Author's message:

PS: I was too sleepy at noon, so I took a nap.

After waking up, I found that not a single word had been added...ah!My keyboard!You have obviously grown up, why can't you move yourself!

Chapter 584 What Do You Do If You Lose?

For a long time, Lin Yuanfei always thought that the people in Lin Yuan's group knew about the original owner of the body.

After all, when Tu Yumen met Sui Sanyi, he would always call out Master Lin Yuanfei's name.

Even outsiders like Tsuchimikado Suizan know who Hayashi Yuan learned swords from, so there's no reason why the people in Hayashi Yuan's group don't know.

As a result, Lin Yuanfei only knew now that the entire Lin Yuan group didn't know that their young master was studying Feitian Yujian style...

But thinking about it carefully, it seems that Xintian and the others have never mentioned the matter of Feitian Yujianliu.

Regarding this, Lin Yuanfei felt helpless.

"Doesn't anyone in the entire Lin Yuan group know where I have been for the past eight years?" Lin Yuanfei asked helplessly.

And Xintian whispered, "We only know that young master, you went to practice with a wandering swordsman, but we don't know where you went."

"In the team, probably only the old team leader knows your whereabouts, but the old team leader was assassinated by a competitor last year. Otherwise, we would have looked for you long ago."

As Xintian said, he solved Lin Yuanfei's doubts.

He looked at the passionate gangsters in the room and felt a little headache. do I explain this to them?

Along the way, everyone seemed to be able to recognize the identity of Lin Yuan Fei Feitian Yujian inheritor at a glance, so he almost thought it was a well-known thing.

As a result, it seems that most people actually don't know?

Otherwise, this guy named Hayashi Yuan Koichi would dare to compete with him?

That's right, Beichen One Sword Style is indeed very powerful, and Sakamoto Ryoma is also a very powerful heroic spirit.

But under the current worldview, Feitian Yujianliu is undoubtedly the strongest sword skill.

Even if Feitian Yujian style may not crush Beichen Yidao style, but Lin Yuanfei is now at the full level, capable of violently beating heroic spirits and tearing followers, you ordinary person want to compete with me?

Lin Yuanfei felt that the guy in front of him was looking for his own death.

And during the time when Lin Yuanfei and Xintian were whispering to each other, the old people in Lin Yuan's group were already agitated and almost couldn't control it.

They denounced Hayashi Yuan Koichi's insidiousness and cunning, oppressing younger generations, and bullying the weak with the strong.

And Lin Yuanhao sat there calmly watching this group of people arguing for a long time, then he picked out his ears and said.

"Can everyone be quiet?"

Lin Yuanhao looked at the people present and said, "Why are you so excited? Life-and-death fighting is an old rule of our Lin Yuan team."

"At the beginning, my father, who was the first generation member of our Lin Yuan team, won the position of team leader through a duel, and the Lin Yuan team made great achievements under his leadership."

"When it came to my eldest brother, your old man's generation of team leader, the old man also won the position of team leader by dueling with several heirs."

"Our Lin Yuan team has always believed that to be a team leader, one must be strong to be able to convince the crowd, so all generations of Lin Yuan's family will practice swordsmanship."

"Now it's our third generation, and there are only two heirs left, me and Xiaofei. Is there any problem between the two of us deciding who is the team leader by fighting swords? I am following the tradition of the Linyuan team! "

Lin Yuanhao said so.

And the old people shouted angrily, "You are bullying the weak with the old! You have practiced swordsmanship for decades, but the young master has only practiced for eight years. If you let him fight you, the young master will be your opponent?"

"Exactly! Hayashi Yuan Koichi! You are too shameless!"

"Shameless! Why don't you go to a three-year-old for a sword competition, you bastard!"

Lin Yuan's people were once again agitated by Lin Yuan Haoyi's words.

As soon as Lin Yuanhao saw the excitement of the crowd, he spread his hands innocently and said, "Then what can I do? Who made me live a few more years?"

"Besides, the practice of swordsmanship doesn't mean that the longer you practice, the better you become. Maybe my lovely nephew is a swordsman genius, and the level of eight years of practice is equivalent to my eighty years? This is also the case. It's possible."

Lin Yuanhao said with a grin, "Besides, Bidou, the heir of Lin Yuan's group, never cares about any age difference."

"When the old man ran for the boss, we were all brothers. He was in his forties, and I was only seven years old. Didn't I say anything unfair back then?"

"Now I am fighting with his son, and you jump out and call it unfair...Are you two-standard dogs?"

"Since you advocate fairness so much, why didn't you come out to speak out when I was seven years old and the old man in his forties was fighting?"

Hayashi Yuan Koichi's words instantly left the elders present speechless.

The atmosphere in the room seemed awkward for a moment.

So Lin Yuan Haoyi looked at Lin Yuanfei at the side with complacency, and said with a smile.

"How is it? Eldest nephew, do you agree to a sword competition with me? Now we are the only heirs left. If you win, you will be the young master of the Linyuan Group."

Lin Yuanfei stood up straight away and said, "Okay, okay, I got it."

Lin Yuanfei said impatiently, "Where is the competition? It's better to compare outside. Hurry up and go home. I still have things to deal with. I don't have time to listen to you here."

As soon as Lin Yuanfei said this, Xintian turned pale with shock.

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