Because of her duck sitting posture, with her body twisting slightly unbearably, Lin Yuanfei could even see a hint of purple looming from time to time at the slit.

A purple... bow?

After realizing this, Lin Yuanfei's breathing almost stopped.

The beautiful lady in front of him, under the sexy black suspender skirt, is wearing strappy panties?The kind that just tugs and falls off?

He seems to have already thought of the extremely sexy fabric style.

Lin Yuanfei's breathing was a little heavy.

He tried to back away again, but Saeko Busujima's hand held him back.

Under the warm light in the bedroom, the beautiful and sexy Yu Jie was like a canary waiting for her master to favor her. She sat on the ground and twisted her body uncomfortably, looking at Lin Yuanfei with charming eyes.

Those eyes were filled with emotions that were almost uncontrollable, so exuberant that they almost overflowed.

"Lin Yuan-jun~~~ Do you... want to leave?"

There was a hint of pleading in Saeko Busujima's eyes.

The appearance of crying is enough to soften the heart of the most hard-hearted guy.

Lin Yuanfei is also an exception.

After all, he is not a stone man with a heart of stone.

Looking at the sexy and charming Yujie who was about to cry, Lin Yuanfei swallowed, and tried hard to suppress the restlessness in his heart.

However, a certain part of his body was almost uncontrollable.

Saeko Busushima stared blankly at the place where the banner was still stubbornly raised even under the pressure of the fabric, the smile on the corner of her mouth became sweeter.

"Lin Yuan-kun~~"

Her body slowly approached Lin Yuanfei.

With both hands, he gently hugged Lin Yuanfei's feet.

Saeko Busujima put her face directly on Lin Yuanfei's thigh, rubbed gently, and murmured softly.

"Don't be nervous, senior sister will make you very comfortable~~~"

Author's message:

PS: I recommend a book by Dian Niang, "Tathagata Must Be Defeated", I just saw this book yesterday, it is a masterpiece.

The style is small and fresh, the writing is like a classic Journey to the West, without muddling, the writing is clean and neat, the story is sunny and positive, and it feels like an adult fairy tale.

It's super awesome, I can't stop after I started watching it, it's like an addiction.

Highly recommended

Chapter 598 Too Big (200/1200)

In the luxurious big bedroom, Lin Yuanfei's expression was embarrassing and slightly flustered.

Just when he was about to go to close the door, Saeko Busujima suddenly stopped him.

Caught off guard, Lin Yuanfei directly bumped into Saeko Busujima.

Of course, the first thing to bear the brunt was that the two huge, elastic cushioning and protective spheres collided with Lin Yuanfei.

Then, while Saeko Busujima screamed and fell backwards, Lin Yuanfei could even see the slowly trembling white breasts because of the excessive force of the impact.

After all, Saeko Busujima was wearing a low-cut suspender dress at this time.

Even if she moved a little bit more, it would cause a wave of turbulence, not to mention that she was knocked down by Lin Yuanfei.

Witnessing such a beautiful scene at close range, especially compared to Lin Yuanfei's reaction speed, the movement of Saeko Busujima's fall backwards looks like slow motion.

At that moment, he seemed to have entered bullet time.

The whole world became extremely slow before his eyes, and Saeko Busujima's slow falling movement seemed to last for a long time.

That stunning and moving picture also seemed to last for a long time.

Lin Yuanfei saw such an impactful scene at close range, and felt a little hot in his body.

Oh my... is it so real?

This kind of picture cannot be imitated by any game's physics engine, right?

Lin Yuanfei watched this scene in a daze, but he didn't dare to reach out to pick up Saeko Dudao.

So, Saeko Busushima exclaimed, and fell to the ground just like that.

Then, time returns to normal.

Saeko Busushima held her plump buttocks, and moaned pitifully in a low voice.

"Ouch... Lin Yuan-jun, you bumped into someone."

Lin Yuanfei smiled subconsciously and threw the pot away, "I'm sorry, I'm jumped over suddenly, I didn't pay attention."

In the darkness, Yan Ye pouted.

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