"Then what is your address in Chiba City, brother? I will send someone to take the car to you later on later," Shinnosuke asked.

Lin Yuanfei touched his chin and said, "I haven't thought about it yet, I'll tell you when I think about it."

Shinnosuke thought for a while, took out a key, and handed it to Lin Yuanfei.

Said, "If you don't dislike it, brother, let's live in this place first. This is one of the properties of our Lin Yuan group, and it is already your property, brother."

As he said that, Shinnosuke wrote an address and handed it to Lin Yuanfei.

Chapter 589 Fly away

Lin Yuanfei took a look at the note from Shinnosuke.

Uh... this address is very serious, isn't this in Miyama Town?

And it's near Tohsaka's house... Oh my god, will I be neighbors with Tohsaka Tokiomi next?

Lin Yuanfei thought about it and accepted the key.

Said, "Okay, then I will live in first. Remember to send someone to clean it in advance and buy some daily necessities. I will call you later if I have something to do."

This Lin Yuan group is really rich...

Although it is said to be a country gangster, compared to ordinary people, it is really rich.

However, Chiba was originally a big city in Japan, and it was still within the business district of Tokyo. The Hayashibara group dominated the entire Chiba, so it was normal for them to be rich.

Lin Yuanfei took the car keys and got into the driver's seat of the Porsche in front of him.

To be honest, it was the first time for Lin Yuanfei to see such a domineering luxury car in two lifetimes combined.

It's a pity that Lin Yuanfei is no longer excited.

After all, no matter how luxurious a luxury car is, it is only a matter of one knife for him.

No matter how pretentious the look is, it can't hide his unlucky fate that he is about to lose his braids.

Ah... Thinking about it this way, life is really miserable.

Lin Yuanfei drove a luxurious Porsche and drove a hot, sweet-looking, well-behaved beauty on the street, lamenting his tragic fate.

Then he drove the car into the municipal hospital and parked in the parking lot.

One of the benefits of being in Japan appears at this time.

For the Japanese, no matter whether you drive a luxury car worth tens of thousands or a broken car worth tens of thousands, the person in charge of receiving you will greet you with a nodding smile.

In other words, even if you drive a broken car worth tens of thousands of yuan, you can still enjoy the treatment that only a few million luxury car owners can enjoy.

After Lin Yuanfei parked the car casually in the parking lot, he got out of the car with Yan Ye.

Because the official news that Gui Yanye had been transferred from the municipal hospital and was secretly protected, the group of reporters who surrounded the municipal hospital had all run away.

Even the policemen who were under martial law outside the building were basically withdrawn, leaving some still standing guard here.

And the person these policemen want to protect is obviously Yuki on the top floor.

Regarding this, Lin Yuanfei couldn't say anything other than sighing.

He knew that he owed Zhi Ji another favor.

But this favor must be owed.

These policemen may not be able to stop Yuno, but their existence will at least make Yuno feel like a mouse.

If not even a single policeman left behind protection, then Yuno could have driven straight in and grabbed the injured Yuki directly from the ward.

So Lin Yuanfei not only couldn't refuse Zhiji's kindness, but also had to thank her.

Some kind of helpless emotion made Lin Yuanfei's mood complicated.

The ease of finishing Lin Yuan's group seemed to disappear suddenly.

Especially when the elevator reached the top floor, Lin Yuanfei's mood became more complicated when he saw the top floor that was still under martial law.

The police on the top floor have all been evacuated.

But it doesn't mean that there is no defense here, and the defense is even stricter.

A group of bodyguards in suits and leather shoes with stern faces guarded the place, even more than the policemen in the morning.

As for where these black-clothed bodyguards came from, there is no need to think about it.

Lin Yuanfei, the female bodyguard headed by him, knew that she was Orihime's personal bodyguard, but now she was sent to protect Yuki.

Seeing Lin Yuanfei appear, the female bodyguard immediately came up to him.

"Mr. Lin Yuan, we are ordered by Miss..."

"Okay, okay, I see, thank you lady for your kindness for me, I accept her favor this time."

Lin Yuanfei interrupted the female bodyguard and said, "Is Yuki's condition normal?"

Facing Lin Yuanfei's inquiry, the female bodyguard nodded and said, "Miss Yuki is fine, and the doctor will check every five hours. Now her wound has scabbed over, and she will recover soon gone."

Lin Yuanfei nodded and said, "Thank you for your care."

Then, he looked at the corridor in front of him and asked, "By the way, where is your lady? Where did she go?"

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