In the darkness, the figure walked a few steps forward and came to the bed.

With the help of the cold moonlight shining in from the window, Lin Yuanfei finally saw who the figure in front of him was.

"You are……?"

The person in front of him was somewhat familiar, and he was one of the ten maids.

But Lin Yuanfei didn't know her name.

Seeing Lin Yuanfei speak, the beauty in front of him licked his lips and said.

"She is the team leader's personal maid~~ The team leader can just call her Hemei."

Saying that, the maid in sexy underwear threw herself directly on Lin Yuanfei's bed.

Black lace bra and panties, as well as long suspenders, coupled with this enchanting and sexy figure, slim and plump figure, if it is a figure, it is only one line worse than Busujima Saeko, and much better than girls like Yuki Orihime .

That kind of mature Yujie's charm is quite attractive.

However, Lin Yuanfei looked at her indifferently, indifferent.

He looked coldly at the maid who had already thrown herself in front of him, as if he didn't notice her sexy attire.

From Lin Yuanfei's perspective, he could see the pair of heavy fruits hanging down like bells on the maid's chest.

Sweet taste, waiting to be picked.

But Lin Yuanfei just glanced coldly, then looked away.


"Hemei, right... I know you, but I don't know your name."

Lin Yuanfei sat up, looked at the sexy Yujie in front of him, and said calmly, "You broke into my bedroom at night, what's the matter?"

The corners of Hemei's mouth were slightly curved, like a beautiful snake, she crawled over gently, and got into Lin Yuanfei's arms.

On that pretty and bright smiling face, there are all kinds of amorous feelings.

"He is here to serve the group leader to rest~~"

Hemei said, "The team leader must have had a hard day, right? That's why Hemei specially came to serve the team leader and let the team leader sleep well~~ Hemei's technique is very skillful."

Saying that, Hemei's hand gently caressed Lin Yuanfei's thigh.

The silently sliding white fingers seemed to have some kind of magical power, and Lin Yuanfei really felt a novel touch wherever he went.

He lowered his head, looked at the maid lying in his arms, and smiled slightly.

"Your fingers are quite nimble."

As Lin Yuanfei said, he grabbed Hemei's hand and raised it up.

Under the moonlight, he calmly admired this hand and said, "How many men has this hand served?"

Under the moonlight, Hemei's hand froze slightly.

Then, a shy smile appeared on her face.

"I hate it~~~ Why does the team leader ask people such questions."

As she spoke, she withdrew her hand pretending to be reserved.

However, the appearance of refusal and welcome, no matter how you look at it, is seducing Lin Yuanfei.

Lin Yuanfei looked at her like this and smiled, his eyes were cold.

"It's a pity, I don't need you to serve tonight."

Lin Yuanfei said indifferently, "I like virgins. You were born a few years earlier. Now you are no longer qualified to serve me. Go back by yourself, lest I drive you away."

"Stop playing with these moths in the future, do your job obediently, and warn your sisters by the way, I'm not interested in you."

"The next time someone comes into my bedroom in the middle of the night, I won't be so polite."

"Besides, I like to kill people in my dreams. If you scare me and kill or injure me in my dreams, I will not be responsible."

As Lin Yuanfei said, he glanced at Dongyue, the bellflower fairy by the bedside.

From his point of view, the knife can be reached as soon as he reaches out.

The underworld boss who sleeps with a knife next to his pillow...

A trace of fear flashed in Hemei's eyes.

Her smile seemed stiff.

" leader..."

Lin Yuanfei had a cold expression on his face, "You haven't gotten up yet, do you want me to help you up?"

Hemei froze, sat up quickly, and backed away in a hurry.

But at this moment, there was a knock on the door.

On a quiet night, the knock on the door seemed a bit harsh.

Lin Yuanfei frowned and asked loudly.

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