This Busujima Saeko... has completely played with him.

Probably, it wasn't Saeko Busujima's purpose to come with that box, was it?

Her real purpose is to ask for this kiss.

Obviously, the route Saeko Busujima wants to take is the legendary blunt knife cutting flesh, pressing every step of the way.

Constantly testing Lin Yuanfei's bottom line, constantly oppressing Lin Yuanfei's bottom line, and finally completely breaking through the bottom line... What a good way.

The ancients said, cut five cities today and cut ten cities tomorrow, and use the land to fight the fire with the salary. If the salary is not extinguished, the fire will not be exhausted.

Du Dao Saeko has the demeanor of the old Qin people managing the world...

Lin Yuanfei sat there with a face of embarrassment, watching the back of Saeko Busujima who had achieved her goal and left contentedly, and let out a long sigh.

It seems that the anti-virus island Saeko will be the next one.

This woman's rank is too high, and if she doesn't pay attention, she will press forward step by step.

Today you come to ask for a goodnight kiss, tomorrow you will come to ask for a hug, and the day after tomorrow you will ask for a naked skin kiss, and the day after tomorrow you will be able to have a wedding ceremony!

no!Never let her succeed!

Lin Yuanfei sat there thinking about how to deal with it, and waited until Saeko Busujima walked away, then knocked on the table and said.

"You can get out now."

The next second, the cabinet door was pushed open, and the maid named Hemei came out timidly.

Lin Yuanfei didn't even bother to look at her, he just waved his hand and sent her away.

"You can get out, remember what I told you. Still, don't tell anyone what happened tonight."

Lin Yuanfei said indifferently, "If the news leaks out, I said I would kill your whole family, and I will definitely kill your whole family. I hope you will keep your mouth shut and don't force me to kill you!"

After a few words of majestic threats made the maid turn pale and trembling with fright, Lin Yuanfei sighed after watching the maid leave the bedroom as if she was fleeing.

He walked to the door and locked it.

This time, finally no one bothered him.

Lin Yuanfei lay back on the big bed again, heaved a long sigh of relief, and closed his eyes.

ready to sleep.

This time, Lin Yuanfei slept deeply and soundly.

In other words, since the day he traveled to this world, Lin Yuanfei has never had such a peaceful sleep again.

He didn't even dream, his mind was completely empty.

The whole person seems to be integrated with the night...



At the same time, when Lin Yuanfei was sleeping in his dream, in the city of Kyoto on the other side of Japan, the lights of the city were still bustling.

In Kyoto, Japan, even in the early hours of the morning, you can't feel the tranquility of the night.

In other words, at this time in the early morning, those who enjoy the nightlife have not yet had their best time.

However, in the bustling and bustling Kyoto, there is such a quiet and elegant Japanese-style manor, which is incompatible with the bustling Kyoto night.

In a Japanese-style mansion, Shimada Ryujuro wakes up from a dream.

He listened to the servant's report on the porch outside the door, and slowly got up.

"Is Yataro back?"

The eighty-nine-year-old Shimada Ryujuro did not look old at all, and his every move was more like a middle-aged man with a strong body.

If it weren't for the white hair, the wrinkles and age spots on his face, no one would have thought that this hale and hearty old man was almost ninety years old.

"Let him in," Shimada Yanagiro said calmly, "I know he has a lot to say to me."

After the old man's words were conveyed, soon, there was a sound of dull footsteps in the corridor.

About half a minute later, the door of the partition was pushed open, and a middle-aged man in a suit with rain on his body just walked into the room.


The head of the Shimada family, the current helm, and one of the most distinguished people in Japan knelt down in front of his father and said respectfully, "The child disturbed your sleep."

Chapter 607 Father and Son

In the quiet Japanese-style mansion, there is silence, only the sound of rain in the courtyard can be heard.

As the partition wooden door was pushed open, a cool breeze came in.

The servant standing by the door tried to close the door, but was stopped by the old man.

"No need to close it, just open the door," Shimada Yanagiro waved his hand, and said, "The room is stuffy, and I want to get some air."

As a result, the wooden door was not closed, and the servant respectfully knelt back to its original position.

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