"This... let me think about it..."

Lin Yuanfei frowned, and seemed to be very distressed, pacing back and forth in the living room.

Rin Tohsaka clasped his hands in front of his chest, looking at him nervously, like a candidate waiting for the release of the college entrance examination.

Compared with the look of nervous anticipation when he first came in, he seemed to be a completely different person.

After Lin Yuanfei paced back and forth several times, he finally seemed to have made up his mind, and heaved a long sigh.


"All right……"

Lin Yuanfei sighed, and said, "Since Ms. Tohsaka cares so much about her father's safety, it would seem unreasonable for me to keep silent."

"Anyway, this matter is a family affair of the Tohsaka family, and Ms. Tohsaka will not endanger father... Forget it! I will tell you what I have learned about the big hole in the ground."

After Lin Yuanfei finished speaking, Rin Tosaka breathed a sigh of relief, and then was extremely happy.

"Thank you, Team Leader Lin Yuan!"

Tohsaka Rin's thank you was sincere and did not contain any falsehood.

Obviously, Tohsaka Rin has let go of all the bad feelings towards Lin Yuanfei.

Lin Yuanfei looked at her and said, "However, what happened tonight will get out of my mouth and into your ears. I hope that Miss Yuansaka will not act rashly, so as not to spoil the matter of your father. Otherwise, I will become a sinner .”

Tohsaka Rin nodded again and again, "No problem, Rin will listen to Team Leader Hayashibara."

"OK, then I'll tell you what we saw and heard about entering the large underground cavity," Lin Yuanfei said, and began to make up stories.

Of course, it's not like making up a story.

In fact, he just described to Rin Tosaka vividly the magic circles they saw after entering the large underground cavity, and the scene in the large underground cavity.

Of course, the plot of the heroic spirit's attack was omitted.

This is very important.

Author's message:

PS: The chapter that was updated before was harmonized, so if it doesn’t exist, start adding the update again from 200 blades

Chapter 603 Night Attack (400/1200)

Lin Yuanfei's narration is not long, but very detailed.

... But he can't talk for long if he wants to.

After all, the main part of the underground cavity is actually the heroic spirit's attack, but he directly omitted it.

He mainly relied on the magic water time to describe the underground spiritual veins, and finally found an excuse to slip away.

Said that his group wandered around and found that the magic circle was actually connected to another magic circle, and moved to another magic circle through space.

As a result, I met a super fierce ghost there.

The two sides fought for a while, and finally destroyed Li Gui's plan and stopped Li Gui's plot.

In an instant, a companion (Sadako Yamamura's childhood version) was sacrificed in the battle. During the battle, he turned against a companion (my wife Yuno) because of his unwavering views.

In the end, apart from Yuki, almost only Lin Yuanfei was left as a widow and a lonely family member.

Lin Yuanfei's misfortune made Tohsaka Rin stunned.

"It turns out... so the urban legend in Japan is true?"

Rin Tohsaka said in surprise, "The evil ghost who killed people by videotape really exists? And the lair is in Chiba City?"

Lin Yuanfei nodded with a sad face, and sighed, "Yes, we also searched for it all the way."

"I went to the underground spiritual vein of the Yuansaka house because I suspected that it was the center of the ritual that caused the abnormal weather. I didn't expect that there was someone else behind the scenes."

"It turns out that while the magic circle was unfolding at the Yuansaka house, that ghost has been secretly intercepting the magic power of Chiba City's leylines for himself. It's really scary."

Lin Yuanfei's evaluation was highly recognized by Tohsaka Rin.

"That's right, this wraith is too scary."

Rin Tosaka said, "I have been hiding in Chiba City for [-] years, and my father and I didn't even notice it. And if her plan succeeds, the residents of the entire Chiba City will be poisoned by it. Team leader Hayashibara is really a meritorious deed." Infinite."

Tohsaka Rin said with emotion, "In a sense, I, who also live in Chiba City, owe a favor to Team Leader Hayashihara. If you and your companions hadn't worked together to stop the conspiracy of the Wraith, I would have It is estimated that five years of life will be lost."

Lin Yuanfei quickly waved his hand, "Just joking, joking, these are what I should do, and it's not worthy of Ms. Yuansaka's praise."

Lin Yuanfei spoke politely.

Rin Tohsaka had already let go of his guard against Lin Yuanfei, and after hearing these stories about Lin Yuanfei, he respected him even more, and no longer regarded Lin Yuanfei as a simple underworld.

The three of them sat there and chatted happily, especially with Saeko Busujima, a warm-up expert, everyone chatted happily.

Finally, when Lin Yuanfei and Busujima Saeko got up to send Tosaka Rin out, Tosaka Rin repeatedly stated that he would repay Lin Yuanfei's kindness if he had the opportunity in the future.

Between the three of them, there was a happy atmosphere, which was completely different from the tense atmosphere at the beginning.

Finally, after standing at the door and watching Rin Tosaka leave, Lin Yuanfei and Saeko Busujima returned to the manor.

While walking into the gate, Lin Yuanfei glanced at the guy guarding the gate and said.

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