The room, which was already smelling like gunpowder, suddenly became tense.

Lin Yuanhao suppressed the smile on his face, and looked at the group of old men opposite him indifferently.

He snorted coldly and said, "You really don't show affection, you old fellows, apart from adding insult to injury, you are quite capable of adapting to the wind."

"When I was still in the Linyuan group, all of you bowed your knees and greeted me with smiles. As a result, when I was expelled from the Linyuan group, you all immediately turned on me. You are really loyal!"

Lin Yuanhao snorted coldly, grabbed the table in front of him with both hands, and roared, "Today, I, Lin Yuanhao..."

After a pause, Lin Yuanhao noticed the uneaten food on the table.

After thinking about it, he retracted his hand again.

He sat back calmly and continued eating.

"...I was almost tricked by you again and turned the table over."

Lin Yuan Haoyi said calmly, "Didn't expect that? I am no longer the same Lin Yuan Haoyi from back then. Now I... like to eat a full meal before flipping the table!"

Saying that, in the face of everyone looking at each other in dismay, Hayashi Yuan Koichi actually sat there calmly and continued to eat.

Several old people in Lin Yuan's group looked at each other, and one of the old men questioned.

"Hayashihara Koichi! What kind of plane are you doing? Stop pretending to be hypocritical. The heir of the Hayashihara group will definitely not be yours. You should die as soon as possible."

"Yes, yes, yes! You should die as soon as possible!"

"We have unanimously elected the young master as the team leader, and you are just a scum who was expelled from the house, and you are not eligible to participate in the election!"

"Get out of here early! Go back to your Mexico!"

"You are not welcome here!"

On Lin Yuan's group, the crowd was excited.

However this time, Hayashi Yuan Koichi was very calm.

He let the group of people on the opposite side scold him continuously, but didn't reply a word, just sat there and ate calmly.

When everyone was almost cursing, he wiped his mouth with a napkin and said.

"The Japanese food in Chiba still tastes the same as before... It's really nostalgic."

As soon as Lin Yuanhao said, he looked at the people in front of him, "By the way, just now everyone scolded me, and said that I am not qualified to inherit Lin Yuan's group, and that I have been expelled from the house, so I want to ask gone."

"If I don't have an inheritance, does this guy have an inheritance?"

Lin Yuanhao pointed to Lin Yuanfei, who was watching the whole show, and said, "You really want to push him to be the team leader?"

Lin Yuanhao glanced at the old people present and sneered, "Young people in the group may not know, but everyone here should understand the seniority? This guy is not from the blood of Lin Yuan's family at all, but the old man on the side of the road It’s just a picked up adopted son.”

"Even he has the right to inherit, but I don't have the right to inherit?"

"I'm the old man's biological brother!"

Chapter 583 We Will Not Promise You

"I'm the old man's real brother!"

In the room where swords were on the verge of breaking out and the crowd was excited, after Hayashi Yuan Koichi's roar fell, it instantly became silent.

The expressions of several old people froze, as if they had been generalized.

The young people with less seniority were even more confused, and they all looked at Lin Yuanfei, as if they were hearing the news for the first time.

——Of course, Lin Yuanfei, who was the person involved, was even more stunned, his eyeballs almost fell out.

ha?The original owner of the body picked it up?Isn't Mr. Lin Yuan's own son?

Mom!Why do I feel like I'm going to open a new copy again?

Generally speaking, after the protagonist discovers that he is not his father's real son, his biological parents and someone else's play, he will often load new expansion packs and DLC.

Then, the real life experience of the protagonist will be introduced, and then the map will be upgraded, such as the Furu family.

Could it be that he will encounter this old-fashioned plot next time?


He, Lin Yuanfei, is tired enough from the journey, he doesn't want to do dungeons anymore!

Lin Yuanfei sat there with embarrassment on his face, feeling that all three views had been defeated.

And Lin Yuanhao, who exposed this incident, didn't care how shocking the heavy news was.

He sat there, looked at everyone present, especially those old people, and roared loudly.

"In terms of blood relationship, I am the heir of the Lin Yuan group! He, Lin Yuanfei, is just a dead seed picked up by the side of the road, not the blood of the Lin Yuan family at all."

"You just gave him the right to inherit, but you still want to deprive me of my right of inheritance? Is there any reason?"

"Do you really want to cut off the blood of the Lin Yuan family in this generation? Are you worthy of the old man and our Lin Yuan family?"

Lin Yuanhao roared one by one, making everyone stunned.

Then, looking at the unhappy expressions of the old people, he snorted coldly.

"But I, Hayashi Yuan Koichi, am not an unreasonable person. I am different from ungrateful guys like you."

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