And Freddy's phantom also floated from behind him.

Just as long as no one can see Freddy.

After a few seconds, Freddy looked back and said.

"I didn't feel the breath of the wraith...Little warrior, do you have battlefield syndrome? Where are the wraiths? This villa is normal."

Freddy's question made Lin Yuanfei roll his eyes.

"Battlefield Syndrome, sir, I don't take drugs like Western soldiers. Where did Battlefield Syndrome come from?"

"Forget it, go back, I'll take a look myself."

After pressing Freddy's phantom back, Lin Yuanfei glanced suspiciously around.

But indeed, as Freddy said, nothing can be sensed.

But Saeko Busujima beside him was a little surprised to see Lin Yuanfei like this.

"Lin Yuan-kun?" Seeing that Lin Yuanfei not only didn't answer her question, but looked around suspiciously, Saeko Busujima was a little surprised, "Did you find anything?"

Lin Yuanfei touched his chin and said, "I always feel that this room is weird... It gives me a very strange atmosphere."

But he walked around the house, and still found nothing unusual.

He even opened the closet, but there was nothing in it either.

When Lin Yuanfei closed the closet door, the light disappeared from the large closet where people could stand.

Yuki raised her hands high, and an invisible film wrapped her You Yanye in it.

Yan Ye stared dumbfounded at Lin Yuanfei, who was close at hand, but found that Lin Yuanfei didn't see them at all, and closed the cabinet door directly.

She subconsciously looked at Yuki next to her, but saw Yuki raised a finger to her mouth and made a "shh" gesture.

So Yan Ye shut up obediently.

Because in the next second, not long after Lin Yuanfei closed the cabinet door, the sound of the door being closed sounded.

Lin Yuanfei's voice sounded a little surprised.

"Eh? Sister? Why are you closing the door?"

Then came Saeko Busujima's smiling voice.

"With the door closed, you can do some more private things... Does Mr. Lin Yuan like to do things with the door open?"

Just listening to this voice, Yan Ye could almost imagine the picture of Saeko Busujima smiling, licking her lips, and charming Lin Yuanfei with a smile.

She subconsciously looked at Yuki beside her, but in the dimly lit cabinet, Yuki's face was completely hidden in the darkness, only a few outlines could be seen, but no expression on Yuki's face.

"..." Yan Ye was silent for a few seconds, but still didn't dare to speak.

Outside, Lin Yuanfei's dry laughter of trying to struggle could already be heard.

"Ha...hahaha...Senior, you really know how to joke."

In Lin Yuanfei's voice, it sounded a little embarrassed, but also slightly panting.

Obviously, Saeko Busujima's charming smile is not without effect.

But he still seemed to be trying to digress.

"What are you doing closing the door? It's so hot, closing the door will only make it hotter."

Lin Yuanfei's voice moved away a little, as if he was about to open the door.

But soon the soft moan of Saeko Busujima sounded.

"Ouch... Lin Yuan-jun, you bumped into someone."

Lin Yuanfei's voice came next, embarrassed, "I'm sorry, I'm jumped over suddenly, I didn't pay attention."

In the darkness, Yan Ye pouted.

With the master's reaction speed, Bujima-senpai can't catch him at all, right?This can hit...

In Saeko Busujima's laughter, however, no trace of pain could be heard.

Even sounded happy.

"Lin Yuan-jun's reaction speed is so fast, but he bumped into his chest so recklessly... Was it accidental or intentional? Or Lin Yuan-jun, are you confused?"

"..." In the darkness, Yan Ye silently took a step aside, trying to stay away from the girl beside him.

She seems to have seen a tragedy that is about to happen...

Author's message:

PS: It's the beginning of the month, let's open a reward.

Guaranteed two updates every day, starting from 0 blades, adding one update every 200 blades, no upper limit, starting today

Chapter 597 Senior Sister Will Make You Comfortable

In the luxurious big bedroom, Lin Yuanfei's expression was embarrassing and slightly flustered.

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