"From now on, Master Shinnosuke will be the leader of our Hayashibara team, and we are all willing to obey your orders, leader!"

After the first person spoke, the rest of the people obeyed like dominoes.

After all, although Lin Yuanfei's behavior was a bit nonsense, Xintian did a good job, so if you let him be the leader... even if you don't accept it, can you still reason with the team leader's knife?

All the people present have seen with their own eyes how fierce the team leader's knife is!

And Lin Yuanfei looked at these people present with a smile and nodded repeatedly, and said.

"Okay! Since everyone agrees that Shinnosuke is the leader, don't regret it in the future."

"We are all resounding heroes. If we say something, we will nail it every time we say it. Don't go back on your word."

"If anyone repents and becomes a traitor in the future, Shinnosuke can spare you, but I can't spare you!"

"Don't blame me for being ruthless!"

As Lin Yuanfei said, the sword was drawn out of its sheath in an instant.


There was a crisp sound, and the cold light instantly dazzled the eyes of everyone present.

When they looked intently, in the courtyard a few meters behind Lin Yuanfei, the locust tree that was growing on the building was cut off, and now it was slowly slipping and falling, and finally hit the ground heavily.

A few meters away, cut off a two-meter-thick pagoda tree...

Everyone present widened their eyes in horror and moved further away from Lin Yuanfei.

"Okay, now that everything has been arranged properly, I will temporarily hand over the affairs of the group to Shinnosuke."

Lin Yuanfei put the knife back into its sheath calmly, as if he didn't see the panic of the group in front of him, and said to himself, "I still have some urgent matters to deal with. I won't play with you. "

"Nobusuke, you send someone to arrange a car for me, I'm going to the city hospital."

"When things are over here, I will come back to see you from time to time. Remember to assist Shinnosuke and help him carry forward our Hayashibara group."

Lin Yuanfei made one operation, and directly threw out all the responsibilities.

And Nitta, who was suddenly promoted... Oh, it should be called Shinnosuke now.

After being suddenly promoted to such a high position, Nobunosuke looked incredible.

"Boss, I..."

"Okay, okay, don't refuse anymore, I don't trust anyone else except you," Lin Yuanfei said impatiently, "If you are even a little loyal to Lin Yuan's group, just obediently be my righteous brother. You If you are so loyal, I can rest assured that the Lin Yuan group will be handed over to you."

"If it is in the hands of others, Lin Yuan's group will really be finished."

As Lin Yuanfei said, he directly clasped his fists at everyone present, and said in a very righteous way.

"I have something to do, so let's say goodbye to everyone here. Let's not change the green mountains, and the green waters will flow forever. See you later."

With that said, he dragged Shinnosuke away, and asked his newly-accepted brother-in-law to get him a car.

Although I don't care much about Hayashi Yuan's things, I helped them solve a big problem and drove away Hayashi Yuan Koichi.

Anyway, it's not too much to collect some benefits, right?

What's more, the group of guys insisted on being the team leader, and it's not enough if I don't.

Hey... Now that I am on a thief ship and forced to become a gangster, I have to get some black money to comfort my wounded heart.

"From now on, the affairs of Lin Yuan's group will be left to you. Don't call me if it's not a big deal. Of course, try not to call me if it's a big deal."

"As for me, I'm like a wild crane, you just need to treat me as the Supreme Elder from now on, don't pay too much attention to my existence."

"Well, the Supreme Elder is that kind of legendary figure, who is not seen by anyone at ordinary times, but can be summoned to repel the powerful enemy when the enemy is overwhelming."

"So you understand?"

As Lin Yuanfei walked out, he talked to the cheap brother beside him, asking him not to harass him in the future.

When Lin Yuanfei walked to the door, someone was already there waiting for him.

There was also a Porsche parked on the side of the road, the very handsome one.

"Uh...give me this car?" Lin Yuanfei was stunned for a second, thinking what kind of brain circuit are you guys having?I mean, let you get me a car and driver and take me to the city hospital.

In the end, you sent the car over directly?

Poisonous, right?

And the car is too small, right?Just enough to seat two people...

"Forget it, I'll use this car first, but you guys remember to buy me a bigger one later."

Lin Yuanfei shook his head speechlessly, and said, "This kind of fancy car is almost useless. Next time, remember to send me a car that can seat at least five people... Do you understand?" ?”

"There is only the driver's seat and the co-pilot, and it can only carry one person. I think you are deliberately embarrassing me, Lin Yuanfei."

Lin Yuanfei was disgusted, and the subordinate who was preparing the car was taken aback for a while.

Shinosuke nodded, expressing his understanding.

"Okay, I'll get someone to re-give the old...uh...brother, you prepare a new one."

Stared at by Lin Yuanfei, Shinnosuke quickly changed his words.

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