"This... senior sister... you..." Lin Yuanfei looked confused, "What are you doing?"

Saeko Busushima grinned, "Please Lin Yuan-kun, please help me. After I went back, I was lying on the bed alone, unable to fall asleep after tossing and turning. As soon as I closed my eyes, Lin Yuan-kun [beep beep] flashed in front of my eyes. I don’t know why. The flames coming from everywhere burned all over my body, making me hot and tossing, unable to sleep."

"So I can only come to Mr. Lin Yuan for help."

Saeko Busujima's smile made Lin Yuanfei feel embarrassed.

In the box that Saeko Busujima handed over, lay a stick-shaped object quietly.

This thing has a scientific name called a vibrator. It was originally used to massage sore muscles. Later, the Japanese invented another function to soothe the private parts of women.

It often appears in small movies, known as [A v stick].

"This...Senior, how do you want me to help you?" Lin Yuanfei asked with embarrassment.

Saeko Busujima licked her lips and said with a smile.

"Since Mr. Lin Yuan can't give it to me, can you use this prop to quench my thirst and soothe my restless body?"

"In this way, since we were innocent before, and Mr. Lin Yuan helped me again, wouldn't everyone be happy?"

There was a sweet smile on Saeko Busujima's face.

Lin Yuanfei looked embarrassed.

This... Could it be that the world line is about to change again?

Author's message:

PS: After the two changes, we went out for dinner.

I've been hungry all afternoon... emmm... I have a temporary social gathering today, and it's too late at midnight, so I can only delay it.


Chapter 606 Cut Five Cities Today

Lin Yuanfei felt that he was a noble person, a person who got rid of vulgar interests.

But seeing Saeko Busujima like this, he still feels a little excited... emmm... It must not be my fault, the fault is the world!

Lin Yuanfei looked at Saeko Busujima in front of him with embarrassment, and said.

"Senior sister, don't make trouble, you can take this thing back and play by yourself."

"It's late at night, if you don't sleep, don't drag me into the water, and make me unable to sleep."

Lin Yuanfei said with embarrassment, "I just finished brushing the dungeon yesterday, and now I finally have a rest for the night, give me a day's rest."

Lin Yuanfei said, "Since the time in Raccoon City, I haven't had a full night's sleep."

"Every time I close my eyes, I feel that there will be evil spirits jumping out to kill me at any time. Every time I hear any trouble, I will wake up instantly."

"It's not an exaggeration to say that the wind is jittery and the birds are frightened!"

Lin Yuanfei said embarrassingly and speechlessly, "Now that everything has been settled with great difficulty, it has come to an end for the time being. Let me rest for a few days, is that okay? I won't die for the time being. No matter how urgent you are, don't worry about this moment." !"

Lin Yuanfei said sincerely, his words were so sincere that it made the listeners cry.

Seeing him like this, Saeko Busushima sighed.


"That's right..." Saeko Busujima said softly, "Lin Yuan-kun has been working hard for days, and it's time for him to take a good rest. Tonight, it's my fault. I hope Lin Yuan-kun will forgive you."

Saying that, Saeko Busujima put away the box directly.

Then, standing up in front of Lin Yuanfei, he said.

"I'll go back right away and don't disturb Lin Yuanjun's rest."


Saeko Busushima paused, then said with a smile, "Before I leave, I asked Hayashi Yuan-kun for something."

"If Mr. Lin Yuan gave me this thing, then I will probably be able to sleep peacefully tonight."

Hearing these words from Saeko Busujima, Lin Yuanfei was stunned for a second, "What?"

Saeko Busujima took a step forward and came in front of Lin Yuanfei.

She squatted down with her hands on her knees, her face was parallel to Lin Yuanfei's.

But this posture caused her waist to lean back and her hips to tilt up.

That sexy and charming curve is simply breathtakingly beautiful.

But Saeko Busujima just looked at Lin Yuanfei closely and smiled slightly, "A goodnight kiss~~"

Lin Yuanfei was stunned for a second, "This..."

When Saeko Busujima didn't give Lin Yuanfei time to think at all, at the moment Lin Yuanfei was stunned, Saeko Busujima had already joined him.

Their lips kissed again.

Lin Yuanfei was able to dodge originally, but he hesitated for a moment, but in the end he couldn't dodge.

He widened his eyes, looked at Saeko Busujima who was close at hand, and looked at the beautiful eyes bent into crescent moons because of this, a trace of helplessness flashed in his heart.

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