The sincerity of that apology is really full.

Lin Yuanfei also quickly helped Rin Tosaka up, and said, "Miss Tosaka, get up quickly...Why is this! Why is this!"

Chapter 602 It's All Routine (200/1200)

Tohsaka Rin admitted his mistake and apologized so quickly, which was beyond Lin Yuanfei's expectation.

According to the character design, isn't Tohsaka Rin a deadly tsundere?

Creatures like Tsundere usually don't mean what they say, right?

Even if he knew in his heart that he was wrong, he would never beg for mercy.

Why are you suddenly so polite here?

Lin Yuanfei thought for a while, then sighed.

... Well, Tsundere really wants to divide people.

To the students in the school, Rin Tohsaka in the original book is an aloof and excellent young lady.

Even Shirou just regarded Tohsaka Rin as a young lady before the plot started.

After the two get acquainted, Tohsaka Rin will fully unleash his arrogant power.

So, if you can't please a girl or be liked by her, you don't even have the right to be arrogant?

Thinking about it this way, the dead fat house that no one loves is so miserable 23333333.

Lin Yuanfei suppressed a smile in his heart, but his face was serious.

After he helped Rin Tosaka, he calmed Rin Tosaka's emotions, and then the three sat down one after another.

When he went to Yuansaka's house last time, Lin Yuanfei was still amazed at the luxury of Yuansaka's house and the luxury of local tyrants and evil gentry.

In the end, I didn't expect that after only a few days, I became a member of the local tyrant and evil gentry, sitting in the eight-seat lobby to entertain the young lady of the Tohsaka family.

Tsk... the fate of life is really incomparably wonderful.

"Actually, I came here this time mainly to find out what exactly happened to Team Leader Lin Yuan when you entered the underground cave."

Rin Tohsaka asked.

After the emotions of both sides stabilized (mainly Rin Tosaka's emotions), Rin Tosaka finally got down to business.

But this time, her tone was calm, her words were cautious, and she asked the key questions directly.

As for other things, such as why Lin Yuanfei and the others knocked her out, why did Lin Yuanfei and the others secretly go to her house's spiritual veins, and why Lin Yuanfei hacked to death the Shikigami her father carefully prepared to guard the gate? Sakarin didn't even bother to mention it.

A bunch of accusations that were prepared to come to Xingshi to inquire about the crime before, but he didn't say a word in a daze.

So, the little girl is still too young.

Lin Yuanfei looked at Tohsaka Rin in front of him, feeling overjoyed.

But on the surface, he still looked serious.

"Is there something in the big hole?"

Lin Yuanfei thought for a while, and asked, "Why did Miss Yuansaka ask about this matter? Could it be that something abnormal happened to the Lingmai?"

Tohsaka Rin nodded.

"That's right. Although my father didn't let me go in, he didn't tell me what happened in the spiritual vein. But after hearing the news that someone had entered the big hole, he was obviously worried. I could see it."

Tohsaka Rin directly shook out the key information, "So I want to know what happened to you, Team Leader Hayashi Yuan, after you entered the underground cave."

"Well...well..." Lin Yuanfei looked at Rin Tosaka's probing eyes, thought for a while, and said, "Theoretically speaking, since your father is unwilling to tell Miss Tosaka about this matter, then he has his own responsibility. intention."

"And as outsiders, we are definitely not qualified to interfere in your family affairs, so regarding the big underground cavity..."

Lin Yuanfei spread his hands helplessly, and said, "It's not that I don't want to tell you, but your father doesn't want to tell you, but if I tell you, wouldn't that be a disobedience to Mr. Tosaka Tokiomi?"

"Although our Hayashibara group and the Tohsaka family have no affiliation relationship, as I said before, I respect your father very much, so..."

Lin Yuanfei spread his hands sincerely, expressing helplessness.

Tohsaka Rin looked at him like this and was silent for a few seconds.


"I know that something important must have happened in the spirit vein. Since I was a child, I have never hidden anything my father did. But this time, he refused to tell me anything, and even forbade me to enter the spirit vein."

"When I went there the night before yesterday, I found out that there are so many defensive magic tricks inside, and there are even ghost warriors guarding the door. Obviously, my lord father is preparing some kind of plan."

"I understand that if he didn't tell me, he must be worried. But as a daughter, I saw a big incident at home, but I was kept in the dark and couldn't do anything. I felt very sad."

Rin Tosaka stood up suddenly, looked at Lin Yuanfei very seriously, and said, "So I beg Team Leader Lin Yuan to tell me what you have seen and heard in the underground hole! At the very least, let me know what the father is doing what."

"Even if I don't do anything, if I can know something, I will feel much better in my heart!"

Tohsaka Rin spoke sincerely, and every sentence was full of the girl's respect and worry for her father.

Lin Yuanfei sat opposite, looking at the young girl with a smile.

Also stood up.

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