"..." Lin Yuanfei's expression froze, and then he felt helpless, "So you little comrade, your thinking is very wrong. Is what we are talking about now about the backlight sword? What we are talking about now is related to a It's a big conspiracy!"

"Why do you have to be obsessed with a backlight sword? Did I mention the backlight sword? Did I mention the backlight sword in the pile of words I just said?"

"Yan Ye, come and judge, Master, did you mention the Backlight Sword in what I just said?"

"Brother Shirou, you have a wicked heart, but you still come to doubt me and question my good intentions. It's really sad!"

Lin Yuanfei said very sadly, "Unexpectedly, in the eyes of Brother Shilang, I turned out to be such an image of greedy for brother's treasures, and without profit. God! I really failed in life!"

Seeing Lin Yuanfei like this, Kotomine Shirou quickly stopped him.

"Okay, okay, I was wrong, I was wrong, Mr. Lin Yuan, please calm down for a while. I said something wrong just now, I apologize, I apologize."

Kotomine Shirou apologized helplessly.

After all, if Lin Yuanfei's trend continues to develop, maybe he will slap his feet and chest and roll all over the floor in front of the public.

Kotomine Shirou said helplessly, "Let's not mention the backlight sword, is it okay? I will mention the backlight sword in the future, I'm a bastard, is that okay?"

Lin Yuanfei immediately restored his smiling face, "Is that right...Come on, brother Shiro, let's continue to talk about business. I've already told you what I know, and you should also share what you know with me. share it?"

Kotomine Shirou was not surprised by Lin Yuanfei's performance of turning his face like a book.

He sat there, sighed, and said helplessly.

"Actually, I don't know more information than Mr. Lin Yuan, but through the information network of the Church of the Holy Church, we do have some relatively unorthodox information."

Kotomine Shiro said, "That's right, just like what Mr. Hayashi Yuan said, there are large destroyed magic circles under the spiritual veins of all the victims' families. Even under the spiritual veins of Raccoon City, destroyed magic circles were found. A large magic circle."

"But it's a pity that the destroyers destroyed the magic circle too thoroughly. Except for a few traces that can prove that there was a large magic circle there, it is impossible to see what the original magic circle was."

"We don't even know whether those large magic circles that were destroyed are the same magic circle."

"The only certainty now is that there are at least two groups of forces or organizations that we don't know are secretly operating."

"One is the organization that established the magic circle on these important spiritual veins."

"The other is the force that organized and acted before secretly destroying families one after another and constantly organizing sabotage."

"We don't know the forces of these two parties, their origins, their members, and their purpose."

"The only person we found who might be involved is you, Mr. Lin Yuan."

"But when we contacted you, you had already lost your memory, and you didn't remember the relevant memories before."

"So, the investigation was shelved like this."

"Until the case of the Matou family's extermination not long ago..."

Kotomine Shirou said, "The Matou family in Gunma was also a magic family that had been passed down for many years, but it was completely wiped out. None of the family members were spared, and traces of a destroyed magic circle also appeared in the underground spiritual veins."

"But in this incident, we finally found some clues."

As Kotomine Shirou said, he took out a photo from his robe and handed it to Lin Yuanfei.

"This person appeared near Matou's house before the incident. According to our investigation, this person is likely to be a participant in the Miemen case."

After Lin Yuanfei took the photo, he was stunned at the first sight.

"This is……"

The photo shows the back of a man.

With black messy hair and a red scarf, only a small half of the man's profile can be seen from the photo.

But the moment Lin Yuanfei saw the photo of this man, he felt inexplicably familiar, as if he was very familiar with this man.

Seeing Lin Yuanfei's reaction, Kotomine Shirou nodded, "It seems that although Mr. Lin Yuan has lost his memory, he should still have a little impression of this guy. This proves two things."

"One, Mr. Lin Yuan did participate in the Miemen case."

"Second, this person and Mr. Lin Yuan are companions and know each other."

Lin Yuanfei did not refute Kotomine Shirou's inference.

He just looked at the profile of the man in the photo and frowned, "Who is this guy?"

Kotomine Shirou shrugged, "According to our investigation, it should be a magician killer, Emiya Kiritsugu."

Hearing this name, Lin Yuanfei's hands trembled.

Oh my god...it's really Emiya Kiritsugu...

He remembered the back view of the man who pointed the gun at Cangqi Qingzi's head in the memory fragment.

That guy is really Emiya Kiritsugu...

In this way, the messily destroyed magic circuit found on the body of Aozaki Aoko made sense.

As expected, it was Emiya Kiritsugu's origin bomb.

Lin Yuanfei was stunned, while Yanfeng Shirou smiled.

"It seems that Mr. Hayashibara has heard of this Emiya Kiritsugu... Is it a remnant of memory? In your perception, what kind of person is this Mr. Emiya Kiritsugu?"

Kotomine Shirou asked curiously.

Lin Yuanfei looked at him in embarrassment and speechless, shouting in his heart - it's your father!That guy is your father!

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