
Yan Ye's voice sounded outside the door.

"Master, are you asleep? Yan Ye has something to tell you."

Hearing Yan Ye's voice, Lin Yuanfei was silent for a few seconds.

Then he asked, "What can't we talk about tomorrow?"

After thinking about it, he said, "Come in, the door is unlocked..."

Lin Yuanfei sat up straight, while Hemei at the head of his bed sat there timidly, wearing that sexy underwear, she looked like a little slave girl who was about to be punished.

Lin Yuanfei didn't bother to pay attention to Bichi who was obsessed with ghosts and wanted to rely on his body. He directly turned on the bedside lamp and looked in the direction of the door.

There, the door was quickly pushed open, and Yan Ye walked in.

"Master, I...uh..."

The moment the girl walked in, she saw the sexy Yujie sitting in the master's dress.

She froze for a second, then quickly covered her eyes.

"I'm sorry Master, I didn't know you were..."

Yan Ye said with some horror, and after finishing speaking, he quickly turned around and backed away.

Lin Yuanfei was stunned for a second, and thought to himself, why are you running, little girl?Both Lao Tzu and this woman are well dressed... er... At least they are all dressed, they haven't done anything, I'm not afraid, what are you afraid of?

Lin Yuanfei subconsciously wanted to call Yan Ye back, but Yan Ye had already run away.

He didn't even close the bedroom door, leaving only a word of apology, and the apprentice ran away.

Only Lin Yuanfei was left sitting on the big bed in a mess in the wind.

This is so...

It's obviously a script where I sit still, and I'm not afraid of the shadow slanting, how come you acted out a script that breaks adultery in a second?

The corner of Lin Yuanfei's mouth twitched, he was speechless.

He looked at the woman in front of him, but saw that this woman named Hemei had a panicked expression on her face.

Obviously, this woman also knew that she had caused trouble.

The moment Lin Yuanfei looked over, the woman immediately lay down and trembled.

"I'm sorry! Team leader, I'm sorry! It's all my fault, please don't kill me, please don't kill me!"

Lin Yuanfei wanted to vent his anger by cursing, but he felt disturbed when he saw the scene of this woman begging for mercy.

Waving his hands weakly, Lin Yuanfei said with a long sigh.

"Okay, stop howling, get out of here."

Lin Yuanfei said, "Remember to close the door when you go out...Huh?"

Lin Yuanfei moved his ears, and suddenly heard a footstep approaching here.

After the bedroom door was opened, the voices from the corridor could already come in.

Although it was weak, Lin Yuanfei's hearing could easily catch it.

He was silent for a few seconds, if this woman ran out in a disheveled lingerie and was seen by others...

Looking at Hemei blankly, Lin Yuanfei said, "Did you see the cabinet over there? Get in, I won't call you later, don't speak, or I'll kill your whole family!"

Chapter 605 The world line will change again?

To be honest, Lin Yuanfei felt that he was open and frank, and he didn't need to be afraid.

So he didn't shy away from it at all, and let Yan Ye in directly.

Even if there is a sexy Yujie sitting beside his bed, she is still a Yujie in sexy underwear.

But he is not disturbed in his arms, and he is not afraid of the slanting shadow, so he is not afraid at all.

But Yan Ye's behavior taught him a lesson.

What is jumping into the Yellow River can't be cleared...

If you think about it carefully, it is indeed true.

In the middle of the night, a lonely man and a widow are in the same room.

One is the third generation of the Hayashibara Group, with a high position and weight.

One is the sexy maid in the villa, who was originally here to serve Lin Yuanfei.

It is estimated that in the eyes of outsiders, the ten maids in this villa have long been known by Lin Yuanfei and developed various postures.

Even if Lin Yuanfei said that he never touched them, no one would believe him.

Although Yan Ye and the others are not outsiders, if someone sees a disheveled woman walking out of his room in the middle of the night... Hehe...

So Lin Yuanfei, who learned a lot from a pit, let Hemei roll into the cabinet first and hide.

It is good to have money, the house is big, and the cabinet is also big.

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