Just when he was about to go to close the door, Saeko Busujima suddenly stopped him.

Caught off guard, Lin Yuanfei directly bumped into Saeko Busujima.

Of course, the first thing to bear the brunt was that the two huge, elastic cushioning and protective spheres collided with Lin Yuanfei.

Then, while Saeko Busujima screamed and fell backwards, Lin Yuanfei could even see the slowly trembling white breasts because of the excessive force of the impact.

After all, Saeko Busujima was wearing a low-cut suspender dress at this time.

Even if she moved a little bit more, it would cause a wave of turbulence, not to mention that she was knocked down by Lin Yuanfei.

Witnessing such a beautiful scene at close range, especially compared to Lin Yuanfei's reaction speed, the movement of Saeko Busujima's fall backwards looks like slow motion.

At that moment, he seemed to have entered bullet time.

The whole world became extremely slow before his eyes, and Saeko Busujima's slow falling movement seemed to last for a long time.

That stunning and moving picture also seemed to last for a long time.

Lin Yuanfei saw such an impactful scene at close range, and felt a little hot in his body.

Oh my... is it so real?

This kind of picture cannot be imitated by any game's physics engine, right?

Lin Yuanfei watched this scene in a daze, but he didn't dare to reach out to pick up Saeko Dudao.

So, Saeko Busushima exclaimed, and fell to the ground just like that.

Then, time returns to normal.

Saeko Busushima held her plump buttocks, and moaned pitifully in a low voice.

"Ouch... Lin Yuan-jun, you bumped into someone."

Lin Yuanfei smiled subconsciously and threw the pot away, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry...you jumped over suddenly, I didn't pay attention."

In the darkness, Yan Ye pouted.

With the master's reaction speed, Bujima-senpai can't catch him at all, right?This can hit...

But Saeko Busujima laughed when she saw his awkward appearance.

"Lin Yuan-jun's reaction speed is so fast, but he bumped into his chest so recklessly... Was it accidental or intentional? Or Lin Yuan-jun, are you confused?"

Said, Saeko Busujima adjusted her sitting posture on the carpet, and sat there with a female iconic duck.

But other girls are cute, but this Yujie, who is wearing a black low-cut dress, is as sexy and charming as a succubus.

From Lin Yuanfei's angle, the black low-cut skirt covered Sister Yu's body like a rag that could be easily torn apart.

Not only could it not cover up that sexy and mature body, it even made her look more charming.

The thin sling hung weakly on Yu Jie's shoulder, as if it could be torn off with a little force.

And in the very low neckline, a thrilling gully was squeezed out.

The white skin, like milk, coupled with the plump shape, makes people want to knead and feel the beautiful touch wantonly.

The two heavy fruits seemed to weigh heavily together, and it felt like the thin suspender skirt was about to be unable to support it.

It made people feel that the two shallow slings hanging on the shoulders might break at any time due to the heavy pressure.

Further down, there is Saeko Busujima's slender waist that forms a charming curve due to her sitting posture.

Saeko Busujima's waist is very thin, but it is well combined with the fullness of her upper body. It doesn't make people think that she is fat or that her body is uncoordinated.

Many girls with big breasts are most likely to have a waist that is too thick, which affects their beauty.

And many big-breasted female characters in animation often make the combination of thin waist and big breasts extremely terrifying because of the weird composition of the human body.

But the figure of Saeko Busushima in front of her is like the most exquisite creation in the world, her slender waist and plump and charming upper body are perfectly combined together.

There is no flaw at all, and people can't feel any disharmony.

The only thing that can be felt is probably the mature charm that makes people blush and heartbeat...

"Lin Yuan-jun~~~"

A low moan came from Saeko Busujima's mouth.

The coquettish moan with a little panting, like a charming whisper, made people's ears warm.

Her beautiful eyes seemed to be full of water, and seemed to be full of smiles.

These are talking eyes...

So beautiful, you just need to look at it to be sucked in.

Lin Yuanfei swallowed, and took a step back subconsciously, but at the same time, Saeko Busujima let out a soft moan.

"Lin Yuan-jun, what are you afraid of..."

Saeko Busujima's body was twisting slightly.

The slender thighs missing from the hem of the skirt between the rubbing of the legs, glowed bewitchingly under the warm light.

Saeko Busujima's skirt has a very high slit.

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