yuanfei calmly began to eat the ramen in the bowl.

Seeing that Lin Yuanfei had calmed down, Yan Feng Shilang said with a smile, "Not much, just checked the few cases of extermination that happened in the past two years, and some of them seem to be related to Mr. Lin Yuan."

Regarding this, Lin Yuanfei silently chewed the ramen in his mouth, swallowed it completely, and then said.

"Then wise people don't speak secretly, so let me tell the information I have."

Lin Yuanfei said seriously, "According to my speculation, before I lost my memory, I might have participated in the extermination case of the Liangyi family in Kyoto and the Cangqi family in Misaki City. There is a certain relationship."

"But according to my investigation and the occasional flashbacks of memory fragments, I didn't seem to be a heinous villain before I lost my memory. Then why did I participate in these massacres?"

Lin Yuanfei said, "This is not an excuse for me before amnesia, but according to my investigation, there is one thing in common among the victims who were exterminated."

"They are all the managers of the spiritual veins of their respective cities."

Lin Yuanfei said, "The Liangyi family manages a large spiritual vein in Kyoto, the Cangqi family manages one of the largest spiritual veins in Japan, and Yagishita Hiraki is the only magician in Raccoon City."

"And under the spiritual veins of the Liangyi family and the Cangqi family, traces of the destroyed large-scale magic ceremony were found."

"Even the Matou family, which was exterminated not long ago, found traces of destruction of large-scale magic rituals under their family's spiritual veins."

"So, it can be inferred that these families or individuals who were killed secretly carried out some kind of huge magic ritual. And this magic ritual is the main reason for their death."

Lin Yuanfei said with a serious expression, "Nowadays, a similar large-scale magic circle has appeared in the spiritual veins of Chiba City. If my guess is correct, it won't be long before the next one to be exterminated is Tosaka of Chiba City Family!"

After Lin Yuanfei finished all this decisively, Kotomine Shirou had already put down the chopsticks in his hand.

It seems that he is also serious.

"Mr. Lin Yuan is really honest..."

Kotomine Shirou said in surprise, "I thought Mr. Hayashi Yuan would keep these things a secret from me. I didn't expect to tell them all... Sometimes Mr. Hayashi Yuan does things unexpectedly."

Lin Yuanfei coughed dryly and said, "The reason why I am honest is because I trust you! Brother Shilang, I believe that you will not be a villain who entraps your friends."

Lin Yuanfei gave a thumbs up with a smile on his face.

Kotomine Shirou flinched back, very suspicious, "It's even more strange... Would a person like Mr. Hayashi Yuan confide in someone he just met? Are you planning some kind of conspiracy secretly?"

Seeing Kotomine Shirou's vigilance, Lin Yuanfei sighed suddenly, seeming very sad.

"Shirou, it's really sad for you to say that," Lin Yuanfei looked up to the sky and sighed, "I think the two of us are old friends who have known each other since Raccoon City. We have experienced danger and suffering together."

"Escaped from the dangerous city of zombies like Raccoon City, and supported each other and faced danger together in Sadako Yamamura's underground world."

"Although we haven't known each other for a long time, I already regard you as my best brother and a combat partner who can be handed over to the younger generation!"

"I'm really sad that you're so out of touch!"

Chapter 577 It's Your Dad

Lin Yuanfei looked up to the sky and sighed, it seemed that he was heartbroken and extremely sad.

It seemed that he was really hurt by Kotomine Shirou's actions.

On the other hand, Shiro Mine looked at him suspiciously, and said, "Mr. Hayashi Yuan, you... Is our relationship so good?"

He said, "No matter how close you are, my backlight sword still fell into the sea. No matter what you say, you won't be able to chase it back."

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