"In the future, the lady from the Tohsaka family will come to me again, and invite her in directly, so that people can entertain her well."

After walking a few more steps, Lin Yuanfei saw the maid Chang Qingzi standing by the side of the road waiting for him.

Lin Yuanfei said, "Rin Tohsaka will come to me again in the future, first send her to the living room to wait, and then ask her what's the matter. If she comes here again angrily, saying she wants to trouble me or something, Regardless of whether I'm here or not, you all have to say I'm not here and let her come back next time."

Lin Yuanfei said lightly, "Let her in next time to trouble me... Well, I hope there won't be a next time."

Lin Yuanfei said so, without looking at the expression on the head maid's face, he directly led Saeko Busujima towards the villa.

And the maid Chang Qingzi could only obediently lower her head and follow her.

"Okay, it's too late tonight, senior sister, go and rest."

The two stood in front of the villa, and Lin Yuanfei said, "What's the matter, let's discuss it in detail tomorrow. Qingzi, take Miss Dudao to her bedroom."

Lin Yuanfei said, after throwing Dudao Saeko to Qingzi to deal with, he trotted away.

Although it was indeed an excuse that it was too late, the main reason was that he didn't want to get entangled with Saeko Busujima for the time being.

The hardest thing to bear is the grace of a beauty. Seeing Saeko Busushima before, Lin Yuanfei not only had a stomach ache, but also a heart ache.

He, Lin Yuanfei, is not a stone man with a heart of stone. Seeing the girl break his heart so much for him makes him feel very uncomfortable.

But they couldn't agree to each other.

In this case, there is really no choice but to escape.

Hey...why can't you just cut through things like fighting monsters like feelings?

Lin Yuanfei rubbed his chin and thought about it, but in the end he could only let out a long sigh.

It would be great if falling in love can be as reckless as fighting monsters...

He returned to his room alone, opened the door and walked into the luxurious large bedroom.

But this time, Lin Yuanfei was no longer in the mood to care about how luxurious this bedroom was.

He looked at the messy things on the ground, but said nothing.

These things were all dropped on the ground when he was avoiding Saeko Busushima before, but looking at the time, it was already at this point, and he didn't bother to care about it.

Let the maid do the cleaning tomorrow.

Thinking of this, Lin Yuanfei let out a long sigh, took off his clothes, and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

Then, she came to the cabinet naked and opened the door, took out a pair of underwear and changed into it.

The clothes and pants in this cabinet are all prepared in advance, and they are all the size he wears. It seems that the guys in Lin Yuan's group have arranged them very carefully.

Thinking this way, Lin Yuanfei put on new underwear, then fell directly on the big soft bed and covered him with a quilt.

This big bed is very comfortable, Lin Yuanfei has never enjoyed this high-end big bed in his life.

But right now he just wanted to sleep well.

Soon, Lin Yuanfei closed his eyes.

In the dream, he seemed to hear some voices in a daze.

But this sleep was so deep that he didn't realize anything at all.



Lin Yuanfei's eyes slowly opened.

He looked at the dark bedroom and frowned.

In front of his bed stood a slender black figure, apparently a woman with a good figure.

And with very little clothing.

Just from the outline, it seems that he is only wearing close-fitting underwear?

The one who came here late at night to attack... who is it?

Lin Yuanfei frowned and looked at the other party, and asked.

"who are you?"

Author's message:

PS: It's too late, there are only four updates today, and the fifth update failed again.

Forget it, everyone will just watch.

Try again tomorrow to see if you can watch the fifth watch (dead fisheye)

Chapter 604 Me!sit still

In the darkness, Lin Yuanfei couldn't see the figure in front of him very clearly.

But that slender figure and sexy curves are definitely not what ordinary young girls can have.

Lin Yuanfei looked at the other party, frowned, and asked.


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