"Xiao Fei is my eldest nephew. Although we are not related by blood, since his surname is Lin Yuan, I also recognize him as a nephew."

"It's just that I think you would rather elect a person without the blood of Lin Yuan's family than me. It's too much!"

"The old man was hacked to death last year. When my other nephew became the team leader, didn't I make trouble? Because he is the old man's own son, so I have no objection."

"But this time, you would rather choose an outsider than call me, which makes me very sad!"

"That's right! When I was young, I made some mistakes and was expelled from the house by the old man."

"But no matter what, I am always the blood of the Lin Yuan family, and I am always a member of the Lin Yuan family. What I think about day and night is to regain the understanding of the old man and return to Chiba."

"To put it bluntly, although I, Hayashihara Koichi, live in Mexico, my loyalty and love for Hayashihara's group is definitely not inferior to anyone present here!"

Lin Yuanhao shouted loudly, "I came here this time, not to tell others how great I am, nor to compete for the position of team leader."

"I came here just to tell everyone. I, Hayashihara Koichi, will always be a member of Hayashihara's group!"

"I'm here to get back what I deserve! I want to run for the new team leader! You must give me the right to inherit!"

After Lin Yuanhao finished speaking, he looked at the group of old people on the opposite side and said, "Don't you guys try to kick me away! Decide the future fate of Lin Yuan's group yourself!"

As soon as Lin Yuanhao spoke resolutely and forcefully, Lin Yuanfei nodded straightly.

It seems that this cheap uncle has a lot of tricks.

Although I don't know if he is a thief or a prostitute in his belly, but this guy looks very good on the surface.

The atmosphere in the room also eased down.

Several old people looked at each other and discussed with each other in low voices for a while.

Then the leading old man looked at Hayashi Yuan Koichi and said, "Then how do you want to participate in the election?"

This sentence undoubtedly recognized Hayashi Yuan Koichi's qualifications for the election.

As a result, the corner of Hayashi Yuan Koichi's mouth curved into a smile.

He looked at Lin Yuanfei on the opposite side, and said, "It's actually very simple, just follow the old rules of our Lin Yuan team."

"Now the heirs are me and Xiao Fei, we can follow the old rules."

"A life-and-death duel! We two heirs will fight, the winner will be king, and the loser will be king!"

Lin Yuanhao said with a smile, "I heard that Xiao Fei has practiced with a famous swordsman for many years, so he should be very strong, right? So this time, we will compete with swords."

Hearing this request from Hayashi Yuan Koichi, the Hayashi Yuan team immediately boiled.

"No! Absolutely not!" The old people shouted loudly, "This condition is absolutely not!"

"That's right! Hayashi Yuan Koichi, you don't want to succeed!"

"You, Lin Yuanhaoyi, are a disciple of Beichen Yidao Style. You have practiced swordsmanship for many years. You are in your forties, and you come to bully your juniors. Are you ashamed?"

"We will never agree to this request!"

The old people in Lin Yuan's group were erupting, and even the young people shouted angrily.

Obviously, in their eyes, this Hayashi Yuan Koichi's swordsmanship is very strong...

Lin Yuanfei froze for a second, then subconsciously exchanged glances with Yan Ye in the corner.

Both master and apprentice saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

This Hayashi Yuan Koichi... Beichen One Sword Style?

Hayashi Yuanfei recalled the name of this genre, it seems to be the genre of the Japanese Restoration hero Sakamoto Ryoma.

Of course, in the fate world, this Sakamoto Ryoma is also a very powerful heroic spirit.

But Hayashi Yuan Koichi is not Sakamoto Ryoma, but a disciple of Beichen Yidao Style.

The Beichen Yidao Style is not a strange school like the Feitian Yujian Style, which has a single lineage. It has many disciples, good and bad.

Is this Hayashi Yuan Koichi very powerful?

Lin Yuanfei quietly poked Xintian beside him, leaned over and asked in a low voice.

"This Hayashi Yuan Koichi is very strong?"

Xintian said solemnly, "That's right, young master, this uncle of yours is a disciple of Beichen Yidaoliu, and he is also one of the best disciples."

"When he was expelled from the Linyuan team, he was already very powerful. Now that he has been in the chaotic area of ​​Mexico for many years, his strength is much stronger."

"He even rushed into a bandit den of fifty people by himself with a knife, hacked all the enemies to death, and left himself unscathed, his strength is simply inhuman. If you fight him one-on-one, young master , definitely not his opponent's."

"Uh... this..." Seeing Xintian's serious expression, Lin Yuanfei twitched the corner of his mouth and asked, "Xintian, who did I learn sword from after I left Linyuan's group for so many years...you know ?"

Nitta froze for a moment, then shook his head.

"Then everyone in Lin Yuan's group doesn't know about it?"

Nitta nodded.

Lin Yuanfei was speechless: "..."

Feelings, your young master has been away for eight years, and you don’t even know who you learned swords from?

You are too unreliable!

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