So, under everyone's expectation, Xintian bit the bullet and was forced to walk up to Lin Yuanfei, and said with a stiff smile.

"Boss, think again. No matter what, you will eventually become the third generation of our Hayashibara group. If you let it go, the group will really be messed up."

"Since our Hayashihara Group was established, two generations of hard work have finally dominated Chiba City. It is considered a little famous. We can't finish it in our generation!"

"If Lin Yuan's team disbands in the end, all of us would have no face to meet the old underground team leader!"

Nitta tries to play the emotional card.

Lin Yuanfei glanced at him, touched his chin, thought for a while, and said, "Xintian, you seem to have been an important person in charge of the group recently, right? I heard that you are handling many things? "

"Uh... this... yes," Nitta said, "since the last generation of team leader passed away, the affairs in the group have been handled by me and several old men."

Lin Yuanfei looked at the people present and asked, "Is what Xintian said true?"

The cadres of Lin Yuan's group looked at each other and nodded.

"Then what do you think Xin Tian has done in this period of time? Is it worthy of praise?" Lin Yuanfei continued to ask.

This time, everyone nodded in agreement with Lin Yuanfei's question.

"Yes, Xintian has indeed worked hard recently, and he has done a good job, so he should be rewarded."

"The team leader has sharp eyes. Indeed, as you said, Xintian is the best cadre in our Linyuan team! We all admire him!"

Lin Yuanfei opened his mouth, and a group of people started to flatter Xintian.

Lin Yuanfei was very satisfied and nodded happily.

"Very good, Xintian, it seems that you are very popular," Lin Yuanfei patted Xintian's shoulder with a smile, and said, "By the way, I don't know your full name yet. Your full name is what?"

Xin Tian was flattered by Lin Yuanfei's enthusiastic performance, even the appearance of being about to be rewarded for his achievements.

" full name is Shinnosuke Nitta, Boss, you..."

"Is it Shinda Shinnosuke? This name is okay," Lin Yuanfei nodded, and said, "You are so loyal, and you have contributed so much to our Linyuan team, and you are so popular. As the new team leader, I don't seem to be It’s really hard to justify rewarding you with something.”

"But if you give money, it's too materialistic."

"But it's too empty to give verbal praise... emmm... how about it..."

Lin Yuanfei pretended to be having a hard time thinking about it for a long time, then slapped his forehead and said, "I have a solution."

He patted Nitta on the shoulder with a smile and said, "I might as well accept you as my younger brother. From now on, you will change your surname to Lin Yuan and call you Lin Yuan Shinnosuke. You are my younger brother Lin Yuan about this?"

"All matters of Lin Yuan's group will be handled by you."

"From now on, you are the head of our Lin Yuan group. During my absence, you will handle all the matters in the group."

"Okay, now that I've finished, who's in favor? Who's against?"

Lin Yuanfei looked at everyone present with a smile on his face, and said so.

Wakatou is the position second only to the boss in the Japanese gangsters. He is not only the boss's assistant, but also the prepared heir.

When Lin Yuanfei said this, everyone froze instantly.

Although they guessed that Lin Yuanfei would reward Xintian, they didn't expect Lin Yuanfei to do so.

A few old people wanted to object subconsciously.

But after seeing Lin Yuanfei's smiling expression and the knife in his hand, the old people shut up.

And the old people shut up, and the remaining cadres have no right to object.

So, they all shut up.

Lin Yuanfei looked at the crowd with a smile on his face and said, "Are you objecting if you don't speak?"

Chapter 588 I See You Are Embarrassing Me, Lin Yuanfei (16 more)

"You don't speak, do you want to object?"

After Lin Yuanfei finished speaking with a smile, everyone was taken aback instantly and shook their heads quickly.

To be honest, the scene of dozens of people shaking their heads together is quite spectacular.

Lin Yuanfei looked at their frightened appearance and nodded in satisfaction.

"Then who among you is in favor and who is against?" Lin Yuanfei said with a smile, "I can't tell if you don't talk."

"..." Everyone present looked at each other, and those old people saw the helplessness in each other's eyes.

Originally, he thought it would be enough to drive away Lin Yuanhaoyi, but he didn't expect that the master in front of him would be even more difficult to deal with.

And the knife in this guy's hand is so powerful...

Of all the people present, no one had the confidence to take Lin Yuanfei's blow.

Especially Lin Yuanfei violently beat the famous Hayashi Yuan Koichi in Mexico without even taking out his sword. If his sword is officially out of its sheath...

The old man in the lead finally spoke helplessly.

"We all agree with your decision, leader,, we agree with Master Shinnosuke becoming Wakatou."

"That's right! We all agree!"

"Leader, we obey all your orders!"

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