"In my heart, Mr. Tohsaka is the noblest gentleman in Chiba City. The Tohsaka family is the top wealthy family in Chiba."

"It's too late for me to admire, how can I insult you? You think so?"

Lin Yuanfei spread his hands and said, "Therefore, there must be some misunderstanding."

Chapter 601

Lin Yuanfei had an innocent expression on his face, as if he was planning to shirk all responsibility.

Facing his attitude, Tohsaka Rin sneered.

"I remember clearly the arrogance and domineering of you and your fiancée the night before yesterday... Why is it that our Tohsaka family is not popular? You guys are so majestic! So majestic!"

"Why did you suddenly change your attitude today? Where's your fiancee? Isn't she by your side?"

"Uh... Zhiji..." Lin Yuanfei organized his words and said, "I'm ashamed to say, because Zhiji's attitude towards you in the underground was too bad, and I had a big fight with her afterwards."

"I told her, how could you insult Ms. Tohsaka like that? Don't you know Mr. Tohsaka Tokiomi is a very elegant gentleman? It's too much for you to insult people like this."

"Then she said, I'm telling the truth. The so-called Yuansaka family is nothing but a dilapidated rich man in the countryside. Even with chicken feathers, he's still a phoenix."

Lin Yuanfei looked at Tohsaka Rin's flushed face, and said quickly, "When I heard this sentence, I became angry... Hey! Do you think it's human?"

"The Tohsaka family has been in Chiba City for so many years. They have been dedicated to guarding the peace of one side. They are also a famous family of magic. Even in the Western Clock Tower and looking at the entire magic world, they are also the number one person. How can you rely on Tsuchimikado?" Is the eldest lady's status so lowly?"

"My bad temper, I quarreled with her at that time, and scolded her severely."

Lin Yuanfei said, "In the end, she said that since you like the Tohsaka family so much, then stay in Chiba City and live with them for the rest of your life! Our Tuyumen family doesn't need someone like you who eats inside and out!"

Hearing this sentence, Tohsaka Rin was stunned.

"Uh...but...and then?" Tohsaka Rin asked.

"What else can there be?" Lin Yuanfei spread his hands and said, "You see that there is no Miss Tsuchimikado in my room, so you know what happened."

"Mr. Tohsaka is the patron saint of Chiba City, and the Tohsaka family is the number one famous family in Chiba City. Our Hayashibara group has been in Chiba City for so many years, and Mr. Tohsaka has taken care of us."

"Just imagine, as the former young master of the Hayashihara group and now the third generation, how can I be ungrateful?"

"I scolded her at that time and told her that our Hayashihara group admired Mr. Tohsaka's high righteousness, and I, Hayashi Yuanfei, respected Mr. Tohsaka Tokiomi even more. If you continue to say such things in front of me, it will be a shame." Put me in a place of injustice!"

"You say I eat inside and out, but I also say you are ungrateful!"

Lin Yuanfei said with a righteous face, "I told her at the time that you would go on like this, not to mention Miss Yuansaka can't tolerate you, even I can't tolerate you! You must change! You are not allowed to insult Tohsaka-san!"

"In the end, my words made a big mess, my Miss Tohsaka."

Lin Yuanfei covered his head, with a tangled and irritable expression on his face, and said, "As the eldest lady of Tuyumen, that girl Zhiji has such high eyes! You have seen her, of course you know how self-important she is. high."

"In the beginning, she looked down on my gangster background in Lin Yuan's group. I dared to contradict her like this. She was so angry that she did it on the spot... Look, I still have injuries on my body."

As Lin Yuanfei said, he peeled off his coat, revealing the bandage underneath.

She said with a sad face, "After the fight, she went home angrily and left me alone in Chiba. I don't know if she will go back and sue and ask the masters of the Tsuchiyamen family to take revenge on me .”

"But there is something I must say here," Lin Yuanfei said, "Even if she calls a bunch of masters to take revenge on me after she returns home, and people from Tuyumen's family come to trouble me, it still won't change my opinion We came out to hang out, relying on loyalty! The Tosaka family has protected Chiba City for generations, others can ignore the Tosaka family, and our Hayashibara group will definitely not!"

Lin Yuanfei said righteously, "So no matter what the consequences are, I don't regret what I said at the beginning! I must speak up!"

After Lin Yuanfei finished speaking, Freddy in the consciousness space was already rolling with laughter.

"Hahahahahaha...hahahahaha...hahahahaha...Little warrior, you are really a talent hahahaha..."

In the dark space of consciousness, Freddy was rolling with laughter, "You have made up such a lie, I almost believed it, hahahahahahahaha."

But in the real world, Rin Tosaka, who had come to the door aggressively to find trouble, had already faded away after hearing Lin Yuanfei's words.

He even looked guilty and disturbed.

"This...is this..."

Tohsaka Rin's attitude at the beginning was dubious.

But seeing that there was really no Zhiji behind Lin Yuanfei, and there were indeed bandages on his body, and his attitude was indeed very sincere.

She immediately changed her previous attitude and seemed very disturbed.

"I'm so sorry..."

Rin Tohsaka smiled awkwardly, and said, "I blamed you wrongly, and I'm so sorry that I got you involved."

In the strange eyes of Saeko Busujima, Lin Yuanfei waved his hand very generously and said.

"Ms. Tohsaka said this, and you are out of touch. You are the daughter of the richest man in Chiba City, and I am the third generation of the No. [-] pole in Chiba City. To put it bluntly, your family took care of us, and we We grew up under the protection of the Tohsaka family, and doing these things is what we should do."

"If I don't dare to tell the truth because I'm afraid of the power of the Tsuchimikado family, if I'm afraid of the fiancée whose eyes are higher than the top, I don't speak up, and I go down the road with you, and insult the Tohsaka family who has been taking care of us, then I am an asshole, that is It should be killed!"

Lin Yuanfei said very earnestly, "I, Lin Yuanfei, am a rough man, and I can't speak great principles. But I know that one must be loyal. A person who is afraid of power and even disregards loyalty is worse than a beast! Go to hell! Kill a thousand swords!"

"So you don't have to apologize, because these are what I should do."

After Lin Yuanfei finished speaking, Tohsaka Rin waved his hand quickly.

"No, no, Team Leader Lin Yuan, you are too polite."

Rin Tohsaka said quickly, "I was reckless. I didn't know anything and rushed to the door to accuse me. I blamed a good person. These are my faults. Please accept my apology!"

Rin Tohsaka said, bowing down and apologizing to Lin Yuanfei very seriously.

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